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how good is Jamie Rowe?

66 mustang

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I used to have a girlfriend, who's parents were born again christians, well her dad was in the midst of forming a christian rock group, (I wish I could tell you who they are, but I really cant)they have become quit well known in the christian rock community, but when they started, they would play alot of Baptist events, well I wasnt into the christian thing, but they were playing with Guardian, My head did a 180, and I told her father, Oh! I love Guardian, he didnt believe that I really knew who they were, long story short, I met them all, they are fantastic guys, they even swear!(growing up around mormons, I wasnt aware you could swear)they are awesome live, and though my favorite of their albums, was their least favorite, that's usually how It goes for me, that's why when I want to see a good movie, I just read the newspapers movie critic, and whatever movie he says was worthless, a complete waste of time, or it has 1 star, I know that's the movie im going to watch!


Fire And Love is the album I was speaking of by the way!!

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