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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. I for one can't understand why all the people that Lonnie screwed over aren't ripping him a new asshole since this latest deadline has come & gone. The way this thread took off when the scam was found out, you would think that a lynch mob was going to be gathering soon to take a little road trip to Blytheville. But it's been relatively quiet. Maybe everyone has just resigned to the fact that they will never hear from Lonnie again or see their money again...good riddance, I say. :2up:



    If I lived next door to him, I'd be banging on his door but the fact that I'm across the otherside of the world, the $40 I'm out of pocket just doesn't lean towards any action that will incur any epxenses. Even Adriano and his $1000, by the time he would travel or get someone legal involved, the costs associated with that would chew up the actual recuperable amount in no time... so you end up losing more $$$ anyway.


    I remember being ripped off by an ebay seller about 4-5 years ago for about $40. At the time i didn't do anything except email (which were never returned) although I kept track of the seller (who went underground) for the next 2 years. When she finally surfaced again, I got all her detials, including her name, address, phone number and called her. Wiothout making any threats I said I now know where she lives and I'd be around very soon to collect my refund. I reveived my goods, plus a few extras within a few days. May have been a few years late, but I never forget! There's one other seller I keep an eye out for aswell, just for the right opportunity to get back at the f***er.

  2. A good reason for not saying anything in regards to the situation would be due to legal issues. If Lon is talking to a lawyer (as he says he is) then you can guarantee that the lawyer would be telling him to keep quiet. That's always the case.


    Bingo. That was exactly what I was thinking as I typed my last post. Not wise to admit fraud that could cost you felony charges.


    I'm not saying to protect himself... but to protect any case he may have against others (if they exist).

    Whether your the innocent or guilty parties, lawyers always want you to keep your mouth shut incase the wrong thing is said.


    All I can say is that it;'s good to see Lon lodging a few refunds, and hope it continues.

  3. I got the same dreaded email from paypal.

    I have also yet to receive my poison cds supposedly sent back in december.


    Lon, if you say you have sent some moe people refunds are any of them HH members?

    If they are could you please let us know who they are. I'm sure they wouldn't mind being named, even if only to back up your story, and give some of the rest of us hope.




  4. just lodged a dispute with my bank, and they are lodging a dispute with paypal to reverse the transactions I made. I urge others to do the same if they are in a similar boat. I work hard for my $$$ and to pay my mortgage so to me every dollar counts, so losing $US100 just cuts deep. Every now and then I treat my self to a few discs, and this was one of those treats. Pity it's turned out the way it has. Unfortunately for me that is 2 transactions in a row with 2 major dealers that have turned sour. The other (who shall remain nameless) is trying to fix our deal, so I'll give hm the benefit of the doubt at the moment.


    Funnily enough the bank said they would not touch the case if it was involved with an ebay transaction (which I'm guessing 99% of paypal transactions are) but since it was a non-ebay transaction they would investigate.


    This whole situation is just f***ed up...

    If Lon is not the main perpertrator of this scheme then he has been majorly shafted, although if he was the source of this scam then he deserves all that is coming. Personally I'm hoping to hear that he is not the originator of the whole plot, and that I get my Hurricane cash back, and the Poison cds arrive in my letter box tomorrow.

  5. It just keeps getting better........





    Whatever, i am done with all this bullshit with you, your getting your money back, it has been a very bad deal for everyone involved and you want to continue acting like a 5 year old with all the name calling and harrassment. So yeah if you live and hour away come on over for a visit, might be one you won't like though. Because if this does not stop harrassment charges will filed against you. I have printed all these messages out and they will be taken to the authorities. I have already met with the my lawyer and we have spoke with other representation of other people involved, refunds will be made the whole story will be told, that is the end of it. So leave it be. All i can do is apologize because no one was intentionally taken advantage of. We were scammed just as bad as you and everyone else. So as i stated before until you know the whole story, don't assume, because you know what happens when you assume, you generally make an ass out of yourself.





    David, can I ask then... why have i never received the 4 Posion discs I am owed from Lon?

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the Hurricane deal.

  6. to me it seems like he's trying to hold out for friday for a reason.

    maybe he has planned to vanish by friday (flights) and all this has happened before he had the chance to flee.


    So how people have to arrange to have him nabbed asap.

    Can't all the fraud reports to paypal already be reason for his arrest?


    I'm owed 7 different discs (about $110 worth) by Lon and it has really made my blood boil that something like this could happen. Not only did I pre-roder the Hurrican discs, but he contaced me (in response to one of my posts) and offered to get the Poison reissue discs for me. Needless to say I have never received anything and the fucking 45day paypal date has expired.

  7. off the top of my head I think it was tracks 3 and 4.

    The keys at the start of track 2 make me wanna switch if off.

    I find the vocals a bit weak throughout aswell.


    .... and yes, with a name like 'glam junkie' you may guess they are not my niche sound, but I can still appreciate a good melodic act.

  8. I was gonna say 'Cool Ghoul' would most likely be one of the fellas from the deadthings.


    I have 4 tracks from DeArrow, so must be that 4 track demo you speak of. Quite good from memory.


    I remember 'devils in heaven' being on that talent show years and years ago but cannot actually remember ther tunes. Will have to check them out. Cheers for uploading!


    Did anyone ever listen to any Mandy Kane?

    And odd choice you say. His latest stuff is quite 'electronic' from what i hear, and the debut album 'tragic daydreams' was also filled with electronic-ladden tracks but you could hear the hard rock backgound peering through. He/they had a 4 track demo which had a track called 'Criminal lovers'... definitely worth tracking down if you can. Shows what the band could have done if they had their focus in the right direction. Unfortunately they took a different path. I saw them live a few times and they defintely had a hard rock / glam vibe about them.


    Long live pearls & swine!

  9. hey Linds, whatever happen to the big guys of Escape ? I heard rumor that John, lead guiterist, passed away a couple years ago.


    Actually don't know these guys.



    I ahd a listen to bengal tigers last night.. not bad. I thought the best track was probably the unlisted / hidden track . Track #69

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