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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. Speaking to Craig the other day, he is currently in the progress of getting the album remastered.


    He is also digging up old demo tracks he has, plus old photos and even old video footage of the band to include as extras.

    Depending on what he can dig up (and the quality) these are likely to be included in the package.


    Sounds like he want's to make it into a good package worth buying after being unavailalbe on cd after all these years.

  2. To me it wasn't the $100 dollars down the drain, but the fact that I'm probably highly unlikely to find another one of them for sale. The dogs could have eaten anything else in the yard and it could have been replaced, but I don't think i can replace this one.


    I was quite annoyed but the anger didn't linger cos I just thought there was nothing I could do and breaking something else in anger would ahve just left left me with additional repair bill$.


    I've kept the chewed up bits'n'pieces as a momento, and if I ever need to get angry I just need to pull it out.


    It's quite amazing that in my years of collecting the only things that have really happened to me (aprat from being f**** up the arse by Lon) are this recording being eaten and another bon jovi record being snapped in half. The bon jovi record was just as valuable. Why is it always the expensive items that this sota stuff happens too?!!?!?


    Hmmm, i never thought of the dogs eating the crash-DIET record as being ironic. If i wasn't still sulking I'd probably laugh.

  3. over the past few months I've been away for work slaving 10-12 hr days, 7 days week.

    As a bit of a reward for myself i splashed out $US100 on an original 7" pressing of crashdiet's riot in everyone. It was to be the jewel in my glam-sleaze collection.


    Last night i get home hoping to find it in the mail box. Not there... maybe it's still coming.


    Go out the back to say hello to my 2 dogs and see a mass of chewed cardboard in their beds. Wondering what it was, but not having a closer inspection I walked straight past.


    It was then that I began to find bits and pieces of a record sleeve that i began to piece together and before long realising it was my priceless crashdiet record!!! Further over I found the vinyl complete with teeth marks, chewed up and scracthed to buggery.


    f**k! f**k! f**k! f**k! f**k! f**k! f**k! f**k!


    Anybody want 2 dogs?


    Turns out my mum who came to feed the dogs 2 days earlier had collected my mail from the mailbox and instead of putting it in the lockable box on the back table (as instructed), she had just left the package sitting by itself on the table... in full view of 2 destructive dogs.


    A part of glam-sleaze history chewed to pieces and probably never to be seen again.


    Pictures coming soon!!!!


    Footnote to the story....

    My mum has promised to buy me another copy if I can ever find one. So if anyone knows where I may be able to get one of these, or has one they are willing to part with, please let me know.

  4. i think if the band themselves hadn't said this was going to a be a country influenced album then I don't think anyone would have made the comparison.


    Apart from a few twangy guitars scattered throughout the album, and maybe 1-or-2 tracks, this is basically a bon jovi album.


    Not their best, but not their worst. There are not any big rock anthems, just 13 tracks of mid tempo modern rock. Think along the lines of the track 'Real Life' that they did for a movie a few years back.


    Summertime hits a spot for me like some many of you. Maybe cos where I've been working it's been absolutely freezing (by australian standards).....


    Not a big fan of any of the ballads.


    I'd give it maybe 6.5-7 / 10

  5. I always liked Vain, but was never someone that said they were the all time best. (I used them as the comparison because it's the general consensus that I got... that No Respect is one of the best albums ever in the genre).


    They have an awesome sleazy sound but the album drifts a bit too much for me. I think they were different from all other sleaze bands from the era cos most other sleaze bands from the late 80's took the glam-sleaze route, whereas Vain seemed to take a route that seemed to have a smokey mystical mist surrounding it (if that makes any sense at all).


    When it comes down to it I think the best of Crashdiet is better than the best of Vain... when talking of the 2 albums in question. I don;t lose interest in any tracks on the Crashdiet disc, but a few on No Respect do lose me.


    But, as with Geoff, I'm surprised Crashdiet is winning this poll. I thought the results would be the exact opposite with the only people going for crashdiet being the glam-sleaze merchants like myself.

  6. Buy for the music - not for re-selling or labels and you won't have any problems will you? It's a simple solution.



    The only problem I have with this comment is that people may be willing to spend $80 on an original but $10-15 on a reissue of the same disc. If they are paying the premium price, they deserve to know if it is an original.


    I'm not directing this comment at the Hurricane discs, but just in general.

  7. I got the 2 sister EPs last night and am really impressed.


    For those who orderd the first one way back when this thread started, you MUST check out the newer 2nd one. Much better than the first... both songs and production quality.


    They remind me of a sleazier version of Penny Lane.

  8. Randy: Yo Bret.... that was da bomb! You know what man.... this brother used to unskinny to your and your dogs back in the day. Wow, man....wow!


    Paula: I'd let you talk dirty to me anytime. Room #322.


    Simon: If you take away the the glitter, the tassles and the groupies... what are we left with? A balding old man in a cowboy hat singing tastless songs that hormone ravaged teenage boys get off too. Is that where the music industry is heading? If so, I;'m getting out of the industry. That was terrible. Great guitarist tho.... he's gonna go far.



    Next: Marylin Manson

  9. I've just seen a band name in a newspaper :-


    Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly.


    That's such a great name...awesome...wish I'd thought of it!



    I wonder if things don't take off (no pun intended) will they consider changing their name to...

    No Crowd, No Record Deal, Sell Cape

  10. F***k... that's a lot of money to possibly just wave goodbye to! :yikes:


    I know what you mean... as in making it as difficult for Lon as possible.... but if this ends up costing you more money in the process then you'd just end up losing even more than you have now.


    I can't imagine being ripped for that much $$$... it'd be like "hey I've just worked the past 2 weeks so some fucker can have all my wages".

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