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Everything posted by Gibbo

  1. No, just that it's massive. Like a f*cking town with wings. I am envious. A little bit. Although there has to be some sort of perk of living in Essex. (Uh-oh ... incoming!) That's okay, then ... I'll take whatever perk I can get ... I'm a bit gutted to have missed Iron Maiden's 'plane when it made a stopover at Southend Airport, though ...
  2. Runemagick: Dark Dead Earth (damn you, JamesEagle!)
  3. Heading For TOMORROW - Gamma Ray
  4. STRANGE KIND OF Woman - Deep Purple
  5. Great album ... they shoulda been HUGE!
  6. *League* ... stoopid fingers ... Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... I believe that would be 'Leagvs.' Correct spelling aside, I'd pay good money to see Rooney, Lampard, etc. fight it out in an arena with lions and/or armed men with nothing to lose ... well, I say 'fight it out' ... what I mean is 'get torn to pieces by' ... Rooney = yes. Balotelli = definitely. Anyone from Man City = absolutely. I'd let Lampard off. He's probably earnt a pardon. Really? Okay, I'll swap him for that utter **** Terry ...
  7. Well, the Typhoon blew me away, so there! You're right, I do want to see the Vulcan. In fact, I toyed with the idea of going to Shoreham on 1 September to do just that, but I think it's too soon and too expensive. Next year, though, it shall be done. Lancaster? The Battle of Britain flight went over. Fantastic. I kept saying to Diana, "Look at that! It's a fortress!" and similar fascinating observations when said aircraft flew over. For some reason, she didn't share my enthusiasm. Even inspired me to watch 'The Night Bombers' yesterday... Now if I was really sad, I'd feel the need to point out that there's no such character as "Doctor Who". And I am so I have. *tsk* ... okay, so The Doctor is The Doctor's Father-in-Law, The Doctor's Daughter is also The Doctor's wife ... AND The Doctor's grandaughter ... happy now? A bit. "Look at that, it's a fortress"?! I DO hope you didn't mean that you thought it was a Flying Fortress, which is a completely different aircraft ... if you did, then we'll be having words ... Living, as we do, near London Southend Airport (*snigger*), we don't have to move far to see some pretty incerdible aircraft go overhead during 'airshow' season ... the biggest problem is that I sometimes can't get out into the garden fast enough
  8. Not a patch on the Harrier (gone, but not forgotten) ... Hmm ... don't know about that. Went again on Sunday (I've just discovered that airshows are feckin' awesome) and saw this, which smashes the living daylights out of any machine I've ever seen: ...or heard. What a noise! Fan-bloody-tastic. Nah, the Eurofighter doesn't hold a candle to the VTOL antics of the Harrier (any 'plane that can be made to 'bow' to the audience pisses all over the competition, if you ask me) ... and as for noise, you want to hear the Vulcan when it goes over ... rattles the fillings out of your teeth, and then some. Mind you, if you want a heady combination of looks, power and a sound that gives goosebumps, you could do worse than the good old Lancaster ...
  9. Now if I was really sad, I'd feel the need to point out that there's no such character as "Doctor Who". And I am so I have. *tsk* ... okay, so The Doctor is The Doctor's Father-in-Law, The Doctor's Daughter is also The Doctor's wife ... AND The Doctor's grandaughter ... happy now?
  10. The HURTing Kind - Robert Plant
  11. The SYSTEM Has Failed - Megadeth
  12. Love me a bit of COF.Some great discs there Me, too ... for some reason, I'm missing some of their stuff, and this was a great (and cheap way) of filling in the blanks My nearest and dearest will be DELIGHTED!
  13. Yeah, I thought of Def Leppard ... some of Queensryche's stuff benefits from having a huge backing vocal, too ...
  14. Starting as they mean to go on ...
  15. Doctor Who is Doctor Who's Father-in-Law, the Doctor's Daughter is also the Doctor's wife ... AND the Doctor's grandaughter ...
  16. Not a patch on the Harrier (gone, but not forgotten) ...
  17. FACE To FACE: Barclay James Harvest
  18. *League* ... stoopid fingers ... Maybe what you said originally was the Ancient Roman equivalent... I believe that would be 'Leagvs.' Correct spelling aside, I'd pay good money to see Rooney, Lampard, etc. fight it out in an arena with lions and/or armed men with nothing to lose ... well, I say 'fight it out' ... what I mean is 'get torn to pieces by' ...
  19. A Little TIME - Helloween
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