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Nick C

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Everything posted by Nick C

  1. I bet the fuckin shark fuckin wriggled a lot. I bet it though "fuck what the fucks going on here then? and who are these daft fuckers in the fuckin stupid hats ?".
  2. Recent Top 5 CD's. A Perfect Circle - Mer de Noms The Godz - Mongolians Toto - Falling In Between Riot - Born in America Another Green World - Invisible Landscape (Ambient chill out stuff)
  3. Nope not read them... I can't read...in fact I have no idea what I've just typed.
  4. Hey Blue C... what's that fuckin' band on your ava fuckin tar I can't fuckin make them out....and who were the fuckers you fuckin well had before that with what looked like fuckin funny fuckin hats on?
  5. Anyway this is getting too exciting!!! I have a shell on my window ledge.
  6. Marmite is yeast extract...brown savoury kind of stuff that has the consistancy of say a thick syrup, not really like jam (or jelly as you folks across the pond call it). Geoff probably has a similar thing called Vegemite...but in my quest to sample savoury delights from around the world I found Vegemite to taste like week old grass that's been in a lawnmower box...hahahaha! Don't hit me!!!
  7. It's good to see your eating Healthily!!! I just had Marmite on toast.
  8. Hey Geoff - Blue Charvel it was a fuckin' holiday, I get fuckin' paid for the fucker anyway!
  9. Twas a surreal meeting:- We sat in a room for an hour or so discussing stuff while in the background a wall mounted plasma TV tuned to Cartoon Network (the controls/plug of which were in the next room ...locked...and the power button was goosed!!) flashed on and off throughout. The meeting sort of went..... "Well I propose.." "Hit him wid da bat..." "that maybe we back up..." "Da car over da cliff haw haw haw..boinggggg!!!!" "The assets database..." "BOOM!!!" Weird maybe it was some kind of subliminal experiment?!?
  10. Flip I gotta go to a meeting in 30 mins or so, not off-site though! That's for high fliers. Someone at a table near me in conversation with someone else keeps agreeing by humming "mmm", sounds like a wood pigeon!
  11. Kix - Hot Wire ..... And twas said in the Hallowed Book of AOR that on the 2nd month in the year of the lord Giuffria 2006 - that the new Toto would get a "right hammering" in the abode where dwelt Jez....and this came to pass! amen.
  12. This afternoon Zon - Astral Projector Rail - Arrival
  13. Didn't go to fuckin' work today! Fuckin great!
  14. Doh! You lot are driving me nuts and bananas but I'll stick it out kumkwat may!
  15. Me too, you want me to grab one for you while I'm in the kitchen? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could you rustle me up a burger? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm all about service... http://www.fletchingbonfiresociety.co.uk/i...ig%20Burger.jpg <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh a tiny snack huh?
  16. Me too, you want me to grab one for you while I'm in the kitchen? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Could you rustle me up a burger?
  17. Fuck I can't fuckin' get over it fuck fuck fucky fuckfuck! Fuck Yar! (That's not supposed to mean how it fuckin sounds)
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