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Everything posted by Rockposer

  1. Was one of the clips for an Alanis Morisette video, if it`s the one I saw on the Frank Skinner show it was hilarious Yes indeed One of the others I remember was Ozzie sitting next to Forrest Gump on the bench at the bus stop.
  2. Hope it`s not too fucking expensive mate The fuckin' fan belt had fuckin' shredded......Not too fuckin' expensive though. I guess it could of been much fucking worse mate!
  3. I've got an album's worth of tracks from the guys. Well worth a listen
  4. Had a phone call today from someone at The Performing Rights regarding whether any music is played in our firm. Bloody killjoys, have they nothing better to do
  5. Always liked Blade Runner, haven`t seen it in years, probably need to buy this film. The Final Cut is an essential buy for any fan of Blade Runner. The documentry which comes on one of the discs is excellent.
  6. Ozzy did an excellent intro when I saw him at Brixton Acadamy. A large projection screen came down with a digitaly added Ozzy appearing in various film and music video clips. Very very funny.
  7. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Ghost Of Christmas Eve
  8. A big round of applause for Joe, although any of the last three would have been ok.
  9. Carly Zucker is all upset because she cannot return to the UK as her contract states she must stay in Oz until the end of the show. Oh how my heart bleeds (pathetic moaning talentless tart)
  10. I hope Joe makes it out ok, my son is off to see him in Panto in a few weeks
  11. I recon that David will win. Yes I know he's a weird annoying git, however the voting public may decide to put one over on the other 'celebs' & the bookies.
  12. I have no idea who she is but how the f*ck could you not like that: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=676608 Quite easily, horrible fake tits, a stomach like a deflated balloon & a mouth like a chav.
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