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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Pretty self-explanatory. Bands whose names start with the letter "A." Which one's your fave? (As always, if I overlooked your personal pet favorite, feel free to verbally punish me like a rabid dominatrix and then write in your pick.)


    My vote goes to Adriangale, but if Aces High's follow-up albums had been as good as their debut, I probably would have swung that way. But Adriangale, in addition to just being a kickin' melodic hard rock band, is more consistent, so they get my nod.

  2. Why am I the only one on the board... again? :(

    Could it be because the presence of your pseudo-divinity causes us mere mortals to flee like cockroaches from the light?


    Or, uh, could it be because your breath smells like a gorilla's diarrhetic asshole...??


    (Dunno...want me to stop tossing out theories?)



    One of the best thrillers I've ever seen, featuring a cat-and-mouse game between an innocent-looking-yet-not-quite-what-she-seems 14 year-old girl and the pedophile who wants her. Razor-sharp dialogue, some gallows-humor sarcastic one-liners, and a torture sequence that no man can watch without squirming.

  4. HALLOWEEN (Rob Zombie remake)


    First off, let me say that I'm not a huge fan of the original, which is just too slow-paced and tame for my horror tastes, so I had no issue with Zombie attempting a remake/reimagining. I'm just not sure Rob did a great job. The movie feels split, with the first half delving--quite interestingly, I might add--into Michael Myers' childhood. And then, rather abruptly, we launch into rushed rehashing of the original "Halloween," with absolutely zero character development. Granted, we know who these characters are because we've all seen Carpenter's "Halloween" so many times, but that doesn't let Zombie off the hook. The characters in the second half of the film aren't even cardboard, they're tracing paper. They're there to be brutally slaughtered...


    ...and that's where this version shines. Zombie likes his horror hardcore & hard-hitting and his bulked-up version of Michael Myers doesn't f*ck around when it comes time to kill.


    So it's a movie with a split personality, the first half not really grafting well with the second half, and "split" is also how I would describe my feelings for it. As a remake of "Halloween," it leaves a little something to be desired, but taken on its own terms as a standard-issue slasher film with a high body-count, grungy visuals, and brutal kills, it delivers, even though it still has some problems.

  5. Stalking people seldom has it's rewards. :(

    I know, and I really wish you would stop trying to peek in the bathroom window everytime I take a shower. Keep it up and I'm gonna sic my attack ferret on you. Bad enough you mailed me those full-frontal nude shots of yourself. My wife actually got the mail that day, opened the envelope, looked at the photos, and then handed them to me, saying, "Some eunuch mailed you pictures of himself."

    The latest batch is done using the Austin Powers method of having pink drinks positioned just so in every photo, so as to obscure "that which shall not be named." :blink:

    Geoff hasn't named his...wedding tackle, yet??

    Actually, his wife named it for him: 4T, short for T.T.T.T. Geoff thought it was mega-cool until he found out it stood for Teenie Tiny Twat Teaser. After that, he decided to simply refer to it as "that which shall not be named."

  6. Stalking people seldom has it's rewards. :(

    I know, and I really wish you would stop trying to peek in the bathroom window everytime I take a shower. Keep it up and I'm gonna sic my attack ferret on you. Bad enough you mailed me those full-frontal nude shots of yourself. My wife actually got the mail that day, opened the envelope, looked at the photos, and then handed them to me, saying, "Some eunuch mailed you pictures of himself."



    Metalium is a decent, although totally unoriginal, power metal band that has a great lead vocalist (Henning Basse) backed by such all stars as Chris Caffery (guitars) and Mike Terrana (drummer for Rage) and sounds like a mish mosh of the best stuff from Gamma Ray, Helloween, Primal Fear, Iron Savior, and virtually every other metal band that's come from Germany in the past 20 years. Not an essential purchase by any means...

    I had this a few years back. Not bad, and I kept it around for a few months, but it got boring fairly quickly and I eventually dumped it. Honestly, can't say I've missed it one iota.

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