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The Rocker

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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. Doom-last night Star Trek (2009)-tonight
  2. I own the original 3(box set)and yes the first is classic, but I will be watching this (on dvd).
  3. what are wet and vega? What? You don't know who W.E.T. is?! Yeah, Vega is forgivable but you should familiarize yourself with W.E.T. forthwith. I got the first W.E.T. album and thought it was dull. W H A T ?
  4. I some what agree,but when you have a debut album as good as the s/t our expectations are high and it would be hard to duplicate.
  5. what are wet and vega? What? You don't know who W.E.T. is?!
  6. Sweet, hope it's a good one. New Tango Down 2014!
  7. You think those guys have enough studs on their clothes? its called image son Wow! thank you very much, I couldn't figure it out for myself and needed some help!!!
  8. Agree, watched this a couple of times since it has been out.
  9. I pre ordered AdrianGale-SuckerPunch when I ordered LaValle-Dear Sanity Pre ordered Maxx Explosion and No Love Lost along with FarCry-Optimism. It's buy 2 get a third 1/2 price right now over at Kivel Records.
  10. I thought the same thing. That line is pretty silly, and you get it three times, but that might be my favorite song from the album. Night Is On Fire,Bad Lovin', Sex Drugs & Reckless Love,Runaway Love,So Happy I could Die and I Love Heavy Metal are my picks.
  11. Not bad, but like the look more than the music! Motley Crue anyone?!
  12. You gotta get with the times, mate. There are these things called mp3's, Dave. ;} MP3's ha! No fun in those, can't make the perfect mix when you can include all the songs. Not every song deserves to be played in the family vehicule. The day the Canucks win the Cup is the day I'll get with the times....and most likely soil myself at the same time. You'll be waiting A LONG time then lol Heh, yessir. Not even a Canucks fan expects the Canucks to ever win. ;} And you can still make great mixes with mp3 files. It just takes longer. I live in MA.(about an hour or so outside Boston ,and a BIG Bruins fan) so I had to make that comment. All in good fun of course.
  13. you can stop with that one and not bother with the rest I like the second and third films, they're mindless fun ... the fourth one leaves me cold, though ... I hope if they decide to make another one that they come up with a decent script (and cast!) I enjoyed them all....and I seem to remember hearing that there are supposed to be 2 more coming.... I also enjoyed them.
  14. You gotta get with the times, mate. There are these things called mp3's, Dave. ;} MP3's ha! No fun in those, can't make the perfect mix when you can include all the songs. Not every song deserves to be played in the family vehicule. The day the Canucks win the Cup is the day I'll get with the times....and most likely soil myself at the same time. You'll be waiting A LONG time then lol
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