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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Where's Victory at???? Come on Wesley! :)






    I'm assuming that Victory is somewhere in Germany, that is if they still live there.

    Seriously though I don't really consider Victory Metal and that's why their not there.



    No offense Wes...but you've lost your mind if you don't consider them "metal". At least melodic metal.




  2. I went with Sin Decade!! I remember when i first heard it i had to crank the shit out of Credit Card Lover!! and repeat it over and over!!! Im a big fan of Jump the Gun, Sin Decade, Scream, and spooked!!!! Even like the Screamin Live!! Great fo a live cd!! Later Rich :bananamac:



    Rich I agree "Screamin Live" was a killer Live album. I blame our friend Jarred for me even liking this band.




    Blame? So maybe you took a hit in the pocket book but come on....they have been together for 20+ years so there's going to be a lot to catch up on! :P


    All joking aside though, everyone should own this bands cd's. I was so blown away when I (we I guess Rich) first discovered them. I guess I need to relisten to Future World & Red Hot & Heavy. I remember them being super cheesy & I recall not liking the way the vox were used. I'll dig 'em out and give them another spin on the way to work today.



  3. Future World was my first dose (that I heard) of these guys and I was hooked. When I traded all my cassettes in for cd's Stripped was the first one I got. This is really hard to just pick one. They all have songs that I love so much. 'Nightmare in the Neighborhood' and 'Please Don't Leave Me' are my favorites from Sin-Decade. From Spooked I really loved ' A Love and a Fiction' and 'Die With Your Dreams'. 'Hell On High Heels' from Anything Worth Doing Is Worth Overdoing and 'Wouldn't Miss You' from Carpe Diem are proof that these guys kept making great music. Overall though, I think I'd have to go with Stripped. I just loved this album. With tracks like 'If It Ain't Gonna Change', 'In the Minds of the Young', 'Heartbeat From Heaven' and my FAVORITE 'Savage Heart'.




    I really like this album too. I remember when I first got it I played the shit out of it! Very laid back but very well written.





  4. Okay, there it is. One of the best discographies in the history of hard rock n'roll. IMO nothing in that list is even close to being a dud. 'Planet Panic' is arguably their worst hour, but you'd be harsh to call it a bad disc... just not as good as the others. :) One thing about this band I've realised doing my Ipod stuff here... of all bands I listen to if I did a 'Best of' each band, from every album in their discography I would probably get the best album from a best of Pretty Maids disc. Their best songs are simply stunning. And for that reason, I'm going with 'Spooked' because 'Live until it hurts', 'Spooked', 'Never too late' and 'Love and a fiction' are just as good as music gets. But 'Jump the gun' and 'Sin-Decade' are just brilliant, as is 'Scream'. The best songs off 'Anything worth doing' are on another planet too... and 'Wouldn't miss you'. Delicious! Plus, the new disc kicks a lot of ass too.


    Anyway, which is your fave?



    Tough one Geoff, but a damn good poll! My faves all came in a row when they were in their "prime" with Sin Decade, Stripped, Scream & Spooked. I'm like you though, they really don't have a bad disc. I'm not very fond of anything before Jump the Gun...to much cheese involved I guess.


    I went with Sin Decade even though it took some thought (that hurt by the way...thinking that is :) No filler, all killer! It was my intro to the band, therefore my fave! :banger:



  5. I'm stunned here...and still confused. I saw no mention of RR or Sam's name being used. Therefore, I see no reason for Sam to get defensive. This seems out of character for the type of person Sam is becoming. I will chalk it up to some outside stress in Sam's life maybe making him a bit more touchy than usual which is understandable. Or maybe I'm wrong...dunno. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.




  6. How horrible. The shame. Fighting a losing battle? Man , I've been telling you that for years.


    Nice to know you peeps are so involved in the auctions. Did well this week eh?


    You really should worry about things that concern your personal life and stop being so envious of other people's.


    Lon , that last post wasn't directed at you by the way bro , since you are so involved in the Hurricane thing , I completely understand your resentment of the Greeks.




    I'm sorry Sam, I'm confused...who are you speaking of when you say "guys"?




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