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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Easy one: Metallica. "Chinese Democracy" may have a 2008 date stamp on it, but it already sounds 10 years old. "Death Magnetic" is a damn fine album IMO....



    Really? I don't think that at all. How old would you say the Metallica sounds?


    Well Metallica's stuff is pretty timeless, apart from the first 3 albums you could never really tell which year they came from. But GnR is a very 90's album, with some Industrial-sounding parts (like on the horrible "Shacklers Revenge") & a lower tuned guitar. I don't hate it, in fact the vocals are surprisingly great, but it has so many slower/wierd sections & intros & production effects that the album as a whole just never gets up any momentum IMO....



    Wow, I love the Shacklers Revenge song. Keep listening to it bud...it gets better with every spin ;)

  2. I just noticed that the guy who is trying to influence the HH league played against me this past weekend. Just so everyone knows... I had nothing to do with what has happened. I'm not sure why someone would want to ruin the league for everyone else.


    I do know that when I put in my final line up last week that my opponent at lease had all positions filled. I do not remember what players were in the line up... but I do remember them all being filled. I don't even remember what day I filled in my final line up... maybe Thursday.



    I hope that these actions don't knock someone out of the playoffs. I know that my win last week was a gift... I'm not real sure if we can do anything about it at this point or not. Best of luck to all in the remaining weeks.



    I think I speak for everyone when I say no one thought you were involved at all. No worries buddy...

  3. I should be tied for first place right now. :doh:



    I should be in first place right now but somebody took care of that for me. If I lose this week and get left out he will have accomplished his goal. Thanks jagoff...


    Well if the purpose of all this nonsense was to hurt your chances, it's done but it's also hurt some others chances as well.

    I'm trying to stay out of all this but yeah, it really has been a pretty sucky H.H. FF season with what's been going on.




    I really didn't have a reason to get mad until this past week.




    And that sucks because it's suppose to be fun. We'll see what happens next year...you never know. Things get better with time...

  4. anyone got this yet?




    I'll be honest...I have been a huge critic of Poley since the Bone Machine albums but this cd is absolutely awesome! I expected nothing and got everything. I think everyone is going to really enjoy this cd.



    Is it just a continuation of the two recent Poley solo albums?




    NO...if that was the case I would have said it sounded like poo...this is more like Bone Machine meets Adriangale to me.

  5. anyone got this yet?




    I'll be honest...I have been a huge critic of Poley since the Bone Machine albums but this cd is absolutely awesome! I expected nothing and got everything. I think everyone is going to really enjoy this cd.

  6. Wow, looking back I gotta say that this thread was one of the most entertaining train wrecks since the heyday of the PLEASE REPLY NOW guy. :blink:



    Excellent stuff.


    Iron Maiden>>>>>>>>Bon Jovi>>>>>>>>>>>>Bronz>>>>>>>>>SR86's Argument Techniques. :lol:



    Still like this band better than Maiden...just sayin...

  7. F#@king Brad Childress.

    It's like he knows that I have Chester Taylor on my fantasy team.

    Chester carries it down to the one f#@king yard line and he puts AP in to get the TD.




    Yeah, I hate it when that happens...you are going to win though aren't you?

  8. All I know is that I see two names with stars by "recent" smack talk, and yours is one of them. I checked both smack talks and neither seem directed at anyone in particular.



    Because I'm suppose to not say anything when I get attacked by that asswipe? Not my style and it never will be...when you asked for it all to stop, I did. then denny ran his mouth again out of the blue for no reason & that's the truth. But that's your bud though right so it's different.



    I'm going to quote Anthrax...Who Cares Wins...



    By the way, you didn't see his smacktalk that I was refering to because he changed it in light of everything. He made reference to Geoff being my boyfriend...clearly he likes men since he likes to talk about it a lot. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw it...it was there for a week...

  9. All I know is that I see two names with stars by "recent" smack talk, and yours is one of them. I checked both smack talks and neither seem directed at anyone in particular.



    Because I'm suppose to not say anything when I get attacked by that asswipe? Not my style and it never will be...when you asked for it all to stop, I did. then denny ran his mouth again out of the blue for no reason & that's the truth. But that's your bud though right so it's different.



