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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. But I heard you were 'BAD'...


    Apparently you like Marvelous3... now that is BAD!



    Why, WHy, WHY is it that people feel the need to fuck with my Butch Walker fix? Is it not enough that after hearing sound clips of the new album on Sonymusicstore.com that I'm not as impressed as I'd hoped I'd be (at least after a few less than stellar tracks I'd hear)? Go ahead, I'm used to being kicked while I'm down. I had a mean response all typed out, but the head got the better of the heart (this time!) and I erased it.




    Sorry dude, didn't mean to upset the applecart.

    I thought it was all part of liking a band that you have to put up with sh*t from other people regarding your interest in the band. I've grown an immunity to it nowadays. People can serve up as much crap as they like to me about Bon Jovi and it just misses what ever they were aiming for.


    My sincerest apologies. From this moment on I will never speak a bad word about Butch Walker.... unless I am referring to a masculine looking woman strolling along the beach.

  2. Was reading the f*****g gig guide last night and noticed that BB Steal played here in Adelaide on Friday night. I had no idea that they were even back out on the road, and I cannot believe that I f****** missed them!


    Does confirm though that they have reinstated the name BB Steal, and may mean that they are close to releasing something new.


    For any other Aussies out there, they played on the same bill as Swannie (John Swan) so keep an eye out for them.

  3. This is running on the "Police Blotter" page of one of the local newspapers I work for... looks like some idiot actually fell for the old Nigerian e-mail scamboogery. As Ren would say, "You eeee-diot!"


    On May 23, A 30-year-old male resident of Lake Hiawatha was the victim of a scam which resulted in a loss of $5,850. At 11:47 a.m. the victim reported to Parsippany Police that he wired money to Nigeria at the request of a person with whom he was corresponding on the Internet. Believing that he was communicating with a female from Lake Hiawatha who was trying to start a modeling career, the victim wired seven money orders to a Nigerian address with a total loss of $5,850. The victim reported that he has had no contact with the accused since the money orders cleared.


    Maybe she's on her way over to visit. It's pretty hard to email from the boat she is on. If only he wired her twice as much money and she could have flown over to meet him.

  4. Alarm bells should have been ringing immediately when you saw Concrete Jungle at $75. I say this because:


    a) it looks cheap, however if the person DID NOT KNOW the value of the cd then they would have listed it at $10-15, not $75.


    B) however, if they DID KNOW it was a valuable cd then they would be cheating themselves out of quite a bit of money selloing it for $75.


    I just searched through his feedback and he is definitely a dodgey bastard because he had a positive rating of only about 28 after hundereds of transactions, even thouhg he had only a couple of negatives. It just doesn't add up. This seemed hard to believe,... so looking at items he has bid on he has literally bid on hundreds of auctions by the same seller (Kmak333). All cheapie cd for under $1. He has brought too many cds from this person to even contemplate listening to. They also range from hard rock to allsaints so there is no linking theme to the purchases he makes.


    This leads me to a theory...

    Thomas arse-licker Kerlyn is actually a dealer, or runs a store of some kind. He rips people off by selling a few 'pricey' items and then spends all these funds on cheapie cds to stock up his store. There is no other reasons you would be buying hundreds of unrelated cds like he is.... for any other reason but to re-sell.

  5. Can't someone over there in the US report this fcuker to the cops...?

    I would but as if they're going to listen to someone down here in Australia.

    I would however contribute my experience to any dirt against him.


    It just seems too easy that someone can continually do this again and again and not face any consequences. Otherwise send out the lynch mob and burn him alive I say. :axe:

  6. At a recent gig, a top-sort commented on the Crashdiet t-shirt i was wearing and said she would rip it right off my back. I told her I was also wearing crashdiet underwear in hoping she would also want to rip those off aswell. Maybe next time...

  7. maybe they meant another pressing of anthology 1, not another anthology....?


    I know someone who should know (the guy that "I think" did the remixing), so I'll see what I can find out.

  8. what an awesome band Peny Lane were, whatever became of the promise to release a volume 2 of the Anthology? :)


    I thought (according to the linear notes from memory) that the initial cd included all the tracks the band had recorded.

  9. one of my favourite bands!

    Personally, I wouldn't say they get boring quick.. although I would admit that the style is pretty similar throughout most of their stuff.

    I got into them about 5 years back with their 'creepshow' ep.


    Members have also been in other bands such as heart throb mob and sick six crush.

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