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Posts posted by Mullethead



    Did you get your ass kicked too? :doh:


    Willis McGahee is just f#@king killing me.

    If I play him he sucks monkey balls if I don't play him he gets a 100 yards and 2 tds. :2up:

    Everyone did way less than projections except for Cotchery. Romo, Westbrook... wtf? I got SMACKED... :(




    Who is that handsome guy in first place ? :whistle:

    No, I'm in third now... you're probably looking at last week. :bananamac:




  2. Obviously this doesn't affect me at all, but what interesting news anyway. I'd love to see them record something new as Keel, but one would have to wonder what it'd sound like with ol' Cowboy Boots Ron there on vocals.


    Such an odd band because like Wes and Pete I f*cking love these guys. But if you look at it, their lyrics were quite terrible and Ron Keel has arguably the worst voice in rock history... but it didn't matter because the songs just kicked ass and every album was a monster slab of hard rock. Great band.




    I really like the S/T album but none of their stuff has even come close to standing the test of time. As Geoff said, the lyrics for the most part are Velvetta



    Did you get your ass kicked too? :doh:


    Willis McGahee is just f#@king killing me.

    If I play him he sucks monkey balls if I don't play him he gets a 100 yards and 2 tds. :2up:

    Everyone did way less than projections except for Cotchery. Romo, Westbrook... wtf? I got SMACKED... :(




    Who is that handsome guy in first place ? :whistle:

  4. If you're looking for the majesty that was Danger Danger's debut album your search may come up empty. The only one that matches the absolute brilliance is Blue Tears in my opinion (as far as late '80's / early '90's stuff goes).


    Ted's voice is unmistakable and impossible to match... that said, if you're looking for similar albums rather than similar vocals, check out the following bands whose compositions have the same fun-loving / summery-feel to them:


    Brighton Rock - Young, Wild And Free

    Da Vinci - S/T

    Fate - A Matter Of Attitude

    Flyweil - S/T

    Fortune - S/T (One of the greatest AOR albums of all-time. This is the one with THRILL OF IT ALL)

    Giuffria - Silk + Steel

    Hardline - Double Eclipse

    Honeymoon Suite - The Big Prize

    Mr. Big - Lean Into It (This one never gets talked about any more?)

    Malloy, Mitch - S/T

    Network - Crashin' Hollywood

    Dan Reed Network - S/T

    Shooting Star - Silent Scream

    Shy - Excess All Areas

    Smilek - Sentimental Highway

    Michael Stanley Band - Cabin Fever (If you haven't heard this late 70's gem you're missing out)

    Survivor - Vital Signs (May seem too obvious, but you'd be surprised how many newcomers to AOR don't own this one)

    Joe Lynn Turner - Rescue You

    Tyketto - Don't Come Easy

    Uriah Heep - Equator (This ain't your daddy's Uriah Heep!)

    VU (The) - Phoenix Rising


    Again, none of these SOUND like Ted Poley, but all of them have the same DD "summertime" feel to them, and get my highest recommendation!



    Have you heard the S/T Savannah album? Sounds dead on like Poley.

  5. Dont mention Bone Machine!!





    Since Poley sings for Bone Machine they should be mentioned. That and the fact that it's a great band. The Dogs cd is right on par with Danger Danger.

    I don't really hear any Danger Danger when I listen to Bone Machine. I also seem to remember Poley saying somewhere in an interview back then, that he specifically made Bone Machine to not sound like D2. Probably had something to do with the bad blood at the time. Of course, I could be wrong on that quote. I can't remember where it was I heard or read it.




    By hearing the voice you must hear some D2? Either way, I like it as much as D2 and wish they had put out more or at least polished the Dogs cd for better production.

  6. I can't believe I forgot about these guys but what about Savannah? Both of their studio albums are very similar to the ST D2 album. And the vox are dead on! I absolutely love their first album!

    I'll have to keep an eye out for them!



