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Posts posted by Gibbo



    Iron Maiden: 'Fear Of The Dark'

    Status Quo: 'Back To Back' and 'Never Too Late' (to be honest, most of their output between, say, 1978 and 1984, is generally considered 'average' by the Quo Army)

    Ozzy Osbourne: 'The Ultimate Sin' (I remember some reviews panning this when it first came out)

    Twisted Sister: 'Love Is For Suckers'



    Are you trolling here, mate :D ? Ultimate sin is my favorite Ozzy + Guitarist + you name it! Secret loser easily in my list of the songs I listen to naked and drink champagne without the flute glass. I can't listen almost to anything else from ozzy.


    I think consensus on Ultimate Sin is that it ain't that great as an album. Some songs are good (like Shot In The Dark for example, although it sounded MUCH better live!! Check out the version from the Moscow Peace Festival) but as an album it just doesn't hold up to Ozzy's other classic work



    I think the biggest problem with 'The Ultimate Sin' (for most people) is that it comes after 'Bark At The Moon', which is an absolute classic ... on its own merits, as far as I'm concerned, 'Sin' is a cracking album - not a duff song on there. If Shazza could stop being a cow for five minutes, and give Phil Soussan the credit he deserves, the bloody thing might finally get re-issued on CD!


    Iron Maiden: 'Fear Of The Dark'

    Status Quo: 'Back To Back' and 'Never Too Late' (to be honest, most of their output between, say, 1978 and 1984, is generally considered 'average' by the Quo Army)

    Ozzy Osbourne: 'The Ultimate Sin' (I remember some reviews panning this when it first came out)

    Twisted Sister: 'Love Is For Suckers'



    Are you trolling here, mate :D ? Ultimate sin is my favorite Ozzy + Guitarist + you name it! Secret loser easily in my list of the songs I listen to naked and drink champagne without the flute glass. I can't listen almost to anything else from ozzy.



    I LOVE 'The Ultimate Sin' ... just sayin' that most people think it's an 'average' album ... :)

  3. I wouldn't say disappointing, as I had no real expectations, but Gibbo insisted we saw Oranssi Pazuzu at the recent Incineration Festival. I wouldn't say 'Psychedelic Black Metal' was my usual cup of tea, but I'm fairly open-minded, so thought we'd give them a go. Sadly, my vocabulary isn't broad enough to fully explain just how awful they were. Very little music of any kind, it was like some surreal nightmare that, fortunately, only lasted about two-and-a-half songs, as we both need to get the f*** out of there.


    'Insisted' is a bit strong ;) They truly were shite, though ...

  4. These are just on the top of my mind right now, haven't rated them properly but I think maybe they're quite unknown/not very famous/maybe considered weak/average by many/overlooked but I kinda dig it as I remember


    IRON MAIDEN - No Prayer For The Dying



    As much as I love Maiden, this album is a real low point for me ... I only like about half the songs on it :(

  5. Iron Maiden: 'Fear Of The Dark'

    Status Quo: 'Back To Back' and 'Never Too Late' (to be honest, most of their output between, say, 1978 and 1984, is generally considered 'average' by the Quo Army)

    Ozzy Osbourne: 'The Ultimate Sin' (I remember some reviews panning this when it first came out)

    Twisted Sister: 'Love Is For Suckers'



    If you look at it carefully, the UK poster suggests that Tracii is touring on his own (but trading on the LA Guns name) ... in the US, it looks like you're getting three piles of shite and Enuff Z'Nuff ;)


    The UK one even has the original LA Guns logo. The US one actually says LA Guns Featuring....



    the UK one quite similar but different, he changed the skull to a kid, probably afraid getting sued :D



    I think the face is meant to be him ... it's got a goatee



    As for the greatest fall from grace from first half to second half there are far far worse than Frontiers - the classic which I always quote is -


    Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind [first half is arguably their finest 30 minutes - 2nd half is dog shit]


    Thank you for listening ;-)


    Hm ... 'dog shit'? When the second half has 'The Trooper' and 'Still Life'? Okay, after THAT it all goes a bit tits up ... ;)

    To me the second half is the last 4 songs.



