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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Being a Chiefs fan I have always hated the guy. No matter how good you have been, the NFL is a "What have you done for me lately" kind of league. He'll catch on somewhere...


    Yeah maybe with the Chiefs. :tumbsup:




    Damn you!

  2. I am going to do mine today...I know everyone can't wait :)

    Make it quick, I'm holding my breath over here... ;)




    I have to put some thought into it...and as you know it hurts when I think so it may be a while :)


    Let me guess Guns N Roses CD will be #1?

    Also Dirty Looks CFR and Extreme will be up there as well plus some other modern rock bands?




    A gentlemen never tells until it's time :)

  3. Happy Birthday Jacob! Hope it's a great one of ya!!


    Happy Belated Birthday Mullet, sorry you had to have a scan of your nuts!! Hopefully the tech was hot!! LOL Seriously though....hope that comes out alright for ya!!!



    Thanks man, but if she'd been hot that could have been bad! LOL! It was lets say, awkward :)

  4. What I want to happen isn't likely to, and that's the Eagles get in. I'm sick and tired of the arrogant Cocksucker Cowboys and I want Terrell Owens to bite the big one.


    I'd like to see the Ravens get in. I think Flacco's done a great job of spiting the prognosticators.



    Uhh.... ok. So the stars have aligned apparently.


    The Oakland Raiders came east and beat Tampa Bay (whodathunk?) and my Eagles have opened up a can on the Cowgirls (41-3 right now).


    Eagles getting into the playoffs by beating the shit out of the hated Cowboys.


    Talk about warm fuzzies.


    *sniff* I'm gettin' teary...





    And I think they have a great shot against a suspect Vikings team. Should be a good game!

  5. 5th place... :woot:<_<


    Let me be the first to congratulate the DIRTY BOYS! Killer season for you bro! :drink:


    Thank you much.... Did OK considering that after 6 games I was 3 and 3.


    Looking forward to defending next season. Although the last time I attempted to defend the title I finished 5th. That's where you ended up this year.. next season may be yours. :beerbang:



    Yes, congrats on an awesome team, really awesome team. Defending is not easy brutha...trust me :)

  6. It's tough to pick a favorite track for me, because there isn't a bad one on the entire disc in my opinion...

    But "Don't Break My Heart Again" gets my vote...one of the BEST ballads that I've ever heard.


    I've got all the other D2 releases, but this pricey one. I figured I had most of the tracks and I for one prefer Paul to Ted, so why shell out the big bucks? Now I'm curious as hell to hear "Don't Break My Heart Again", never heard it, anyone know where I can go to get a listen to this one?




    You have to shell out the dough & get the official 2 CD set. This is one of the best hard rock albums of all time hands down.




    I'm going to get that to you tonight bud. Thanks for your patience ;)

  7. That's where we're different my friend. If I believe something is wrong I'm not going to fall in line. It's too easy to kiss your teams a$$. People like you could care less what they do. They could replace Cutler with Ryan Leaf and the rest of the team with the current Lions roster and people like you would be saying, "That was a brilliant move by the Broncos. I feel a Super Bowl coming on." Teams know that and that's the reason they don't care. No matter what they do you will still be kissing their ass. That's how we end up with franchises like Detroit and Oakland.


    Sorry bro but I don't just fall in line as you say but I am a Realist and knew when the Broncos traded up to get Cutler then Jake's days in Denver were numbered. I don't live under a rock and I don't have my head up my ass. Cutler has a better arm and has more upside considering his talents and his age. I hated to see Jake go and wish they'd given him the rest of the season in 2006 to figure it out but they didn't. The Majority of the losses the Broncos have had this year are not Cutler's fault it's the fault of injuries to their first 6 running backs and a piss poor Defense. Cutler made the pro bowl this year so I wouldn't say that the decision to go with him has been a bad one. Again I do care what they do if I didn't I wouldn't be the diehard fan that I've been for 22 years. Also what's this "people like me" bullshit? You fucking don't even know me so how do you fucking know people like me?




    I don't think it's even a football thing...I think he secretly likes the nickname Snake...

  8. Put the crack pipes down fellas. Saliva's latest release has them back in fine form. There's nary a bad track on this disc imo. I'm loving such tracks as "How Could You", "Southern Girls", "Hunt You Down", and "Judgment Day". Great million dollar production courtesy of Bob Marlette. Granted this might not reach the top tier such as the new Hinder, Shinedown, and Nickelback, but this is still some catchy hard rock with very melodic choruses. Definitely better than their last release which was still solid too.




    No crack, just my ears and that's all I need :) I am so over this kind of music....

  9. It's tough to pick a favorite track for me, because there isn't a bad one on the entire disc in my opinion...

    But "Don't Break My Heart Again" gets my vote...one of the BEST ballads that I've ever heard.


    I've got all the other D2 releases, but this pricey one. I figured I had most of the tracks and I for one prefer Paul to Ted, so why shell out the big bucks? Now I'm curious as hell to hear "Don't Break My Heart Again", never heard it, anyone know where I can go to get a listen to this one?




    You have to shell out the dough & get the official 2 CD set. This is one of the best hard rock albums of all time hands down.

  10. I would like Kansas City to win their last game to build going into 2009. It won't effect their draft paosition which should be #3 meaning Crabtree should be there. My guess is that several teams will want to trade down for him (We have Bowe) and we can pick up several more picks & still get who we want. I have watched every Chief game this year closely. You may think I'm smoking something but they are literally two line backers & a defensive end away from the playoffs next year.


    Mark my words...;)

  11. The Broncos I loved are no more. I refuse to support a team that disrespects its players the way the Broncos have. I want the Broncos to take their medicine.




    Jesus Christ here we go again...I miss the Snake thread starting :)

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