    I'm going to quote Anthrax...Who Cares Wins...

  10. I didn't say I have no interest in fixing it.


    I still don't give a shit to fix anything




    Isn't this contradicting yourself? You don't really need to monitor everyone...you should however freeze the two culprits and set their line up for them. Since their records suck, you only need to do it for next week.



    Your call though commish...

  11. With only one WR starting and no RB's this has to be a mistake and something should be done about this.

    It might not make a difference but surely some of these players can be inserted.

    Here's is Steel Curtain's team for this week:


    Donovan McNabb

    (Phi - QB) Ari W, 48-20 30

    WR Reggie Wayne

    (Ind - WR) @Cle W, 10-6 0

    WR --empty-- 0

    WR --empty-- 0

    RB --empty-- 0

    RB --empty-- 0

    TE Jason Witten

    (Dal - TE) P Sea W, 34-9 11

    BN Hines Ward

    (Pit - WR) @NE W, 33-10 0

    BN Kevin Walter

    (Hou - WR) Jac Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Steve Slaton

    (Hou - RB) P Jac Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Adrian Peterson

    (Min - RB) Chi Q1 5:44, 0-7 0

    BN David Garrard

    (Jac - QB) P @Hou Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Antwaan Randle El

    (Was - WR) NYG L, 23-7 0

    BN Reggie Bush

    (NO - RB) Q @TB L, 23-20 0

    BN Zach Miller

    (Oak - TE) Q KC L, 20-13 0

    BN Joshua Cribbs

    (Cle - WR) Ind L, 10-6 0



    Adrian Peterson, Steve Slaton and Hines Ward on the bench has to be some type of mistake. :unsure:



    No, no mistake...these people were starting this morning before the games. It was done intentional which is my issues. Check Denny's team also....80% of the team benched in the middle of the week. It's all bullshit...


    These people were starting this morning?

    Surely this is some kind of problem with yahoo, I mean why would someone cheat to help others win?

    That's just bullshit IMO.

    I don't care how far I'm out of it I still want to win. I might kid around about giving up but I'd still want to win.


    Hopefully these players will be inserted into the lineup and all will be corrected.

    I'm sure Jay can do that to fix this problem.




    I understand you are trying to stay in the middle and not be a dick but that's why I'm here :)


    Jay has no interest in fixing it as he basically said above. It cannot be fixed unfortunately for this week but he could pretend to be the commishioner next week and monitor it.

  12. With only one WR starting and no RB's this has to be a mistake and something should be done about this.

    It might not make a difference but surely some of these players can be inserted.

    Here's is Steel Curtain's team for this week:


    Donovan McNabb

    (Phi - QB) Ari W, 48-20 30

    WR Reggie Wayne

    (Ind - WR) @Cle W, 10-6 0

    WR --empty-- 0

    WR --empty-- 0

    RB --empty-- 0

    RB --empty-- 0

    TE Jason Witten

    (Dal - TE) P Sea W, 34-9 11

    BN Hines Ward

    (Pit - WR) @NE W, 33-10 0

    BN Kevin Walter

    (Hou - WR) Jac Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Steve Slaton

    (Hou - RB) P Jac Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Adrian Peterson

    (Min - RB) Chi Q1 5:44, 0-7 0

    BN David Garrard

    (Jac - QB) P @Hou Mon

    6:30 pm 0

    BN Antwaan Randle El

    (Was - WR) NYG L, 23-7 0

    BN Reggie Bush

    (NO - RB) Q @TB L, 23-20 0

    BN Zach Miller

    (Oak - TE) Q KC L, 20-13 0

    BN Joshua Cribbs

    (Cle - WR) Ind L, 10-6 0



    Adrian Peterson, Steve Slaton and Hines Ward on the bench has to be some type of mistake. :unsure:



    No, no mistake...these people were starting this morning before the games. It was done intentional which is my issues. Check Denny's team also....80% of the team benched in the middle of the week. It's all bullshit...

  13. Being a commish of the league means you have responsibily, not just setting it up and letting it go. It's not fun like this nor is it fair. Feel free to commish next year...I won't be there anyway.


