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Posts posted by Mullethead

  1. Lets just agree to disagree...



    Well it's just my 2 cents but if we're letting Nickelback and other "Modern" bands then why not let the Grunge bands in like Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, STP and Pearl Jam. After all they were just "Modern" rock of that time period and they had melodic songs with good guitar solos. And just like todays "Modern" rock not everyone likes them.

    Because those bands were as melodic as my foot.





  2. Well exclusively on Heavy Harmonies albums my top 20 :


    1- Newman - Decade :guitbannana:


    2- Brother Firetribe - Heart Full of Fire

    3- Khymera - The Greatest Wonder

    4- Work of Art - Artwork

    5- Pride - Pride

    6- Marcello/Vestry - Marcello/Vestry

    7- Elevener - When Kaleidoscopes Collide

    8- Poley/Rivera - Only Human

    9- Driver - Sons Of Thunder

    10- Myland - No Man's Land


    11- Talon - Fallen Angels

    12- Frozen Rain - Frozen Rain

    13- Moritz - City Streets

    14- Highway Chile - Keeper Of The Earth

    15- AC/DC - Black Ice

    16- Roulette - Better Late Than Never

    17- Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad Michael

    18- Arrival - Point Of Origin

    19- Bormann - Capture the Moment

    20- H.E.A.T. - H.E.A.T.




    We have very different taste in music my friend...and that's okay ;)


    The Whitesnake, Talon, Michael Bormann and Brother Firetribe are all excellent from his list. :tumbsup:




    Depends on who you ask...Whitesnake was good as was Bormann but the other two blew imo. But hey, if someone else likes them more power to them ;)


    Well I feel the same way about most of the Modern shit you listen to so oh well. :whistle:



    That's because you're brain is rotted with weed and Judas Priest... :whistle:


    You are not trying to compare Modern Rock with one of the greatest Metal bands of all time, are you(that would be Judas Priest just in case you're a little slow :lol: )? :blink:


    Who are you? :unsure:



    I would listen to Nickelback, Pop Evil & Cinder Road anyday over the butthole lovin' Judas Priest ;)

  3. Well exclusively on Heavy Harmonies albums my top 20 :


    1- Newman - Decade :guitbannana:


    2- Brother Firetribe - Heart Full of Fire

    3- Khymera - The Greatest Wonder

    4- Work of Art - Artwork

    5- Pride - Pride

    6- Marcello/Vestry - Marcello/Vestry

    7- Elevener - When Kaleidoscopes Collide

    8- Poley/Rivera - Only Human

    9- Driver - Sons Of Thunder

    10- Myland - No Man's Land


    11- Talon - Fallen Angels

    12- Frozen Rain - Frozen Rain

    13- Moritz - City Streets

    14- Highway Chile - Keeper Of The Earth

    15- AC/DC - Black Ice

    16- Roulette - Better Late Than Never

    17- Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad Michael

    18- Arrival - Point Of Origin

    19- Bormann - Capture the Moment

    20- H.E.A.T. - H.E.A.T.




    We have very different taste in music my friend...and that's okay ;)


    The Whitesnake, Talon, Michael Bormann and Brother Firetribe are all excellent from his list. :tumbsup:




    Depends on who you ask...Whitesnake was good as was Bormann but the other two blew imo. But hey, if someone else likes them more power to them ;)


    Well I feel the same way about most of the Modern shit you listen to so oh well. :whistle:



    That's because you're brain is rotted with weed and Judas Priest... :whistle:

  4. Well, this thread went to hell in a handbasket really quick...




    Yep, should have been called "King Diamond sux...no he doesn't" :lol:



    King's vox are the dictionary definition of "an acquired taste," that's for sure. I can understand why you don't dig'em though, Jarred. He's no Marq Torien, after all. :wub:



    That's true...I can tolerate Torien's vox... :whistle:

  5. I couldn't agree more.

    Bryan Adams is left off this site as well as Grand Funk Railroad and BTO.

    Yet crap like Nickelback is allowed on. Nickelback is for all those pussies who think they like rock and want to be rockers yet don't want to be sad enough to like old 80s bands.

    I equally like this site and forum as the likes of Nickelback weren't allowed here.

    We live in dangerous uncertain times now and I think allowing Nickelback on here has opened the doors to some very dodgy stuff being allowed on here.



    I think you're kinda full of shit. Grand Funk being allowed for the kind of music they played back in the day is no different than Nickelback being in here for the kind of current rock they play today. If you don't like NB then that's your loss...but don't say stupid things...I'm one of those pussies that likes Nickelback.


