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Posts posted by Gibbo


    Now that they've lost their guitarist and bass player, how long before Bon Jovi is just 'Jon and Blokes'?


    Just another thought here buddy


    when you see the real history of BON JOVI, the real two dudes behind this band is actually Jon and David Bryan, they started the whole thing and guess what, Richie Sambora was the last player to join in after Tico and Richie was a session musician too. Alec John Such and Tico were brought up by David and funny thing is Jon met and played with Hugh MacDonald way before Alec and Hugh is now helping Jon again, so as long as Jon and David is around, the real Bon Jovi is still exist :D


    I love Richie and his playing and his vocal, but talking about irreplaceable, not entirely true about him especially when he's fallen to the drugs, somebody must fill in the job and the show must goes on. This Phil X dude, he's a great and accomplished musician, not only handling guitar, but can play mandolin, bass, and also has great vocal. Check out this footage from Bon Jovi's concert in Brisbane, Phil nailed a wonderful vocal on AC/DC classic, 'Highway to Hell', skip to 03:00





    I get your point, but, for me at least, 'Bon Jovi' is the five guys who recorded 'Slippery ...', 'New Jersey', 'Keep The Faith', etc.


    Saying that Bon Jovi IS Jon and David is a bit like saying Iron Maiden would still be the same band without Dickinson, Murray, Smith, et al., simply because Steve Harris is still in the band :)

  2. Apparently the new album coning out is all previously recorded material and HAVE HAD SAMBORA'S GUITAR PARTS REMOVED and replaced.

    What a load of fkn shit that is!


    That album is due very soon, with a completely new album in the works for next year.


    Has JBJ turned into Sharon Osbourne??


    Another one I've just thought of is Spock's Beard.
    I'm a big Neal Morse fan (love his voice, and could listen to his solo albums all day long), and I didn't like the samples I heard of their first album following his departure, so haven't followed them since. However, I have noticed that they still get good reviews, so wasn't sure to include them in this thread as I'm not familiar with what they do nowadays.



    The albums they did with drummer Nick D'Virgilio providing the vocals are pretty good, I haven't heard anything they've done with the new guy yet ...


    First album thrasy, then slightly less thrashy and more heavy metal, then more mainstream metal with the Black album and Load/Reload, the S&M orchestral crossover, then St. Anger with that new drumming sound, back to a heavy thrashy album, and then Lou Reed(!!)


    Did you mean to say that Metallica went from being one of the best bands around (up to 'Metallica'/'The Black Album') to being utter shite? That's a fairly major change of style :)


    Usually you get bands who stick to a particular style or tried and tested formula, such as AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Black Crowes... they are dependable and you know what you're going to get from them.
    But then you get those who have tried different styles over their career, some more (or less) successful than others, for example:
    Glam Rock, Heavy Rock, a few Disco songs, that Music From The Elder abomination, their attempt to fit in with the Grunge crowd with Carnival Of Souls, then back to their well-known hard rock style.
    First album thrasy, then slightly less thrashy and more heavy metal, then more mainstream metal with the Black album and Load/Reload, the S&M orchestral crossover, then St. Anger with that new drumming sound, back to a heavy thrashy album, and then Lou Reed(!!)
    Alternatively, you could have gradual evolutionary changes over time, such as Anathema who went from death metal to lighter prog rock, or more abrupt changes in direction like Dare who started with AOR then harder rock before settling on their mellow Celtic sound.
    Which artists/bands do you like who have offered up different styles over the years, and what are your opinions of what they did?



    I much prefer Anathema now ... I never really liked their doomier/death sound.


    Paradise Lost went from the death metal of their debut through to the electronic/gothier sound of 'One Second' and 'Host' (via the metallic 'Draconian Times'), before heading back into more doom/death metal territory with their last couple of releases. To be honest, I like pretty much everything they've done - you can hear how they've developed as a band, and taken elements from each release into what came afterwards. A recent review went as far as to say that they couldn't have recorded their latest album if they hadn't released 'One Second' :)

  6. I've always been a fan of Status Quo (stop laughing) ... well, the Rossi/Parfitt/Lancaster/Bown/Coghlan and/or Kircher line-ups ... and it was only after reading their autobiography that I realised they had a massive problem with drugs during the early 80s ... neither Rossi nor Parfitt remember recording many of the albums that I love (Rossi even went as far as to say that he hated one of them, because of all the internal problems with the band.) They also talked about their opening slot at Live Aid here in the UK, when most of them were off their faces on Class A.


    They seemed like such sensible chaps ;)

  7. All the bios I read seemed to indicate pretty strongly that it was a joint effort in those early "pure" days before it all turned sour. Hard to know who exactly did what unless you were there, and even they probably don't remember. ;)


    Yeah, the five of them made Gn'R what it was ... they all brought something to the table, and the band was never the same once the original line-up fractured.

  8. Still not sure, bought the album despite the negative comments cause I wanted to have all of Ozzy's albums and form my own opinion. The melodic aspect of some songs is pretty cool like the title track or Shot In the Dark like I've mentioned. But then there's also songs like Secret Loser and Thank God For The Bomb which...... I don't know how to put it but I think are unintentionally funny. When Ozzy sings ''I'm a secret loser!!'' or ''Thank God for the Bomb!!'' .... just not cool man haha.


    A lot of his lyrics are a bit like that, to be fair :)


    'Thank God For The Bomb' is a bit cheesy, for sure, but surely - for what is pretty much an 'anti-war' song - the worst line has to be 'Nuke ya, nuke ya' ;)




    Iron Maiden: 'Fear Of The Dark'

    Status Quo: 'Back To Back' and 'Never Too Late' (to be honest, most of their output between, say, 1978 and 1984, is generally considered 'average' by the Quo Army)

    Ozzy Osbourne: 'The Ultimate Sin' (I remember some reviews panning this when it first came out)

    Twisted Sister: 'Love Is For Suckers'



    Are you trolling here, mate :D ? Ultimate sin is my favorite Ozzy + Guitarist + you name it! Secret loser easily in my list of the songs I listen to naked and drink champagne without the flute glass. I can't listen almost to anything else from ozzy.



    I LOVE 'The Ultimate Sin' ... just sayin' that most people think it's an 'average' album ... :)





    I can think only of Ozzy bashing it.I understand that we should come with a better working definition of "average" but If I recall right, when I used to buy the Greek HM/Metal Hammer magazine, Ultimate Sin was in top 20 of the 100 best albums (the poll was made by the readers in early to mid 90's). Edit: the survey sample was approximately 10000 strong!



    Kerrang! magazine gave it something like 6/10 ... a lot of my mates don't rate it that highly (I don't think it helps that Ozzy looks like a pantomime dame in most of the promo shots from this era), but I maintain that if it was given the proper 'remaster' treatment (like the rest of his early albums), and re-released, then a lot more people would dig it ...

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