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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. Following on from the thread about bands that haven't had many/any line-up changes, I got to thinking about how many original/well-known members need to be IN a band for it to be known by a particular name?


    An obvious example of this is Guns n' Roses, which is now basically just 'Axl And Blokes'; Thin Lizzy (before they saw sense, and became Black Star Riders) is another.


    Is it enough for a certain line-up to have been together for a number of years (regardless of what they may or may not have done in that time) for it to carry a well-known name?




    Ozzy....The Ultimate Sin was his peak for sure


    Is that commercially, creatively or both?



    I've been listening to a LOT of Ozzy's stuff of late ... and it struck me that HE didn't actually write a lot of his solo material - Bob Daisley penned a fair few of his songs, Jake E Lee was responsible for a lot of 'Bark' and 'Sin', etc. ... so can we actually talk about Ozzy having a creative peak as a solo artist when a lot of his best-known songs weren't actually down to him? That aside, regardless of who wrote them, I'd say his best body of work can be found between 'Bark' and 'No Rest For The Wicked' ... as much as I love 'Blizzard', I don't think it's as consistent a release as some of his later albums.



    There has been a few articles about this in Classic Rock Magazine over the last couple of years and they don't paint a nice picture of what happened to various band members in Ozzy's solo ventures. I don't remember all the details but yeah not a lot of it was written by Ozzy. Mind you neither was much Sabbath stuff.



    I think a lot of it is down to Mrs Osbourne ... who can forget her attempts to have Bob Daisley and Lee Kerslake 'airbrushed' from Ozzy's history? Apparently, Jake E Lee had to sign a contract giving up his rights to any credit for the songs on 'Bark At The Moon', otherwise he'd be sacked ... and the mess surrounding Phil Soussan/'Shot In The Dark' is the reason that three of Ozzy's albums haven't been re-issued on CD for nigh on 20 years ...

  3. Some favourite solos:


    Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

    Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

    UFO - Rock Bottom (a young Michael Schenker on top of his game)

    Thin Lizzy - Emerald (the 'Live And Dangerous' version)

    Metallica - Fade to Black

    Whitesnake - Cryin' In the Rain (the original version)


    .... plus EVH's solo from Beat It :)

  4. Ozzy....The Ultimate Sin was his peak for sure


    Twisted Sister....Stay Hungry is the only release worth owning IMO


    BOC....Fire of Unknown Origin is the best thing they ever did and is one of my top 3 releases of 1981


    I love 'Fire ...', but I don't think they ever came as close to brilliance as they did with 'Imaginos' :)


    Ozzy....The Ultimate Sin was his peak for sure


    Is that commercially, creatively or both?



    I've been listening to a LOT of Ozzy's stuff of late ... and it struck me that HE didn't actually write a lot of his solo material - Bob Daisley penned a fair few of his songs, Jake E Lee was responsible for a lot of 'Bark' and 'Sin', etc. ... so can we actually talk about Ozzy having a creative peak as a solo artist when a lot of his best-known songs weren't actually down to him? That aside, regardless of who wrote them, I'd say his best body of work can be found between 'Bark' and 'No Rest For The Wicked' ... as much as I love 'Blizzard', I don't think it's as consistent a release as some of his later albums.

  6. I'm guessing that absolutely no-one else here will be even REMOTELY interested in this, but me an' the boy JamesEagle will be off to the 2015 Incineration Festival next month: http://incinerationfest.com/


    At the moment, we have NO idea which bands will be playing which venues (headliners aside), but - if I can - I'd like to see Alcest, Keep Of Kalessin, Melechesh, Necrophobic, God Seed, Centurian, Verdelet, Jotnarr and Woland ... of course, neither of us wants to see the same bands ... I confidently predict a day of confusion, cider, ringing ears and dodgy kebabs ... :)


    So ... I missed Woland, because the initial ticket/wristband exchange took over an hour, but I DID manage to see Aura Noir (better than I expected), Keep Of Kalessin (VERY good), Melechesh (not bad, but a bit samey), Centurian, Funeral Throne (utterly mad and rather brilliant), God Seed (Gorgoroth by any other name) and Necrophobic ... my biggest complaint would be that The Underworld wasn't really big enough for some of the bands that played there (by the time Necrophobic came on, the place was heaving and hotter than Satan's armpit.) :)

