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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. While I consider myself a collector more than a dealer, I do sell CDs on my website as well as on eBay, so I guess I could fall into the dealer category, and my policy is to never lie about a CD. Without mentioning names, there are several sellers who hype their discs to unbelievable heights in the name of bilking a few more bucks out of drooling melodic hard rock collectors. I've fell victim to these charlatans in the past, as have many of us Heavy Harmonies members, I'd wager. On the flip-side, there are people whose judgement I trust almost completely. Bottom line, I've taken a few lumps along the way and been burned by misleading descriptions, but I chalked up those lumps to lessons learned.


    As a final thought, comparisons can be such a headache. Where one man hears Warrant, another man listens and goes, "What the &*!@?" No joke, I once sold a customer Blue Tears after making the typical Def Leppard/Bon Jovi comparison on my website and he sent me a scathing email after receiving it wanting to know where I got off making such a comparison, because all he heard was Queensryche!!!! :blink:


    So, the moral of this story should be obvious: one man's Def Leppard is another man's Queensryche. B)

  2. I know I was naughty, but Santa must've thought I was nice, because over the holidays I scored these CDs:



    PETER LESPERANCE: "Down in it"

    SHOTZ: s/t

    STARWOOD: "If it Ain't Broke, Break it"

    TWISTED SISTER: "Still Hungry"

    BON JOVI: "100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can't be Wrong"

    SUICIDE CIRCUS: "Fallen"

    WHITE RUSSIAN: "Broken Mirror"

  3. I side with the majority (judging from the poll results) on this one...the best KISS sans makeup album is "Revenge," with "Hot in the Shade" a close runner-up. "Revenge" is just such a classic...how can you go wrong with the CD that has the monster metal anthem "Unholy" on it? Not only do I consider "Revenge" the best non-makeup KISS album, I consider is the best KISS album, period! :banger:


    OK, I'm going back to what I was doing now. :) As always, just my two cents' worth.


    Keep the faith.


  4. Got the day off and before I head out into the woods to kill Bambi, I've got VINCE NEIL: "Carved in Stone" playing in the stereo. As I drive to my favorite hunting spot, it will be SKILLET: "Collide" getting me pumped into a slaughterous mood.


    And to all you bunny-huggin' anti-hunters who may be lurking out there, yes, I know deer have feelings too...hopefully the feeling of my bullet through its heart! :bigboom:

  5. The only CD I picked up this week is GOOD CHARLOTTE: "Chronicles of Life and Death."  (All you nu-breed haters feel free to roll your eyes in disgust.)  It's not as good as their last album, but it's a whole lot better than Butch Walker's "Letters."  (That one's for you, Hsf!)   :P


    Bless you for remembering little ol' me! :lol:


    Hopefully all this talk will generate a little more publicity for the album and someone will be interested in the controversy and go find it and listen to it to see who is more accurate in their assessment of the album, you or I. Maybe ol' Butch will get a few more sales out of all this. <_<


    Hsf, I have to tell you, one of the inmates at the federal prison I work at has the letters H.S.F. tattooed on his arm and I asked him what it stood for, to which he replied, "Hot Stud Fucking." You, uh, didn't happen to do any time on the inside, did ya? :D Seriously, man, while you loved Butch Walker's "Letters" album and I hated it, I don't feel either of is right or wrong, we just have different musical tastes. I sincerely hope Butch sells loads of the CD and makes a pile of money in the process. I may not like his most recent output, but I still like the man.


    As always, just my two cents' worth.


    Keep the faith.


  6. Personally, I have no problem paying $4 for shipping from a reliable seller who makes sure I get my CDs in a timely manner. Some people complain if someone makes a measly $.0.50 on the shipping, but give me a break. I agree with Jim--where's the harm in a seller making a minor "profit" through his shipping charges in order to cover the cost of the envelope, the time to package the CD, and the gas (and time) to take it to the post office? My problem is with the greedy goobs who charge $5 for shipping then ship it Media Mail for $.83. Now THAT gets my boxers in a knot. :bigboom:


    And just to keep this pertinent to the thread, I have never had any problems with Ryan (Metal Mayhem) and I've dealt with him dozens of times. My brother had one problem with them in relations to terrible customer service and shipping delays that resulted in harsh words from both sides, but in the end, my brother received his CDs (and a request never to purchase from them again). But that one negative incident aside, I have no problem recommending Metal Mayhem for all your melodic needs.


    As always, just my two cents' worth.


    Keep the faith.


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