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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 6 hours ago, Darkstone said:






    Thanks guys.

    I was expecting a tirade of abuse.

    I wasn't interested in arguing the point with anyone, on this or any other subject for that matter.

    I've always thought of this site as a sanctuary where we can express ourselves without copping too much shit.

    No one is going to change any one else's opinion on anything. The important thing is to accept other's opinions without ridicule. 

    Thanks again guys. Class acts.

    Man, I've re-read my comment, and I'd like to apologize.
    The way I ripped into you was uncalled for.
    The abuse, the sarcasm, the foul language.
    All uncalled for and it leads me to ask RUOK?

    Seriously, none of the comments you quoted were abusive towards you, nor did the heap any shit on you.
    Not sure if you're just having a bad day or need to do a Glen and take some time off these posts that are seeming to get to you...

  2. Here is a graph showing cases vs deaths in the UK
    I know some will say it isn't real, and I am not about to qualify it, but I will take it on face value as I've seen it around a bit.

    If this doesn't show the importance of being vaccinated, than not much will.
    Right now the cases are on a fair incline, but look at the red line representing deaths - staying low, because those getting covid are getting a mild case if at all because they've had the jab...


    • Like 3
  3. 9 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    Okay, I'm gonna say it.

    I haven't been vaccinated and I don't intend to.

    I'm not compelled to with regards to my job, yet.

    If/When that time comes, I honestly don't know what ill do.

    I, as have all of you, put up with a lot of shit in our lives that we can't control. The one and possibly only thing that we can control, for good or bad, is what we choose to put in our bodies. Whether it be drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, fatty foods, sugar, whatever. As detrimental to our own health as these products are, it's OUR choice.

    As I said before, I've put up with a lot of shit, but I think this may be a "hill I'm willing to die on". 

    I'm sure alot of people here are thinking "and you will die on it". We'll see.

    Please keep the replies respectful. If you disagree then fine. I don't have a problem with that. Just be nice.

    Will be interested to see if this stance changes, not because of a job requirement, but because of a necessity as everything is back open and those unvaccinated are the ones who are being hit.


    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, AlphaMale said:


    July 11, 2021

    Robin-Spring-Saunders-196x300.png Ms. Robin Spring Saunders.

    BALTIMORE — A 45-year-old mother achieved her goal of employment at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. But she never made it to her first day of work.

    Ms. Robin Spring Saunders received her first injection of experimental mRNA on June 21, according to her Facebook page. It’s unclear if it was Pfizer or Moderna. But at this point, it doesn’t really matter. She apparently was not thrilled about receiving the shot. But she did it as a condition of employment at Johns Hopkins University, which mandates the experimental shots for all faculty and staff.


    The adverse effects were almost immediate. Her cousin, Crystal Grainger, wrote on Sunday morning, June 27 that Ms. Saunders was experiencing life-threatening reactions. She was on a ventilator and suffered from brain and heart issues.


    Ms. Grainger, as some others have reported, said the reaction came after the second injection. But that would mean Ms. Saunders received two shots in less than a week, which is highly unlikely and very dangerous. Several family members and friends confirmed it was the first shot.

    The damage was too severe to overcome. Ms. Autumn Harvey, Robin’s daughter, confirmed that her mother passed away later that afternoon. Several others confirmed her death thereafter.




    From dream to nightmare

    It appears Ms. Saunders wanted to work with autistic children and earned credentials to do so. Her Facebook page indicates that she bootstrapped her way to the Johns Hopkins opportunity. She was working several jobs at the time, including Home Depot, Lowe’s and Amazon. She was hired at Johns Hopkins University to fulfill her midlife goal.

    Several friends and family members talked about filing a lawsuit against Johns Hopkins. It will be interesting to see if they follow through. Ms. Saunders is survived by her mother and daughter.

    side effects suck, and can be fatal.
    Sad, but real life, and extremely rare.
    More chance of dying from a coconut landing on your head than from a shark attack etc

  5. 4 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Yeah mate, that's not the part I'm worried about. For the record, I get my second jab in a month. I didn't get it because I wanted to, but because there's no point putting off the inevitable, especially with $50 incentive from my workplace, lol. 

    International, or even nationwide travel seems actual years away down here in this cesspool, but I know that neither will ever be possible again without proof of vaccination. And either will most things, far as I can tell, the way this thing is going. 

    We even got told this week that going forward it would be hard to maintain our current employment without being vaccinated. 

    So as much as I despise this mandatory non-mandarory vaccine, I also understand there's no getting around it. 

    Agree with all that.
    Glad you got a shot, even if it was not ideal for you to do so.

  6. 9 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Yeah mate, I have seen that site and according to those numbers, the 2% is about right, but like I say above, there's a lot more extenuating circumstances to those numbers that just what's on that site. I don't think the pre-existing health conditions should ever be ignored. 

    Funny you say that about the Delta strain as I've only ever heard it's far more transmissible, but also far less deadly. I thought that was the common consensus. Who's saying it's more deadly?   

