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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. BJ Gun VH (how did this end up being 3rd for me?) Slash Firehouse
  2. Just from the pic is hard enough. And this year is one of the hardest. Lots of killer stuff. Kiss - what an amazing crescendo to a comeback album that really brought them back to the top. Closely followed by... Bon Jovi Slaughter Def Lep Extreme WASP
  3. I'm gonna go with Geoff and his deeply buried truth about Poison Native Tongue. It has my all time fav song on it (Until You Suffer Some). Not sure why, to me it's just one of the all time well written songs with all the elements, bridge, hooks, melody, vibe. Others worth a mention are Mr Big, EZN, Meat Loaf, Def Lep
  4. TS Under the Blade very closely followed by Maiden As soon as I saw the list I expected a bunch for..> Kiss - never got the attraction to this album, one of their worst for me Aldo Nova - never was able to get into this but people froth it. Van Halen - likewise was never able to get most of the earlier stuff. For me DLR on 1984 was great, before that pretty average music overall. (damn should have posted these in the unpopular opinions thread...)
  5. Love Discconnected, but this first one was average for me, maybe because i heard it 20+ years after it's release Only option from this bunch is Harem Scarem fo rme, and it is one of their average releases.
  6. Not much love here for Gotthard G I only got 4 keepers from it and two of those were covers. For me it's Def Lep Slang (I love this album) and Nelson.
  7. Probably Kiss Or maybe Dare. Slim pickings this year. Nothing really that stunning in the image
  8. Was going to have to settle on Motley until I saw M3, which is the clear winner.
  9. LA Guns for me, I fucking love that album, easily their best. Heavy and raw and full of spite. Then MC94 and Jackyl
  10. Excellent Have never been able to get Fairgrounds digitally I still have the LP (one of only a few)
  11. For me Slaughter Closely followed by Cinderella (their best album) Warrant (obviously) Extreme, and Firehouse.
  12. This year I was young and really not into hard rock yet. So I missed a lot of these that never really made it over here. For me, easily Maiden, followed by ACDC Never a big ACDC fan, but for me this is their best album and it wasn't long after this that they got too samey for me to be interested. Obviously Bon stuff is also great. Could never really get into Def Lep OTTN. I tried, but pretty sure I didn't get one keeper...
  13. VH and BJ are the standouts here VH just wins for me.
  14. Yeah, you're not allowed to fuck up these days. Cancelled. lol, so stoopid.
  15. TS Then WASP and Stryper. Not really fair that Maiden is in tehre, so I ignored that one.
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