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Everything posted by Gotthardline

  1. You like them, hey? I like the first half of Adelitas Way but the end of the album is really poor. Not a fan at all of the Art Of Dying - very nu-metal. 'Everything' is brilliant and I think I liked 2 other songs, but overall it was very, very nu-metal, and not very true to their style and sound. I really like the Adelitas way album though I'd agree that the best songs by far are at the start of the disc, Low, shame and Bad reputation are some of my favourite songs this year so far I also kind of agree regarding art of dying, vices and virtues is probably my favourite modern rock album or certainly top 5 , and the new one is a lot heavier and I too would have preferred vices and virtues part 2 , still like at least half of it though , everything , tear down the wall , eat you alive and Space are really good songs imo
  2. I've listened to it on Spotify and barring 3 maybe 4 songs at a push , its dreadful , and that's coming from someone who has loved all their previous albums, really dissapointing
  3. I agree mate, its a good album but I'll never understand the amount of praise it always seems to get, as you say a few great songs, i'd probably throw skies of Mongolia into your list personally Btw have you ever listened to Maverick's quid quo pro album, judging from your general comments, i'd reckon its one you might like if you haven't checked it out already that is
  4. another really good song , like these guys a lot
  5. Yep definitely worth checking out I'd also suggest checking out the new Adelitas way. veer Union and Art of Dying albums if you haven't already done so All out this year and all very good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71QRJOdXZaQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6D5D5-SSOU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KG7mirpiqY
  6. Southern gentleman were stellar revival but have a new singer now I love that stellar revival album and Southern gentleman is good too !
  7. I must be the only one not feeling it It's an ok song to me but I hope there's better on the album
  8. Really good song ! I liked their Ep and am definitely looking forward to the album
  9. The new Veer Union is really good actually, miles better than their last . Cavo also have a new album but they have changed their sound completely and I don't care for it , a couple of good songs on it though
  10. A bit harsh I think , naked , appetite , enjoy the ride and shadow of a monster are all good Songs imo
  11. A dissapointment for me , especially considering that I loved their last disc But it's still a good album imo
  12. Just finished listening to the new Hell in the club for the first time and it is good, but i'm not liking it as much as their last album which was admittedly superb Maybe take a few more listens to grow, good band though
  13. seconded, 'we are the weekend' sounds especially great Love these guys
  14. I also like it Think the issue people have with it , is that it isn't 'typical JSS' and while I'd have preferred that, this is still a decent album imo
  15. Amazed no ones mentioned 'icon's night of the crime ' yet , one of the best aor albums if not the best
  16. I'd add feels a lot like love to that , excellent song , but otherwise agree
  17. Really good album although I feel the first four tracks that were released are by far the strongest on the album and the rest arent quite living up to them first 4 , anyone feel the same ?
  18. excellent song , but expected no less from these guys, love their first two albums and the new song has my hopes high for the album
  19. I like Shakra but wasn't expecting much from this album as I thought the last few were nowhere near as good as the earlier ones, having said that ' Hello' is a good song and the newly posted one ' High Noon' is excellent, fantastic song
  20. love that song , just what i'd expect from Khymera, can't wait for this one
  21. This dudes voice is a carbon copy of the mighty Alice Cooper, cool songs too
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