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Posts posted by tts42572

  1. 13 minutes ago, Geoff said:

    Sweet mother of christ. Here I was innocently watching the latest season of 'The Bachelor' like a good penis loving young man, and fuck me, it's even hit here too. Host of 20 years has "stepped down" for "racist remarks" which consisted of him suggesting not to crucify a young lady for a harmless incident three years ago, which has been blown into the stratosphere by everyone and anyone who could drum up any ounce of offence for the incident. 

    It's more than I can be bothered to put on paper here, but is anyone across this? If not, do a little googling to see what went down at the end of the last Bachelor series in the US. 

    It's amazing how I look at Australia and think how amazingly fucked up this place is, but of course it's probably mostly here via the US... and probably most of the rest of the world. I find it so sad to say how much I fucking despise what the world is coming to. It is becoming unbearable to be aware of anything that is happening outside one's own little bubble. 

    I don't watch that show and no idea even what happened but couldn't agree more on the last couple sentences....

    I've gotten to the point where I can no longer watch or read the news although obviously it's sometimes hard to avoid.  I just try to do what I need to do in my own little world, try to be respectful to the people in my life and hope for the best.  

    I really wish I could just pack up my crap though and move to like Aruba or something where I could just think about living a good life everyday and not be so irritated by society. 

  2. I gave this a shot this morning and really didn't grab me at all.  

    It's okay and the music itself is cool.  But my main issue remains Strandell's vocals.  I've just soured on him for some reason.  I just hear his accent coming through frequently and his annunciation sometimes makes me cringe.  I did kind of like One In A Million and Set Me Free but that's about it.

    It's something I should like as the musical style is right in my wheelhouse.  But for me there are plenty of other Euro bands doing this stuff way better and I guess I'd rather just listen to those bands.

  3. 14 hours ago, auslander said:

    It's not just you. I still don't get it, this craze for digital music. People have been sold an inferior product and one that has also destroyed the livlihood of the majority in tge industry they love. A cd provides income to an artist, gives you a physical copy with artwork etc., you can make digital copies of it yourself, the music is heard as the artist intended in a long format album.

    Instead people are choosing to get digital files that they don't own (read the fine print), or rent songs on Spotify that rip off artists and provide them with next to zero income for their art. 

    IMO it's a travesty that music fans have been sold this lie about how "amazing" digital music is or how wonderful these curated playlists on Spotify are. Its also funny how they sneer at those who "still buy cds" like we are somehow Luddites or something absurd. The truth is otherwise.

    In reality though, isn't the absolute best thing you can do for an artist is to buy the physical CD AND stream it?  I mean, once you buy that CD, the artist gets absolutely nothing from every listen of that CD or from digital files you've ripped and listen to on a USB stick.  You could listen to it a million times and the artist is getting zilch from you other than some fraction of the $10-$15 you spent for the CD.  And often times people buy a used CD on Ebay or whatever.  In that case the artist never gets a penny from you.  On the flip side though, they do get something (even if small) from streams of their album.  And I assume those stream counts are also used for other things like measuring an artists popularity and who knows what else.

    Hey, I was right there with you a couple years ago.  I despised streaming and bought CD's for every release that I wanted that came out.  However, what really turned me was getting a new car without a CD player as my car is where almost all my listening happens.  I quickly grew tired of using wonky USB drives to listen to stuff in the car so decided to give Spotify a try.  I fell in love with the convenience of it and basically having my whole library at my fingertips all the time for basically the cost of 1 CD a month.  And yeah, I did also find I like being able to organize different playlists.  

    Then I took a look at all my CD's sitting on my shelf and wondered what I should do with them.  I pictured the day when I'm no longer here and my kids or somebody else having to deal with them.  And I know what would happen....They'd probably all just get dumped in the trash or sold at a garage sale for .50 cents each or something.  I figured I'm just better off selling many off now and getting closer to what I know they are worth then having them get dumped in the trash.   I've pulled in a nice little sum that past year or so.

    I will still buy some CD's for my favorite artists to support them but I also can say I haven't actually listened to a CD in about a year now.  They ones I have bought I've pulled out the booklet to read along lyrics while streaming or to rip digital files but haven't actually listened to the CD's.

    I'm not one that will ever criticize anybody for how they choose to listen to music though.  The important thing is just listening however you can and supporting artists by buying what you can, spreading the word, going to shows and getting people around you to open their minds and ears.


  4. 22 hours ago, Glen said:

    I have virtually stopped buying cds now. Its a defunct medium imo 

    I probably buy 5-10 a year now and its my absolute fav artists.

    This yr so far I have bought WET, Chez, Ronnie & Levara 

    Same for me.  I used to buy quite a few although I never went overboard crazy.  I was generally buying 10-12 a year on average I'd say.