    Sorry Mullet! JMO, That is an exact 100% true statement, GFR was playing current rock for that time in history, as did many bands during history, but you kind of shaded the fact of this whole thread, my point isnt the music they play! as I said, Stereoside does it with great success, it's that Grand Funk, unlike Nickelback, had not much, but a little musical talent, and originality, you see I fully believe that if just 1 band, just one, with just a pinch of originality and talent, could get through the communist wall that is the US music industry, I think it could begin to spiral the countrys musical grave yard, back to life, kind of like a reverse Nirvana! I mean one band was all it took to fuck everything we had musically up for good, I believe one band could bring it back, but unfortunatly!! that hero doesnt exist anywhere I can see, because all the radio stations are owned by a certain 3 companys, a fucking Monopoly, their first interest isnt the music, nor is it their second, third, fourth, or even tenth! but it's hard for me to just settle for a band like Nickleback, when bands like Edguy, Jaded Heart, Jorn, etc. are releasing new TOP QUALITY!! rock and metal, only with musicians that can actually improvise, and be a little bit creative musically, putting out albums that they can take a little pride in, stuff that sounds like the REAL ROCK AND METAL, I love, but not sounding at all dated, actually mixing old with new! but these bands don't even acknowledge America, and to tell you the truth without trying to sound melodramatic, it makes me feel ashamed! for lack of a better word, I don't hate new music, im not like my dad whos music world ended in 1972, I constantly seek out new bands, and am very excited when I stumble onto one, but I cannot in good metal conscience, just accept Nickleback, when personally I think they blow, and on top of that, Seven Mary Three did that sound before nicklback, and they too did it better! so just my thoughts, I will not post about this again, as ive said what I feel, and don't think getting into it any deeper would be healthy or result getting!




    This site wasn't around back then though. Are we suppose to go back in time and add everyone who we think is melodic?


    Lets just agree to disagree...

  6. I didn't mean ALL people who listen to Nickelback are pussies. What I meant is that I associate Nickelback listeners with kids who know fuck all about music thinking they're "rockers" because they're into Nickelback when chances are they know nothing about the other bands out there or about where rock and metal music came from.

    That's just whom I associate Nickelback fans with. Guys on this site who are into them are OK because at least they don't just like Nickelback.

    In my opinion however, Nickelback sound the same on all their songs and it astonished me that they were allowed on here when classic rock pioneers BTO and GFR were not.

    Just my two cents and I in no way intended to equate guys on this forum who like Nickelback with pussie teenage wannabe rockers.



    Look at what kids have to choose from on the radio today. No one has shown them anything else...there's a lot of people on here who are older that like NB because they sound melodic and they rock. It has nothing to do with anything else. I can't imagine anyone could be this offended with them being added.

  7. EVH pisses me off.

    His ego messed up a good band and lost him two singers.

    All I ever hear in the news about him is that he has cancer or is dying or he's having another spat with a singer.

    Release another album or I'm not interested in anything he does anymore.

    I spent years following his moves and hanging onto his every word.

    Sorry if that sounded a bit morbid!




    Yeah, it sure does...

  8. I bought it when it first came out on Retrospect and I love it.

    It's nothing mind blowing or original but it is very good Hair Metal and I don't see it being Overrated as Jarred put it.

    I'm also looking forward to a follow up release.


    And yes Billy D'Vette did join Cold Sweat, but by that time it was Sweating Bullets not Cold Sweat, and it wasn't Marc Ferrari's Cold Sweat anymore since he in fact replaced Marc Ferrari.


    My fav tune today is "Stay the Night" with "Where's Jenny" a close 2nd.




    It's not overated? So on a list of bands such as Cold Sweat, Wildside, Roxy Blue, Child's PLay, etc, etc...where would you rank them?


    I'll answer that for ya...last.



    Just because I like those bands much more doesn't in anyway whatsoever make it overrated.

    It's never really been "rated" so I'm not sure how it could be overrated.

    It is what it is, solid Sunset Strip Hair Metal, nothing more nothing less, but with that being said I still enjoy the heck out it. :tumbsup:


    It's not really fair to even compare it to those above bands since those bands have had their albums out for many years and were a big part of my early highschool years and the Pair A Dice just got it's official release.

