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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. My cousin is a massive VH fan and loves DLR. I've never rated DLR and was pleased he left back in the day. You should of heard some of our Hagar Vs Roth debates over the years. They were long, animated and by the end inebriated :)


    It doesn't surprise me to hear Diamond Dave is awful on this release. I doubt he's ever been much better!


    I once saw a VH tribute band somewhere a long time ago, i've been wracking my brains trying to remember when and what they were called but it's just not there anymore, and they were really really good. Far better than real VH. I should've recorded the gig somehow!


    As much as I love Van Halen, they're flogging a dead horse now ... DLR is a pale imitation of his former self, and the band are simply chasing the money. Like I said earlier, they should have called it a day after 'Balance' ...

  2. I'm with Geoff. Driving around all day, I see just about everything on the road, but it is people not indicating and worst of all Twats on Mobile phones that do my head in. I've had quite a few near scrapes, especially recently. There is absolutely no excuse and it's damn right dangerous. They deserve all they get, although it will probably be someone else that ends up getting fucked over rather than them.


    As a kind of 'sub-group' of 'twats on mobile phones' ... morons who own an enormous 4x4 ('Chelsea Tractor') and can't drive the bloody thing! I hate to generalise, but most of these people seem to be mothers ferrying their precious children from A to B (about 100yds, usually); they can't park - or seem to think that they can park wherever the hell they like (to save wear and tear on their child's legs), they daren't go through a gap that isn't AT LEAST twice as wide as the vehicle they're driving ... and they're normally on the phone THE WHOLE DAMN TIME!


    At the other end of the spectrum, bell-end teenagers who drive everywhere at 60mph ...



  3. When me and the ex-missus G celebrated our 40ths (our birthdays are a day apart), it was down to me to sort out the music ... so, in amongst all the pop shite (and the Bon Jovi songs that everyone knows'), I included:


    Quireboys: 7 O' Clock

    Def Leppard: Pour Some Sugar On Me

    Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama

    Poison: Talk Dirty To Me

    David Lee Roth: Just Like Paradise

    AC/DC: Let There Be Rock

    The Charlie Daniels Band: The Devil Went Down To Georgia

    Motley Crue: Wild Side


    ... there were others, but I can't remember them all :(

  4. You can have my CDs when you pry them from my cold dead fingers. :lol:


    I'm with you ... my friends are horrified that I haven't gone 'digital', and that I prefer physical CDs to anything else ...


    I only tend to listen to stuff at home or in the car, and I don't have a PC, so I don't listen to anywhere near as many albums as I used to :(

  5. Geoff,I work for the local council lifting rubbish from the streets 6 days a week,pretty much half of my hometown on foot by myself everyday,wouldn't say im fit but I can walk and walk all day long and my ipod keeps me focused,sane and not bored :) cant run the length of myself btw


    oh and KarpetRydOFunk,are you sure you have enough speakers? 17!!! holy shit my wee Renault scenic would collapse ;)


    It'd be like the car at the end of the Blues Brothers film ;)


    Pandora's Box - Original Sin Zzzzzzzz


    [defo hitting the dregs of '89 now]

    There are some shockers on that thanks to the chick theme. Did you hear Steinman will be doing another album with' loaf?



    I really like a couple of songs on that album (only a couple, mind you) - why Steinman has to keep recycling them on Meat Loaf albums (or, God help us, thanks to Celine Dion) is beyond me ...

  7. The problem facing Harnell is that he's - potentially - going to be singing songs that resonate with a LOT of people. You hear 'Youth Gone Wild', '18 And Life' or 'Monkey Business', and you expect to hear Bach's voice (the point Glen was making.)


    Any band that is so closely associated with one singer is going to struggle if they replace him/her, regardless of how good any subsequent release might be. Maiden and Priest both went back to the singer most people know and love; Van Halen may have had bigger-selling albums with Hagar, but they lost a lot of fans when Roth left; the same with Sabbath (who have now come full-circle back to Ozzy.)


    Perhaps Bolan, Sabo and co. might be better off going out under a new name? It worked for Thin Lizzy/Black Star Riders?

