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Everything posted by Rockposer

  1. Ah, hit the nail on the head ' Tobruk'
  2. Three fucking weeks I've had this cough & cold, getting seriously fucked off
  3. Maybe we should have a protest march about the fact you have to work
  4. It wouldn't matter what they did to 'Let's Get Rocked' it'll still suck big time!!
  5. Babylon A.D. "S/T" Bonham "Disregard Of Timekeeping" Firehouse "S/T" Giant "Last Of The Runaways" Steelheart "S/T" Trixter "S/T"
  6. Likewise. Nothing against Winger but sounds pretty damn boring to me.
  7. Where are you again Dan? Up on the Kent Alps mate
  8. i was only about 2 at the time so i cant really remember it....but it was pretty tough for our family, i dont know if thats because dad was a musician at a time where there was no work or if there was an all round recession, but i do know that Blair did somethng that meant we could get back on our feet, something to do with house repossesions i think Since when were you 2 during the 70's? Blair became PM in the 90's!
  9. Well I've seen a few recessions come and go, I still remember the power cuts in the 70's during the 'three day week'
  10. The woods and escarpment close to my house.
  11. backed, im not a fan of the new PM personally....i think Blair did more for the country....his cabinet made it possible for us to live back in the early 90s when there was an economic dry spell... but all Brown appears to have done is reclassified a bunch of drugs to the point of stupidity...a potentially dangerous move when you look into it Personally, can't stand Blair either!
  12. Damn you Nick.... Adam Bomb again. Well, maybe someday I'll get to see him. Until then I have this autographed Adam Bomb CD that will just have to do. Within the next 4 weeks I have Alcatrazz (w/G. Bonnett) and Seven Witches, a couple of KIX shows, and I may even go see Adler's Appetite. Then in July there is Rocklahoma. PS ~ Hope you enjoyed the Adam Bomb show. Hey bud...yeah it was good, but there wasn't much of a crowd .... probably down to him playing there so often and also Tuesday night may not be the best night to drag punters out! But he put on a good show as always and the band are as tight as a gnats chuff! He sure can play guitar. He's on again in Manchester centre at the Rockbox in a few weeks but I'm working I think....I reckon he'll get a better crowd there! Strangely enough the landlord of the pub is a guy called John Brent....I used to know him years ago when he was a rock DJ in the area...I was wondering what had happened to him so I had a good chat with him. I didn't recognise him at first, well it's been about 20 years since I last saw him plus his hair is dark now and it used to be blonde so it threw me haha! It also surprised me the bands that are coming on there for such a small place...up coming gigs are Dan Reed, Demon and Marseille....might HAVE to go to the Marseille gig! I'd of liked to have gone to Dan Reed, saw him three times during his Dan Reed Network Days. Off to see Oli Brown next month, followed by The Hampsters.
  13. It's about time we had a change in the UK and get rid of that fat useless idiot of a PM
  14. my thoughts exactly....you could do alot worse according to history....Bush Sr and Jr, Nixon, Reagan, Taft and the worst of all IMO, Calvin Coolidge maybe its cause i grew up in england, but i dont understand why he seems so unpopular on here....i was vouching for him.... he's the everyday man like us...he's a pot smoking comic book nerd, no false images in that aspect Did you really just include Ronald Reagan in that list of worst presidents?? I guess he forgot you guys just love a cowboy.... Reagan was born in Illinois and moved out to California to become an actor who later got into politics. I guess I forget at what part in that time period he was out roping steers? I guess you need to look up the term irony
  15. Well my prayers have been answered -
  16. my thoughts exactly....you could do alot worse according to history....Bush Sr and Jr, Nixon, Reagan, Taft and the worst of all IMO, Calvin Coolidge maybe its cause i grew up in england, but i dont understand why he seems so unpopular on here....i was vouching for him.... he's the everyday man like us...he's a pot smoking comic book nerd, no false images in that aspect Did you really just include Ronald Reagan in that list of worst presidents?? I guess he forgot you guys just love a cowboy....
  17. Lemon, sugar and a dab of butter I'll be traditionally making a complete pig of myself.
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