    I'd be happy to send you a link. Absolutely awesome band!

  7. So Dogs = not a good album then?


    And I'll check out Melodica, though the band name kind of scares me, sounds like a prog rock band.



    I wasn't kidding :) Dogs is an awesome album with back production but they are demos. Disappearing Inc. is excellent with great production. I can't understand anyone not liking it if they like D2.


    And for the 4,051 time...I still like X a lot! :lol:

  8. At the time I bought Road of desire and Grand design, two great album, with a touch of whitesnake.

    The old singer sounded like a mix of Coverdale and Sting! I really love his voice.

    When the singer was changed they decided to go in a heavier direction.

    I read the rewiews of "Sign of madness" and I decided that It was no more my cup of tea.

    Is it a decent album? :stan:

    I know Alfonzetti is good replace , Il oved Jagged edge.



    Sign of Madness is my fave from them because of the direction of the music and the singer. But I believe you are more melodic music lover so you may not like this release.

  9. Who else misses these guys? 'Grand design' and 'Road of desire' are such fantastic albums.


    The debut was okay (love 'Back (someday)') and the last album was disappointing (even though 'Still alive' is great). But how freakin' good were they on those two middle discs???!!!



    Ehh, they're okay.

  10. I would listen to any Bulletboys cd and Unmasked before I'd ever listen to a JP cd. That's a fact...



    I bet you would rather drink Coors Light than a good black & tan or a IPA too wouldn't you? :nyanya:



    Hey.. Nothing wrong with the Silver Bullet Bro..... :whistle:


    Oh and I like Unmasked too....



    And Nickelback ROCKS!!! :headbanger:



    You shut up. You liked "Beverly Hills Cop III." Your opinion carries no weight here. :angry:



    I would most certainly drink Coors over that...and all of the BHC movies kick ass including 3.

  11. See I wouldn't consider them Modern Rock but that might just be me.

    And to be honest I didn't know you didn't like Priest.

    I know how much you like Bach's Angel Down so I'd be suprised to see you not like Halford's solo stuff since it has the same producer and two of the same band members and a very similar sound IMO. :tumbsup:





    One major difference...it's Bach singing.

  12. Yeah, good luck picking an album of the year. This one has to be right in the mix...I can't see anybody not loving this one!


    I doubt I would love it.

    Same here...in fact I won't love it... :hammer:


    I have a copy of it and am gonna give it a listen but I don't expect to love it.




    Yes but you like Rob Halford so... :lol:


    Yes but I like Rob Halford because he's one of the greatest singers on this planet not because he's gay. <_<

    If you don't like Judas Priest or Halford's solo band but you do like Nickelback then you have serious problems.

    I like Nickelback too but think Judas Priest just plain out suck........oh shit....no I just didn't.... :gone:

    Yes you did and that's okay. At least you don't like them because you don't like THEM and not because the singer is Gay.



    You are incorrect sir...I actually hate JP because I think their music sux major ass...the gay thing is just something to bring up because it gets under your skin and our friend Keith. And yes, put me on the record for saying that I would listen to any Bulletboys cd and Unmasked before I'd ever listen to a JP cd. That's a fact...

  13. Yeah, good luck picking an album of the year. This one has to be right in the mix...I can't see anybody not loving this one!


    I doubt I would love it.

    Same here...in fact I won't love it... :hammer:


    I have a copy of it and am gonna give it a listen but I don't expect to love it.




    Yes but you like Rob Halford so... :lol:


    Yes but I like Rob Halford because he's one of the greatest singers on this planet not because he's gay. <_<

    If you don't like Judas Priest or Halford's solo band but you do like Nickelback then you have serious problems.



    Greatest singers on the planet? OMG... let me get back on track before we lose this whole thread because I'm dying to dive into that one. :lol:


    I can't for a second believe you didn't like All The Right Reasons. Is that what you are saying?

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