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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 19 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    The main thing is that Rogan claimed( which I would say is more than giving an opinion ) that young men have a greater chance of getting myocarditis( basically inflammation of the heart ) from the Covid vaccine than from Covid itself.He was interviewing someone who disagreed with that statement and it was researched by Rogan's team and it was found out that Rogan was wrong.Young men are 8 times more likely to get myocarditis from Covid-19 than from the vaccine.

    Yeah, you're not allowed to fuck up these days.
    lol, so stoopid.

  2. 7 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    What brought this all around was the initial post.Rogan spouted some BS about the vaccine.Neil Young had polio before the polio vaccine was available so to him someone making up stuff about any vaccine is personal.And then things just kinda steamrolled from there.

    Yeah, and that was an overreaction.
    Obviously what he said was a bit out there (I haven't seen the original clip) and people got their backs up.
    But it's just an opinion, right or wrong.
    People are allowed opinions, even if they are in the public eye, and don't deserve a huge backlash because of it.

  3. 2 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I'll say it again, but two wrongs don't make a right. Yes, a lot of that list I agree with, but it doesn't mean we just add another one to it for the fun of it. 

    I like breathing, and I also found out that seeing people's faces, for many reasons and in many different scenarios, is actually pretty important. From day one I have refused to engage in a conversation with someone where we're both standing there wearing masks. Just absolutely refuse such fucking idiocy. 

    It was funny, I was actually at the pool today (indoor) for my kids' swimming lessons and I saw someone who I knew from around town and thought, it does look like her, but why would she be here? Actually walked past her, within 30cm and didn't engage because I wasn't sure and it was too awkward, but found out later, when all masks were off, that it was the person I was thinking of. Pointless story just exercising impure thoughts in my head, but it's such a fucked up state. A new girl at work started early last year and I saw her face about a month ago for the first time. Actually a good looker. Again, another pointless tale. But you can take your own balls to your mouth if this is the world you're willing to accept from now on. 

    Take tour balls in your mouth?

    That's a weird thing to say.

    You make out like you're the only person on Earth who doesn't like wearing a mask.

    N9body really asks me any more, they don't care.

    I have a solution to your problem.

    Go to Coles buy a 24 pack of bottles water. Take a bottle with you on the train. Take a sip every so often. Have a mask in your pocket.

    If I thought masks significantly made a difference I'd wear one more often. But there has been enough use nore for significant data to be collected, compiled and released on their definitive effectiveness. That this hasn't been done leads me to believe that the difference they make is insignificant.

    I do not believe that they should be mandated.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Glen said:

    that's the most stupid thing I've seen you write on the forum.

    I know about 5 people who'd be dead now if they hadn't been wearing a helmet on a bicycle. One had his helmet cracked 2 two, but he survived with a minor concussion.

    Bicycle helmets are not compulsory in the UK but people are idiots if they don't wear one. 

    I Snow skied most of my life since 5 years old. Back then nobody wore helmets. Has to stop 10 years ago when I smashed my leg pretty badly, but I never wore a helmet.

    Ironically Michael Schumacher wore a helmet during many F1 accidents and had no issues, but when skiing with a helmet on caused a life changing head injury.

    No kids wore helmets riding a bike when I was a kid.

    I should qualify what I said with the times I ride a bike its in a park etc. If I was riding on roads that would be a different story, but then again if I rode my bike on the roads I'd have to kill myself for being a stain on society  😀 

    helmets are mandatory on pushbikes here  likely they are for snow skiing now which would dininish the fun involved 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    I put the mask on here and there, too, out of "fear" or obligation, but people saying we should just deal with it and not sook about it are the maggots that are ensuring that we will be forced to wear masks for as long as anyone can see. I absolutely despise that people are so okay with wearing masks and just "dealing with it."  

    Doesn't the pure fucking idiocy around it all get to you? If they told you to wear a dildo on your head tomorrow because it protects brain cancer you'd just say "Uh, okay, I guess I'll just deal with it and not sook?" How stupid a thing do they need to order you to do for you to say, yeah, maybe this isn't something I should just deal with? 

    Pretty sure you're calling me a maggot and that you despise me there.
    Like I said, I don't like to wear it, and I rarely do. But we live in a society and I'm not going to go around bringing shit on myself.
    No. it doesn't get to me, there always have been and there always will be stupid things happening in society that I don't like or agree with, you either live with it, or become an activist.
    So I guess that's what you are of sorts.
    I think smoking should be outlawed.
    I don't agree with mandatory voting in elections
    I don't agree with compulaory seatbelts or motorbike or bicycle helmets. But I wear a seatbelt, a helmet if I ride a motorbike, but not if I rise a bicycle.
    I think the law and punishemnts for rape and murder should be reformed.
    I think Centrelink makes it too easy for many in society to get by without doing anything.
    I think we are overtaxed.
    I think the petrol price should be more regulated, which is hypocritical compared to my stance of free induster and competition etc.
    I think guns should stay outlawed as they are.

    i could go on, but I live with and accept all that shit.
    I save getting pissed off primarily for fuckhesds driving on the road.
    Fortunately I work 5 minutes from home.

    Dildo on my head?
    Weren't you the one asccusing me of looking like a fool the other day?

  6. Michael Richards (Kramer from Seinfeld) is an interesting case.
    He used the word, in a much more offensive way and was slammed. He lied low and then later on appeared on Curb Your Enthusiasm and made fun  of the whole situation.
    Got away with all that, what 7 or so years ago?
    Today he might LITTERALLY be nailed to a cross.