    I do like the Lancia album more but like I said above I really like the Pair A Dice too. Lets face it this is a great time right now with all of these bands that were only ever released unofficially or only in Demo form getting official releases. We would of killed to hear stuff like this years ago so to call it overrated is pointless IMO. Now with all of this great stuff coming from Sun City, Retrospect and soon from Eonian Records, it's great that all of these 80's Hard Rock bands are finally getting released. Sure there are some bands that I prefer over others that are finally coming out but just the fact that stuff like Pair A Dice has finally come out I think it's great to see/hear. :banger:




    You're correct, overated was the wrong word. You would have to have more than five people like your band before you could be called that :) Suck is a much better word :nyanya:



    Of all the bands that have signed to Sams label most of them I wouldn't care to buy. The best band that he has signed to his roster that never got signed is Defcon by far. Now that's a real lost gem!

  9. Kind Diamond suck ballz...just sayin...:)



    "Kind" Diamond huh? Yer typin skilz suck ballz too.




    Sorry, was watchin porn and all the blood left me noggin...And just for your info...nothing sucks more ballz than King Diamond...


    BTW, it was a typing error ;)

  10. Well exclusively on Heavy Harmonies albums my top 20 :


    1- Newman - Decade :guitbannana:


    2- Brother Firetribe - Heart Full of Fire

    3- Khymera - The Greatest Wonder

    4- Work of Art - Artwork

    5- Pride - Pride

    6- Marcello/Vestry - Marcello/Vestry

    7- Elevener - When Kaleidoscopes Collide

    8- Poley/Rivera - Only Human

    9- Driver - Sons Of Thunder

    10- Myland - No Man's Land


    11- Talon - Fallen Angels

    12- Frozen Rain - Frozen Rain

    13- Moritz - City Streets

    14- Highway Chile - Keeper Of The Earth

    15- AC/DC - Black Ice

    16- Roulette - Better Late Than Never

    17- Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad Michael

    18- Arrival - Point Of Origin

    19- Bormann - Capture the Moment

    20- H.E.A.T. - H.E.A.T.




    We have very different taste in music my friend...and that's okay ;)


    The Whitesnake, Talon, Michael Bormann and Brother Firetribe are all excellent from his list. :tumbsup:




    Depends on who you ask...Whitesnake was good as was Bormann but the other two blew imo. But hey, if someone else likes them more power to them ;)

  11. I couldn't agree more.

    Bryan Adams is left off this site as well as Grand Funk Railroad and BTO.

    Yet crap like Nickelback is allowed on. Nickelback is for all those pussies who think they like rock and want to be rockers yet don't want to be sad enough to like old 80s bands.

    I equally like this site and forum as the likes of Nickelback weren't allowed here.

    We live in dangerous uncertain times now and I think allowing Nickelback on here has opened the doors to some very dodgy stuff being allowed on here.



    I think you're kinda full of shit. Grand Funk being allowed for the kind of music they played back in the day is no different than Nickelback being in here for the kind of current rock they play today. If you don't like NB then that's your loss...but don't say stupid things...I'm one of those pussies that likes Nickelback.

  12. Well exclusively on Heavy Harmonies albums my top 20 :


    1- Newman - Decade :guitbannana:


    2- Brother Firetribe - Heart Full of Fire

    3- Khymera - The Greatest Wonder

    4- Work of Art - Artwork

    5- Pride - Pride

    6- Marcello/Vestry - Marcello/Vestry

    7- Elevener - When Kaleidoscopes Collide

    8- Poley/Rivera - Only Human

    9- Driver - Sons Of Thunder

    10- Myland - No Man's Land


    11- Talon - Fallen Angels

    12- Frozen Rain - Frozen Rain

    13- Moritz - City Streets

    14- Highway Chile - Keeper Of The Earth

    15- AC/DC - Black Ice

    16- Roulette - Better Late Than Never

    17- Whitesnake - Good to Be Bad Michael

    18- Arrival - Point Of Origin

    19- Bormann - Capture the Moment

    20- H.E.A.T. - H.E.A.T.




    We have very different taste in music my friend...and that's okay ;)

  13. I bought it when it first came out on Retrospect and I love it.

    It's nothing mind blowing or original but it is very good Hair Metal and I don't see it being Overrated as Jarred put it.

    I'm also looking forward to a follow up release.


    And yes Billy D'Vette did join Cold Sweat, but by that time it was Sweating Bullets not Cold Sweat, and it wasn't Marc Ferrari's Cold Sweat anymore since he in fact replaced Marc Ferrari.


    My fav tune today is "Stay the Night" with "Where's Jenny" a close 2nd.




    It's not overated? So on a list of bands such as Cold Sweat, Wildside, Roxy Blue, Child's PLay, etc, etc...where would you rank them?


    I'll answer that for ya...last.

  14. I know everyone has been patiently waiting for my opinion :nyanya: I'm only doing top ten because I get bored easy :) TONS of releases this year but thin on quality imo. Here it goes...