    I've spent the past year or so trying to really scale down my CD's and I've got down to around 100 or so left which are all basically albums I absolutely love and just couldn't part with.

    It's just tough buying CDs when you have nowhere to listen to them.  My main place to listen used to be in my cars but now none of my cars have CD players.  I do still have one CD player in the house but rarely use it.

    I will still buy an occasional CD but not many.  I've bought 2 so far in 2021....Temple Balls and Midnite City. 

    I've just grown into Spotify.  It's nice having so much music at my fingertips and just so convenient.  I still listen to lots of stuff that comes out though and if I hear something I really have to have, I'll probably buy the CD.

  5. No idea how they think they're going to pull off a stadium tour.  They're lucky this year was cancelled as Vince obviously isn't in any shape to be playing stadiums.

    The only shot they have is to pump in a bunch of backing tracks and just have Vince up there lip syncing.

    They should do the right thing and announce they're pulling out of the Stadium tour and just stay retired so they don't totally embarrass themselves.......then fill their spot with AC/DC or Guns N Roses or somebody like that.

  6. 3 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Probably my fav from the  thus far

    I'd agree.  I haven't really cared much for the previous tunes.  Music in all sounds great but just didn't care for the songs themselves and as I mentioned earlier in this thread, Strandell is a guy that is just can be hit and miss for me.

    This one is more of a hit and sounds pretty good.

    Don't think I'll be buying this album though as it's basically 1 for 4 for me.  But I'll probably find a few tunes from it to add to my playlists.

  7. New Nitrate tune out.  

    I'm personally just a little iffy on Strandell's vocals only because I hear a bit of an accent now and then.  Sometimes he works for me, sometimes he doesn't....it's really kind of weird.  Usually I either like a guys vocals or I don't....But I've seemed to float back and forth on him over the years for whatever reason.

    Anyways, that said, I think this song works pretty well for me.  Great music/sound/vibe/production, well written lyrics and pretty cool throwback video.  This one will be hitting my playlist for sure.   


  8. Checked out the samples for the album on I Tunes last night.  Always tough to tell much from samples but I guess initially I'm not really taken by it.  

    A few songs sounded decent enough but feeling like this will be a streamer maybe worth checking out but not something I'll be running out to buy a CD of.

    I'm still a bit iffy on the vocals.  They sounded fine to me in the first single but in some of the samples I'm not so sure I'm sold.  

    We'll see as more tunes drop if it grows on me or not.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Stefan said:


    Now playing. I like it.

    Same...Like that also.  Really sounds quite different than anything on their debut to my ears at least.  Sort of has a cleaner, modern type feel to it but also some classic Def Leppard-ish type sound mixed in also.

    Will be interesting to hear how some of the more up tempo stuff sounds as it seems like they're claiming this is a heavier album overall.

  10. 10 minutes ago, lettard said:

    Yeah got an email from Roulette,something about the pressing factory and covids affect on it has pushed it back...  :( ah well...11th June it is

    Surprised they still kept the 5/26 release date in Japan when they changed it for the rest of the world.  I ordered the Japan CD this time for the jewel case and bonus track and happy now I did.

  11. This is out in Japan.

    Gave it a listen and absolutely loving it.  Basically just follows the formula of the first 2 albums only I think they've added quite a bit more variety here.  I've only been through a couple times so far but it's already feeling like their strongest album top to bottom to me.

    I'm having a tough time even picking a favorite song. Maybe Fire Inside or Darkest Before The Dawn....Or possibly I Don't Need Another Heartache...Basically I dig every tune here though.

    Need more spins but pretty sure this will be moving to my top spot for 2021 after the dust settles.


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  12. Tough to tell much from the 30 second teaser but clip sounding pretty good to me.  

    I initially liked their debut album but it faded away pretty quickly for me and I ended up selling off the CD I had a couple years ago as I just wasn't listening to it.   Looking back now, there were a few good tunes but not sure I loved the vocalist.  And it doesn't feel like they were ever really settled with their vocalist anyways.  I seem to remember one guy leaving either before or during album recording, another guy maybe recording the album and then another guy playing live.  I might be wrong on that but definitely seems like they've had issues settling the lead vocals.

    Keeping eyes on this and looking forward to hearing more.

  13. Basically sounds exactly like I'd expect it to.  Although, this one sounds like Eclipse doing a song written by Bon Jovi.

    It's decent enough but I've listened to it a few times now and not sure I have a burning desire to listen to it much more. 

    I feel like they're capable of much better.

  14. On 3/5/2021 at 4:05 PM, lettard said:

    Album out this year called "1989"

    If the material is like what is above I'm more than interested...


    This is pretty good stuff.  I think I like the second track more than the first but both pretty good.

    Seems pretty safe to say the whole album will be in this style if the title of it is 1989 ;)

    Definitely interesting and will be keeping eyes on it.

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