  7. 1 minute ago, Glen said:

    so I just watched this and imo this is perfectly acceptable. He explains the position very well and has moved on. 

    Tbh I would have no issue with someone referring to the word in this context but I would imagine he would now reference it or say the n word which would be better.

    I also 100% agree with him around the craziness of it being thrown around by black people like it's a term of endearment. Hypocrisy of the highest order. 

    Nothing more to see here, time to move on. 

    Oh also can people stop using the fucking wanky term woke. Whoever thought that word up is a c*nt. pure and simple. 


    Agreed, storm in a teacup, but sad that it becomes such a weapon for some.

    Happy to replace the word woke
    Give me an alternative to describe all these PC bullshit opinions

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

    Thats not how shit works here in the good ole US, there seems to be a free ticket to diminish the value of the White man, a whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine mentality, do as i say not as I do, yeah it went from trying to correct shit and make it so everyone has equal rights, all the way to now you can not only do whatever you want with no repercussions, but you can try to treat the white man as a 4th class bottom feeder, they can call each other the ger word because that's theirs, like a number of things, but if anyone wants something of theirs, they fire all the alarms off, Yeah we just have a little club who perform Irish white ancient victory dances, BAM! they show up and are like that's not fair you gotta have a minority in your white Irish dance club, the fact of the matter is anyone can say anything they want, speaking of pronouns, it really is like a thing they have, holding the word over everyone's heads, like a little inside joke, I don't even care about the word but there's a lot of people out there don't like being told what to do and say, I really don't use the word in my modern vocabulary, cept when im wit da homiez, but it's almost become comedic how they've steered that whole ninja narrative.

    They would describe your statement as white privelige, which seems to cover a plethora of things these days.
    Call me a cracker, whitey, skippy (Australia term for white) or whatever, I really don't care.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Glen said:

    Well if it taken out of context then fair enough. Why is he apologising for it then. Why not just say fuck off that was taken out of context? 

    Because you just can't do that these days.
    He would be cancelled if he did that.
    He has to play by the new woke rules.
    I'm pretty sure he thinks this is all bullshit and fucked up, but he knows he has to come out and say shit like
    "nobody should use that word in any circumstances, I understand the hurt I have caused to black people and I understand how wrong I was to say it. No reason makes it acceptable and I have learnt from my mistake"
    He should probably even say things like "a teachable moment"

    I'm ok with how he used it, and even if he used it in a worse way, say calling someone it, I allow people to apologise and move on.
    People make mistakes and these days, particularly with things like this word, it seems there is no redemption if you fuck up.
    It's just a part of an ev er increasing Orwellian society...

  10. 19 minutes ago, Glen said:

    irony is Brits never moan or winge. You've probably heard about the British stiff upper lip. Endure, accept and move on. 

    I winge about some people on here cos they're,  well , idiots basically ;)

    Idiots with good taste in music 🎶 😊

    I just say whinging poms because that's a phrase that exists here.
    I donubt English people sook any more or less than anyone else, but I think it's something that a REAL AUSSIE might say, so I thought I should go with it ;)

    • Haha 1
  11. 12 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    lol. Do I actually need to quote my own posts now for you to have any chance of actually reading them?

    I never said Australia is alone is all of this. But like I've said in other threads about other things, two wrongs don't make a right. My apologies that I'm not you, but I'm not going to sugarcoat what I don't like. I enjoyed the beach several times this weekend, and I too love it. Always have, even through lockdowns. But I wake up tomorrow morning, board a train and risk a $500 fine because I have no intention of wearing a mask in a 95% vaccinated country. And I will be constantly aware of my surrounds, feeling like I'm committing a serious crime... just because I don't want to wear a stupid fucking mask, in a 95% vaxxed country. 

    Big deal.
    I don't wear a mask.
    I carry one with me and if in the extremely unlikely event a police officer asks me why I am not wearing one I put it on.
    End of the situation.
    Was it you who was the cop hater? Actually I think that was Auslander. Not sure how you feel.
    Anyway, I put on a mask when I went into my bank, because I wanted something from them so played the game.
    I put one on entering Bunnings because theya re hard asses and it saves the problems. As soon as I was in, I took it off.
    I don't like wearing them, and only do when I have to.
    if I was living in fear of a fine, like you seem to be, I'd just be putting one on and dealing.
    I still wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't be sooking about it.

  12. 1 minute ago, Glen said:

     from Hobo to Drifter.look I've not read the reports at all & I have no interest in Rogan but IF he said racist comments then there is no excuse.

    and 12 years ago was 2010. Hardly a long while ago, it's not like reports from the 70s / 80s. 

    Read the story then.
    He used the N word in coversations with people like Quinten Tarrantino and them amount of times he used the word in his movies.
    It was used as a part of a discussion.
    His mistake was saying the actual word, rather than calling it the 'N-word" which realistically is pretty silly.
    he naver made racial slurs, or called anyone that name.
    and now new people are asking Spotify to remove their music, because Rogan 'is racist'

    It's a big problem.
    But societies standards today, what Rogan did by actually saying the word is a big no-no and undefendable.
    But in 2010 or whenever, nobody complained, just starting to now that someone made a clip of him using it.
    History remains to learn from, you can't cancel it.
    Dr Seuss, Disney, Simpsons, etc. Art, music, whatever. Guns N Roses songs...

    Nothing too new here anyway, Whitesnake changed Here I Go Again in 1987 from 'hobo' to 'drifter'

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