  8. Took my boys to the flicks to see...


    SpongeBob the movie : sponge out of water (I could literally feel the brain cells disappearing whilst watching this)

    Home (actually quite enjoyed this one)


    My youngest son went to see 'SpongeBob' with his friends - they all agreed it was pretty dire ...


    I took my girls to see 'Home' on Saturday ... I wasn't expecting too much, but I really enjoyed it (I need a 'Shusher'!)

  9. I'm guessing that absolutely no-one else here will be even REMOTELY interested in this, but me an' the boy JamesEagle will be off to the 2015 Incineration Festival next month: http://incinerationfest.com/


    At the moment, we have NO idea which bands will be playing which venues (headliners aside), but - if I can - I'd like to see Alcest, Keep Of Kalessin, Melechesh, Necrophobic, God Seed, Centurian, Verdelet, Jotnarr and Woland ... of course, neither of us wants to see the same bands ... I confidently predict a day of confusion, cider, ringing ears and dodgy kebabs ... :)




    Marillion became a completely different band once Fish left ... I'm with Glen on this, 'Vigil ...' is a far better album than 'Seasons ...'. That said, I love 'Holidays In Eden' and 'Brave', and I've seen the Hogarth-fronted band a couple of times ... they're just not 'Marillion' anymore (for me, at least) ... they hardly ever play any of the Fish-era material now, and those are the songs that put the band on the map ...


    I saw the Hogarth fronted Marillion on the Seasons End tour. He was OK, but as you say it was basically a different band without Fish. I didnt really bother after that.


    I still rate the band as musicians, but the life and blood of that band was Fish, and of course the amazing lyrics from the early albums.


    Having said that I only own Vigil from Fish's solo career. The last album was decent and a hark back to the old Marillion sound in places, but it was pretty dark and didnt grab me as I would have liked.


    He was still superb on his acoustic tour tho - and the gig at Riga was one of the best i've witnessed....from any band/artist. Mesmerising.



    I love some of Fish's lyrics - songs like 'Slainte Mhath', 'Script ...', pretty much the whole of the second half of 'Misplaced Childhood' ... 'Pilgrim's Address' ... 'Vigil' ... 'The Company' ... I'll stop now :)


    'Raingods With Zippos' and 'Sunsets On Empire' are both cracking albums, and well worth repeated listens.


    You're right about the Riga gig ... absolutely superb ... let's hope he does another tour like that!



    Marillion - Seasons End




    imo the fifth Marillion album is Vigil which is brilliant compared to this snooze fest.


    I take it you don't like the Hogarth era of the band, otherwise you wouldn't be saying such nonesense. Along with 'Holidays In Eden', THE best Hogarth era Marillion disc, with classic tracks like 'Easter' 'The Space' 'Hooks In You', 'King Of Sunset Town' and the b'sides of 'The Bell In The Sea' and The Release'.

    Not nonsense mate. Marillion were never the same after they parted ways with Fish. Lost that magical touch...and yes I far prefer Vigil to Seasons End. I agree that the best 2 songs are Hooks and The Space...both v good tracks.



    Marillion became a completely different band once Fish left ... I'm with Glen on this, 'Vigil ...' is a far better album than 'Seasons ...'. That said, I love 'Holidays In Eden' and 'Brave', and I've seen the Hogarth-fronted band a couple of times ... they're just not 'Marillion' anymore (for me, at least) ... they hardly ever play any of the Fish-era material now, and those are the songs that put the band on the map ...

  12. Toby Jepson (former Little Angels and Fastway singer) fronted the band after Mark Rankin left ... I think this new one has Dante Gizzi singing (he was originally their bass player) ... I saw them when they were touring 'Swagger', and they were BRILLIANT ...

  13. I still listen to Status Quo's 'Just Supposin'' (the first album I ever bought on vinyl ... many, many, MANY years ago.)


    When I was much, much younger I owned a fair number of cassettes, and a couple of albums from back then have made the jump into the digital age - Toyah's 'The Changeling' and the Boomtown Rats' 'A Tonic For The Troops'. Neither are really HH fare, but I still love them both!

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