    I've got too many teams, in too many sports, to be THAT commissioner. In MOST leagues, it's not necessary to even worry about this type of shit. Hence the reason I won't be commissioner next year. I never even check anyone, other than maybe my opponent, so I'd have no clue who's doing what.


    Again, my apologies. I'm doing right by myself/my team. I'm sorry that I'm not able (or caring) to police every single ADULT that decides to play, whether they decide to behave like an adult or not.


    If you guys vote it so, I'll gladly hand over the reigns to someone who has the desire/need to do this the "right" way.




    I understand that but THAT is what a commishioner does. Did you also not notice the verbal crap starting up again from Denny after you had asked for it to stop? I respected your request but he has not...is that because you guys are buds? It's not right either....

  14. I can give you a perfect example of why I have no intentions of doing this again next year. You have people fighting for playoffs this week and people (who shall remain nameless) either not starting a line up at all or even worse...taking most of your line up out today just so others can win. Boy that's fun...


    Even worse, the commish has to take responsability for it to a certain degree. If you let it happen it's not fair to everyone else who has particapted all year & played fair. but that's been the story of the year....


    And this is why I won't be commissioner next year. I just set the damn league up. That's it. The only thing I said all year long was "Hey, let's just play ball."


    But, lo and behold, even though I don't do any trash talking, even though I set a lineup every week, even though I try my best, I still get slammed.


    So, I'll let someone else set it up. I saw it and tried to be on the ball. I'm not some iron-fisted ruler. I don't get off on some power trip. I certainly don't want to have to deal with this petulance. I just like fantasy sports. (At least when I'm winning. lol)


    So, to everyone playing fantasy football, I'm sorry I've ruined your experience this year.


    Good luck to whoever sets this up next year. (I promise, though, I won't be the one making any waves.)




    Being a commish of the league means you have responsibily, not just setting it up and letting it go. It's not fun like this nor is it fair. Feel free to commish next year...I won't be there anyway.

  15. I can give you a perfect example of why I have no intentions of doing this again next year. You have people fighting for playoffs this week and people (who shall remain nameless) either not starting a line up at all or even worse...taking most of your line up out today just so others can win. Boy that's fun...


    Even worse, the commish has to take responsability for it to a certain degree. If you let it happen it's not fair to everyone else who has particapted all year & played fair. but that's been the story of the year....


    Hey Jarred I'm not trying to start any shit and I haven't paid attention to who is starting who so can you tell me who you are talking about? If you wanna talk in PM that is fine with me. :drink:




    You got it...

  16. I can give you a perfect example of why I have no intentions of doing this again next year. You have people fighting for playoffs this week and people (who shall remain nameless) either not starting a line up at all or even worse...taking most of your line up out today just so others can win. Boy that's fun...


    Even worse, the commish has to take responsibility for it to a certain degree. If you let it happen it's not fair to everyone else who has particapted all year & played fair. but that's been the story of the year....

  17. I'm not sure how everyone else feels about the subject, but next year I would love to see the third receiver slot changed to a receiver/running back flex position.




    Absolutely! This is the only league where I've not seen it used. Ahh well, this will be my last year for HH league anyway so whatever is decided, more power to ya ;)

  18. If Fuel had only ever released on EP that looked like this:


    'Leave the memory'

    'Most of all'


    'Bad Day'


    Mary Pretend'




    You forgot a whole bunch including Jesus or A Gun...


    and Lifehouse had only released one single EP that looked like this:


    'Hanging by a moment'

    'Only One'



    'Out of breath'

    'Take me away'

    'First Time'

    'Who We Are'


    Still more but these are all good


    If that was all they'd released you'd not find a bigger fan of both bands. But the fact that they're the only songs I like off about 4 albums from each band is far from impressive, imo. Not when about 20 modern rock bands have released albums with more than 8 great songs on it this year alone. :)


    I'll take it any day over the new one...and I'll take Pop Evil over both ;)

    You're just doing that to see me in pain, aren't you mate? :lol:


    David Cook, Lifehouse, Fuel < Pop Evil




    Gald you saw it my way ;)

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