    Hold strong and don't let them get you with their panic too, mate. Christ knows they're trying their hardest. 

    I know you're not stupid, and I get your hesitation with vaccines.

    Unfortunately, I believe that when things open up again (the world is watching the UK) maybe when 70 to 80% of people have been jabbed, and after vaccines have been easily available to the public for a while, you will find yourself in a bit of a quandry.

    People will be running around either with mild covid symptoms, or none at all, because they have been vaccinated. But they can still pass it on to unvaccinated people.

    Still a lot of time before that happens. I'm guessing very early next year. Will be interesting to see how it develops.


  7. Listened to Jacob Samuel today.
    I was looking through my 'to listen to' folder on spotify and saw it there.
    I had no idea who he was or why I had bookmarked it.

    Was very happy from song 3 onwards and realised who it was.
    These days I rarely know who is in which band nor do I know band members by name most of the time.

    Anyway, solid album and I'm sure it will be a highlight of 2021 for me.

    • Like 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Not sure what you mean, mate. I merely said 6 people have died from covid vaccines in Australia in 2021 and 4 from covid. Suggested nothing else at all and did not even remotely indicate that I think people should not get vaccinated, or that this is a reflection of anything else. Just an interesting pair of numbers considering the state of this place. Obviously millions of people have been vaccinated without incident compared to thousands that have had covid for the amount of deaths there are (in Australia). So don't get carried away, mate... just stating two numbers and nothing more than that. 

    I will say, for the record, that I completely disagree with your take on the numbers - ie. 4% death rate. That's madness, cob. Remember there were not vaccines for a year or so and the number never even crept up close to 4%. I also think it's madness to believe that everyone who has had covid has a test result to show for it. We honestly believe every asymptomatic or person with mild symptoms went out and got tested? Especially in less developed nations. And I also think it is reckless to suggest that covid alone is just going around cutting people down. I posted a link to a graph a few pages back which outlined the underlying conditions associated with covid deaths in the US which I found very interesting. In conclusion, I would guess the actual death rate for covid would be far less than 2%. But that's my personal opinion and I don't mind at all if people disagree. 

    Anyway, just to re-iterate, I didn't make any statement about not getting vaccinated because it's more likely to kill you than covid and I'm sad that you assumed that's what I was trying to suggest. Sad face. 

    Not my intention to misrepresent you, and if You got your point wrong, then I apologize.
    Stats are wonderful things and can be turned and twisted any way.
    my point is, if they lock down everything until everyone has their Astra Zeneca shots, then nobody will die from covid because we will all be unable to get it having been locked down.
    But people will still die from the clots and naturally the death rate percentage will be higher than in any other situation.

    Likewise, if they release everyone and left life go on as it was pre covid, people will all get covid, and many many will die from it, and no-one will die from Astra Zeneca because nobody will have had it.

    the only real stats that matter are either historic stats or what we can see when it's all been said and done.

    Questioning my 4% is fair, it was a random figure that I threw out.
    I should have said 2.5 to 3% which I would believe is possible.
    here is the link to worldometer.
    193,429,183 covid cases, 4,151,7299 deaths
    Happy for you to work out what percentage that is, let me know if my 2.2% was way off.
    Like I said, that site reports CASES of covid, and these days, many of those cases reported are from people who have been fully vaccinated and won't die from it, so that will skew the figures and the death rate for people with no vaccination will be higher....
    Also, this new Delta strain is supposed to be  more inclined to cause death than the older strains, so again, figures possibly don't accurately reflect what is happening.

  9. 12 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Wow, that is incredible. So what are we up to in Australia in 2021 now? Six deaths from the vaccine and four deaths from covid? Can't even comprehend that - getting vaccinated for something that for all you know you might not get any symptoms at all from, and that's it. Lights out. Sad stuff. 

    Mate, I get where you're coming from.
    I agree with a lot of it.
    But addressing your post, I have to say its pretty silly.

    Scenario 1 - everyone gets vaccinated with AstraZeneca, the whole population.
    125 die based on a population of 25 million, based on the mortality rate with blood clots

    Scenario 2 - nobody gets vaccinated at all.
    550,000 die based on worldometer stats (% of total deaths vs infections is around 2.2%)
    ***note - worldometer stats include infections of those who have been vaccinated and do not die, so the percentage of deaths of only unvaccinated people would be closer to 4 or 4%

  10. So I've done a bity of my own research on these vaccines.

    COVID is CO (corona) VI (virus) D (disease)
    coronaviruses have been around since 8000 BC and are thought to originate in birds and bats.

    A reaction to a vaccine is a good sign, it means your body is reacting to the antivirus and adapting to be able to prevent the actual virus infection. I guess this means be careful if you have minimal reaction (sore arm, fatigue, headache, etc)

    Firstly, it seems one jab offers very minimal protection.

    Two jabs basically means you are very unlikely to end up dead or on a ventilator, but can still get sick enough to end up in hospital, although that risk is hugely minimised.

    Being able to contract the virus, means many people who are fully vaccinated with carry and transmit the virus without knowing they have it.