  7. Had a few days of ...


    Sheryl Crow: The Globe Sessions

    W.A.S.P.: The Crimson Idol

    Alice In Chains: Black Gives Way To Blue

    Opeth: Blackwater Park

    Ozzy Osbourne: The Ultimate Sin

    Ozzy Osbourne: Bark At The Moon

    Lost In Tears: Dialogue With The Mirror And God

    The Outfield: Voices Of Babylon

    Motorhead: Rock 'n' Roll

    Mike Oldfield: Voyager

    Kate Bush: The Red Shoes

  8. Some more charity shops finds - looks like someone has got rid of their whole collection ...


    Megadeth: Peace Sells

    Ozzy Osbourne: Just Say Ozzy

    Ozzy Osbourne: Bark At The Moon (remastered version w/bonus track)

    Running Wild: Death Or Glory

    Opeth: Still Life (Deluxe 2 disc version)

    Sheryl Crow: Wildflower

    Deep Purple: Made In Japan (2 disc version)

    W.A.S.P.: The Crimson Idol (2 disc version)

    Mike Oldfield: Voyager

    Motorhead: Rock 'n' Roll (remastered version w/bonus tracks)

  9. Some chariddy shop finds (mostly to replace vinyl or CDs that I stupidly sold whilst I was married :()


    Blessed By A Broken Heart: Pedal To The Metal

    Eagles: Long Road Out Of Eden

    James: Gold Mother

    Megadeth: Youthanasia

    Opeth: Blackwater Park

    Ozzy Osbourne: The Ultimate Sin

    Ozzy Osbourne: No Rest For The Wicked (w/bonus tracks)

    Terrorvision: Whales & Dolphins (The Best Of ...)

    Twisted Sister: Love Is For Suckers

    Velvet Revolver: Contraband

  10. All the changes to the original three over the years don't bother me. I've seen the originals without additions and the latest additions recently and i like them both.


    One of my earliest memories is from seeing A New Hope at the cinema with my dad. It's not a clear one though being only 2 and all :)


    Aside from the addition of whiny, emo-boy to the end sequence of 'ROTJ', the one change that REALLY bothers me is the whole Han/Greedo scene ... George, mate - HAN SHOT FIRST!

  11. I see 'Finland', and I think of the Monty Python guys singing:


    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    The country where I want to be,
    Pony trekking or camping,
    Or just watching TV,
    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    It's the country for me.

    You're so near to Russia.
    So far from Japan,
    Quite a long way from Cairo,
    Lots of miles from Vietnam.

    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    The country where I want to be,
    Eating breakfast or dinner,
    Or snack lunch in the Hall,
    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    Finland has it all.

    You're so sadly neglected,
    And often ignored.
    A poor second to Belgium,
    When going abroad.

    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    The country where I quite want to be,
    Your mountains so lofty,
    Your treetops so tall,
    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    Finland has it all.

    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    The country where I quite want to be,
    Your treetops so tall,
    Finland, Finland, Finland.
    Finland has it all.

    Finland has it all ...



  12. While I agree that CD buying is down and DLR's voice sounds bad,they still did a lot of promoting.I heard in LA when they were on Jimmy Kimmel that the streets were crowded with people to hear them play.


    And there you have it ... as has been said elsewhere, with Van Halen (particularly with DLR at the helm), it's all about the show. I'd still pay money to see them in concert (although the chances of them EVER playing the UK again are on the far side of remote), or I'd think about picking up a live DVD, but I wouldn't want to sit through a live album from the current line-up.


    When I think about my favourite live albums, they all come from a certain point in time - Thin Lizzy, UFO, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Motorhead, Blue Oyster Cult ... all bands at the top of their game, before the days when EVERYTHING was filmed and stuck on the internet, and there was a real excitement about hearing your favourite songs performed in front of a crowd (or, in Priest's case, performed in front of a crowd, and then over-dubbed to within an inch of their lives!)

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