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Posts posted by glam_junkie

  1. This reminds me also a similar situation on Europe, but perhaps worst. Its the case of the "nice price" editons.


    They are even worst cause most of those editions doesn't have a decent booklet.



    They have tried a similar thing here in Australia. I thinks it all an attempt to compete with costs of downloads.

    Here they trialled the "Just The Music" series where basically you got the disc in the plastic centre tray in a cardboard type slip case. No booklet, no plastic case...just the music. These were about $7-8 cheaper than the regulkar editions from memory.


    I would never buy them,... although I did buy the bon jovi release simply to keep my BJ collection complete and up to date.

  2. For f*ck's sake. I just checked the online stores at the websites for JB Hi Fi, HMV, Utopia and Red Eye Records and not one of the f*ckers has the new Teargas EP. And they didn't have Deadthings either. No wonder these bands never get anywhere when you can't even buy the f*cking CDs in their home country



    This is the best comment I have ever read on Heavy Harmoies in the past 5 years.


    I had to order the cd from Australian band "Doom Fox" from germany. I have since seen it at JB for 4-trillion dollars, but that deosn't expalin why I can't buy the cd from a local band at the local record store.


    What really annoyed me is that I was told the cd was not available in australia, yet whe I orderd it nd from germany... and received it..... it said "made in Australia".


    Thumbs up to touring bands like Hell City Glamous, Sebasrockets, Deadthings,.... enabling me to buy the cd in person.

  3. From the teargas myspace page....


    Teargas parts ways with bass player, Josh Andrea...



    This Blog is to inform everyone that the decision has been made for Teargas to move on without Josh. It's something that's been brewing for a long time, and it has gotten to the point where we simply cannot continue in that way- for the well-being, health and happiness of all four of us. It's unfortunate that things didn't work out, but believe us when we say this is really for the best.


    Josh has a great heart, and he's an incredible bass player- we're all going to miss him very much. His contributions to this band will never be forgotten, and he'll be a friend forever.


    Old mate and original Teargas bass player, Steve Cox will be filling in on bass until we find a permanent replacement for Josh. I know plenty of you will be excited to hear that, and we're very excited to share a stage with Steve again!


    Now it's time to move on to a new and exciting chapter in Teargas!

  4. About 3-4 weeks ago I ordered 7 cds from Suncity and have yet to recevie them.

    Considering that shipping from Melbourne to Adelaide takes 2 days, I think that after 3-4 weeks I should expect to have the discs in my hands.


    Before you jump to conclusions and ask why I have aired this problem on a public forum instead of dealing with the people or company directly first please bear in mind....


    a ) I have contacted the seller on their 2 availalbe email addresses on numerous (maybe 5) occasssions to ask about the status of my order or details of shipping numbers ect. My original email was replied to, almost 2 weeks ago saying that my cds had been shipped, but no follow up emails have been responded to regarding the non-arrival of the discs.


    b ) PM's thru this site get returned due to full mail box.


    Just wondering whether I am the only person on here getting messed about, or has this happened to other when dealing with Suncity in the past?


    David, assuming you read this, could you please let me know where my order currently stands.




  5. I haven't seen a full album by Sister yet.... just their 2 EPs which are both sensational.


    Even though Crashdiet are a very silmilar style to Dirty Penny, their song writing is far far superior. On my 2 listens so far I found the Dirty Penny lyrics so simple and cliche that it detracted from the tracks. I'm not saying their bad, just very "soda-pop and bubblegum". Kinda like Motely Crue singing Trixter songs. I still give them 7or8/10 and a great debut.


    I was also wondering whether anyone had heard of these guys before this release, as they seem to have just appeared with a full length album, which is a rarity these days.

  6. finally got this disc lat night.

    already had a couple of listens and it's pretty good.


    What get's me though is how cheesy many of the song titles and lyrics are. "scream and shout", "black & blue", "running wild"...ect.

    I don;t think i've heard as many cliches on a single album.


    They're good, but not in the same league as crashdiet.

    Another current band that does this srota stuff even better is 'Sister', so if you like Dirty Penny, definitely check out Sister.

  7. I first met the band thru a common interest in bon jovi going back a few years. At the time the I'm 99% sure the guyshad a few demos that they were getting peopel to have a listen to. By the time I requested a listen they were already in the process of producing the Crazy EP so I never got the demos. But I'm pretty sure there were some about at the time.


    Considering they had awesome new songs every time I saw them play fopr the next 2-3 years, they must have some killer stuff in the vaults.


    If Al wants to take the band in a completely new direction I don't know why he doesn't change the name of the band as people relate "Teargas" with glorious melodic rock, not dark emo rock. I haven't heard the new stuff, but that is the impression I'm getting.

  8. I knew this one was out, but don't have it yet.

    Apparently it's a lot darker and heavier than their previous stuff, as is their image.


    As with Geoff's observation, I'm disappointed that a heap of their older melodic rock will (probably) never see the light of day. The perfomance I saw these guys pu on, as recent as 2 years ago were awesome.

  9. This auction was ended early after the seller was informed of the upcoming re-issue.


    Not sure how long the re-issue is likely to take to become available but from what craig was saying it'll still be a little way off yet. It's just good to know that the wheels are turning.

  10. Speaking to Craig the other day, he is currently in the progress of getting the album remastered.


    He is also digging up old demo tracks he has, plus old photos and even old video footage of the band to include as extras.

    Depending on what he can dig up (and the quality) these are likely to be included in the package.


    Sounds like he want's to make it into a good package worth buying after being unavailalbe on cd after all these years.



    about time, can't to see what demos get included.



    Apparently the record company disposed of a heap their old master tapes a while back which sadly included the masters of the Boss demos and unreleased material, plus unreleased music of bands like Cold Chisel and more. Craig's sure he can still get his hands on the BOSS demos, but unfortunately not the masters.

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