    #9 Static Cycle - When We Meet Again


    Excellent modern rock band that everyone pissed on when I introduced them. I came to the conclusion that everyone is deaf and called it a day. Go back and listen to the title track...I was blown away!



    #6 Saints of the Underground - Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner



    This is a fantastic album that has Jani at his best. It's unfortunate we don't see this side of him more often. If he doesn't get help soon, this may be the last recording.....Love the song Signs of Life!



    #3 Big Cock - Motherload



    Just picked up their best of Got Big Cock? This band is so awesome! Cocky hard rock with Mason on vox...doesn't get any better. The song Breakin My Balls is reason enough to buy this one but all of their albums are great. If you haven't heard them, make it a priority in 2009.



    #2 Pop Evil - Lipstick on the Mirror



    I don't care what Geoff or anybody else says, this band is destined for great things. Saw them live & they kicked ass! Great vox and catchy songs make this one of the best of 2008 easy. I remember quite a few people liking the band...I just don't understand still how Geoff doesn't like this cd. Amazing...


    I missed these ones in 2008, you've made me want to go and check these albums out now...



    Static Cycle & Pop Evil have threads on here and are more modern rock. They other two are classic rock with balls. If you aren't crazy about modern rock, you at least need to check out the Big Cock & SOTU albums! :banger:

  15. I know everyone has been patiently waiting for my opinion :nyanya: I'm only doing top ten because I get bored easy :) TONS of releases this year but thin on quality imo. Here it goes...



    #10 Kid Rock - Rock N Roll Jesus


    Strong outing by the wanna be rapper...as I've always said, he's at his best when he sticks to his roots and doesn't try to be slim shady....great southern hard rock album!



    #9 Static Cycle - When We Meet Again


    Excellent modern rock band that everyone pissed on when I introduced them. I came to the conclusion that everyone is deaf and called it a day. Go back and listen to the title track...I was blown away!



    #8 Motley Crue - SOLA


    Not what I expected to hear from the Crue but I still love it. I wanted to hear a continuation of the new tracks on Red White & Crue but they missed the mark a bit. Still, it's a MC studio album so who am I to complain :)



    #7 Extreme - Saudades De Rock



    I already know what most think of this album but I don't care. Fuckin amazing album and everyone on there played their ass off. I wouldn't expect anyone who didn't like them to begin with to start now but I was surprised how many fans didn't. Again, deaf....



    #6 Saints of the Underground - Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner



    This is a fantastic album that has Jani at his best. It's unfortunate we don't see this side of him more often. If he doesn't get help soon, this may be the last recording.....Love the song Signs of Life!



    #5 Shinedown - Sound of Madness



    By far the best modern rock album of the year! I don't want to hear about Nickelback or Hinder. Yes those albums are just good at best but this one is awesome! The title track is one of my faves but it's hard to choose. This will be the best album they make similar to Nickelbacks The Long Road. Nickelback is done the best they can already & the new cd isn't it.


    #4 Tesla - Forever More



    Tesla can do no wrong.....any other year this one is first. Saw the guys twice in 2008 and will be there again in a heartbeat. Unlike most bands from the 80's Tesla played a ton of songs off the new record instead of making it a greatest hits tour. I have a ton of respect for them just for doing that. If you didn't buy this album you have lost your mind. Buy the album before you go looking for it :)



    #3 Big Cock - Motherload



    Just picked up their best of Got Big Cock? This band is so awesome! Cocky hard rock with Mason on vox...doesn't get any better. The song Breakin My Balls is reason enough to buy this one but all of their albums are great. If you haven't heard them, make it a priority in 2009.



    #2 Pop Evil - Lipstick on the Mirror



    I don't care what Geoff or anybody else says, this band is destined for great things. Saw them live & they kicked ass! Great vox and catchy songs make this one of the best of 2008 easy. I remember quite a few people liking the band...I just don't understand still how Geoff doesn't like this cd. Amazing...



    #1 Guns N Roses - Chinese Democracy



    I for one am glad this is not the original members. Why? Because the people playing on the album are BETTER MUSICIANS...period! I have some news for old GNR fans...even if the album had been original members it would have been just like this one with subpar playing. This is and has always been Axl's show...this is the direction he has taken and I have to say I haven't stopped listening to it. Better, Street of Dreams, Sorry, there is no filler on this cd. Even If The World is awesome in a different kind of way. The best production of any album this year with lyrics that are better than any other GNR album including Appetite.


    Could he have made a better record than this in nearly 15 years. The answer is simply no....




    Have fun picking me apart, I look forward to it :popcorn:

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