    You need around 3 weeks after your second jab to build immunity, so extra caution needs to be taken after immunisation.

    AstraZeneca is less effective on all forms of covid, but particularly on the Beta strain, where it isn't very effective at all.

    All vaccines appear to work equally well on the Delta strain, although this strain more frequently evades vaccines. New styrains could throw some spanners in the works and new vaccines may be required to combat the evolving virus. Thios should be a lot quicker given that base vaccines exist.

    RNA vaccines Pfizer, Moderna, etc, are the future not just with this virus, but also many other vaccines moving forward.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, auslander said:

    How about "tried to book in for a vaccine appointment and they are booked out for a month on advance and don't take bookings beyond a month?" Is that a good reason for the virtue signallers? Just asking on behalf of most Australians waiting for Pfizer and trying to get a booking. 

    I just rung every few days.
    Eventually I got someone who stayed on the phone long enough to wait for cancellations to come up.
    One came but went before she could grab it, then another came up and she managed to snag it for me :)

  12. 5 hours ago, Geoff said:

    lol. Was it's awfulness discussed earlier? Will try to dig up those posts. 


    Is that based on the R.L. Stine books? You remember those? Back in the day when R.L. Stine and Christopher Pike ruled teen fiction. Used to love Christopher Pike, and still do, to be honest. 

    I have no idea....

    I have no time for books as a general rule.
    If they are good enough, they will make them into a movie :)

  13. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    I can only tell you what our country is doing. If the Australian government doesn't follow suit i don't really know what to add. 

    Most of the EU are following this course of action. I guess the theory is once near to 100% are vaccinated the case numbers will fall away and naturally the quarantine restrictions will begin to ease For foreign travel. 

    Not every country is red only a select few.

    We have 50,000 plus cases a day and as of today have fully opened so are basically living with it as you say so don't fully get your rant? 

    So I guess from today I can attend a gig again although no idea what format that will take. I would assume that for the time being vaccination or a flow test will need to be evidenced for entry. 

    So a question.

    Of that 50,000 cases, what percentage are those who have been vaccinated?
    Are the people who have been vaccinated included? And if so, what severity of covid are they getting?
    We have been left wanting for a lot of info here.
    For example, if you've had the virus, can you get it again? We've heard yes, no and everything in-between...

  14. On 7/18/2021 at 2:56 AM, Glen said:

    I wanna watch the Fear Streets. Is it really an 18 as my kids wanna watch 14 & 12 (lol). Is it too much for them do you think? cheers 

    They really aren't so bad as far as suspense goes.
    For us anyway. We kinda know the game and know when to expect the 'startle'
    Maybe kids might be a little scared, but overall these movies are pretty tame.
    Think Scary Movie. In fact not as bad as that even.

    There are a few gory parts. decapitations, axe in head etc

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Oh thank fuck, you have the solution. Just teleport yourself here and take a glance at what the vaccination program has done so far. Everyone knows we are behind the world with the vaccine, but the fact is that in the 30% who have had one or two injections in this country so far, you must understand that that 30% covers probably well over 90%+ of the most vulnerable who want to get vaccinated. Those that don't want to, that's their choice. As it should be. 

    As for saying enough is enough and making a point, do you ever hear any opposition to all this shit from someone who has an actual voice? If I look for it I can find it (Sky News, featuring the once very influential Alan Jones) is actually calling a lot of this shit out, but they don't seem to have a voice anymore. No one with a voice ever seems opposed to what's going on.

    I know you say it in a bit of jest, but I'm not into blaming people who spread covid for what the government is doing to us. I never blame the people who unknowingly start these things off, but I sure as fuck take issue with how the "outbreaks" are treated. 

    Firstly, I lean fairly far towards Liberal. I am kind of non partisan, Paul Keating was my hero when he was in power. I like strong leaders. Even John Howard was probably the most recent strong federal leader.
    But in the end, the Morrison govt put all their eggs in one basket when they went with AstraZeneca because it was cheaper and could be created here.
    Easy solution, and had it worked as it should have (with NO faults and bed press) we would be in pretty good shape.
    But in the end, it was a poor punt and a borderline crime not to double down with Pfizer just in case. The money we would have saved was spent months ago with lockdowns etc.
    A mistake, a big one, but the timid way they are moving on shits me.

    I watch sky news when I want to feel better bout what is happening :)

    Those fucks who pretty much purposefully exposed the state should be shot (the removal van drivers) 
    The family that broke quarantine should also at least be publicly shamed. Would deter others from running that risk.


  16. 6 hours ago, PeterS said:

    Gun's an interesting one.  The telephone number album terrible because of that but then they learned their lesson.

    First Status Quo album very very different from what they became. 

    Genesis changed multiple times. 

    Whitesnake's move from a blues band to more glam in 87. 

    Crazy you
    Come A Long Way
    All I Ever Wanted

    Were all great tracks off 0141 632 6326

    I tried to go in as if it was a different band, rather than expecting previous Gun

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