    If you'd said the last THREE songs, then we'd agree ... we were so close! ;)

  8. As for the greatest fall from grace from first half to second half there are far far worse than Frontiers - the classic which I always quote is -


    Iron Maiden - Piece of Mind [first half is arguably their finest 30 minutes - 2nd half is dog shit]


    Thank you for listening ;-)



    Hm ... 'dog shit'? When the second half has 'The Trooper' and 'Still Life'? Okay, after THAT it all goes a bit tits up ... ;)

  9. Hummingbird-poster-A4.jpg


    Not bad, reasonable storyline. A fix of Statham kept the missus happy and it had a bit more depth than his usual 'just beat everyone up' roles. He does beat everyone up, though.


    Statham is in 'Spy' ... his role is very tongue-in-cheek, and he does a good job of sending up the beat-'em-all-up/take-on-the-world-single-handed characters that he's known for ... at least, I HOPE his role is intended to be tongue-in-cheek ;)


    I still wouldn't cross the road to see one of HIS films, though :)


    His voice is fine! You just have poor hearing or sumthin'. Bring back Blaze?? Are you serious??


    That's one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever seen on this forum.






    Re Blaze: oh dear.

    Re Bruce: no, sorry, I can't stand his voice these days. Glad you still like it, but it really grates on me. He sounded so much better in the good old day of 'Somewhere In Time' and 'Seventh Son'.



    True, he doesn't have the range these days (I'm not sure I'd enjoy hearing him belt out 'Where Eagles Dare', for instance), but I still like his voice ... it's a lot rougher now, and certainly a lot better than many vocalists out there ...


    Off to see the Minion movie tonight with my better half and (between us) five kids ... my youngest daughter wants to see 'Jurassic World' :popcorn:



    Jurassic World on Saturday, not bad...


    Yeah, Jurassic World was decent. No real complaints, but it's also not something I'll ever watch again.

    I'm curious to know what the Minions movie is like. Let us know, Gibs.



    I was worried that the Minions film might just be a step too far, but it was actually very good ... as with the 'Despicable Me' films, there's plenty of stuff going on in the background, and Sandra Bullock is great as the villain of the piece ... the kids LOVED it (we had five kids with us - the eldest is 17, the youngest is 11) ... go see it :)

  12. "Alien Resurrection" (1997)



    200 years after her "death" in "Alien 3," Ellen Ripley lives again - as a clone produced by some space-station scientists with nefarious plans for the Alien embryo they've taken from her body. Naturally, things soon go horribly wrong and Ripley and her new space-pirate friends (who include Ron "Hellboy" Perlman, Michael "Bad Guy From The Crow" Wincott and a seemingly-miscast Winona Ryder) must stop the now-infested station from reaching Earth.

    I saw this once before when it first hit video in the late 90s and didn't remember much about it at all aside from a vague feeling that I didn't like it much. This time out I'd say it's better than I remembered, it's nowhere near as good as the first two "Alien" flicks but it's a definite improvement over the disappointing "3."


    I thought this was a terrible film ... I love the first three 'Alien' films (I think I like the third one primarily because most of the actors are English, and I've seen them in some very un-Alien like programmes, which always makes me chuckle), but 'Resurrection' will never sully my DVD player again ...




    Of the 'reunion' material, 'Brave New World' is a cracking album ... 'A Matter Of Life And Death' and 'The Final Frontier' have both been strong ... and 'Dance Of Death' really isn't that good, in comparison to other Maiden albums ... I have high hopes for this one.


    I thought that "A Matter Of Life And Death" had plenty of really good songs, but those vocals made listening to the whole thing in one sitting unbearable.





    Shut up, you tart!



    It's true. His voice is terrible these days. They should bring back Blaze. ;)



    How very dare you, sir! And after I found that nice picture for you on FB! :)


    Of the 'reunion' material, 'Brave New World' is a cracking album ... 'A Matter Of Life And Death' and 'The Final Frontier' have both been strong ... and 'Dance Of Death' really isn't that good, in comparison to other Maiden albums ... I have high hopes for this one.


    I thought that "A Matter Of Life And Death" had plenty of really good songs, but those vocals made listening to the whole thing in one sitting unbearable.





    Shut up, you tart!

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