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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. My song's coming along well;


    '2008 I hate you, you motherfucker

    Fuck you, you fucking year

    Fuck everything that's happened this year, you motherfucker

    (Except Samoa)

    Fuck you, 2008'


    Pretty sweet, hey?


    That's good mate, but aren't we in 2007?


    Fucking good song though.

    Been wanting to ask him that myself, but was afraid I would find out that Geoff is actually a fucking time traveler which, combined with his devastating good looks and sexual prowess that puts pagan deities to fucking shame, would make his awesomeness too fucking much to bear for a mere mortal like me. Sometimes, just sometimes, ignorance truly is fucking bliss.



    This is the kind of film for which the hypberbole "edge of your seat excitement" and "adrenalin-fueled thrill ride" were invented. If the Waterloo Station "meet the reporter" sequence doesn't have you chewing your nails, check your pulse, 'cause you're probably a corpse and really shouldn't be polluting a movie theater. And the bathroom brawl between Bourne and an assassin is one hell of a fight scene.


    If I had a complaint--and I don't want to give too much away--it's that Bourne shows a little too much compassion during the climatic scenes, taking away some of the visceral impact I was hoping for. I'll leave it at that.


    And by the way, while much of the story is wrapped up quite nicely, they did leave room for further sequels, and despite what Damon is currently stating (that he's done making Bourne films), I'm not sure I really believe him. Stallone said there would be no Rambo IV (coming out next summer), Gibson said there would be no Lethal Weapon IV, and Willis said there would be no Die Hard 4 (probably still playing on a screen near you). So, uh, yeah, excuse me if I don't totally believe the star of a hit action franchise will never return for another sequel. Somewhere down the road Damon's career will be sagging or they'll offer him an obscene amount of money and then, mark my words, Bourne will be back.

  3. I don't know if this qualifies as "uninteresting" or not, but I certainly found it funny anyway...


    On my way to work every morning I pass a church that has a "message board" sign out on its front lawn, which usually has announcements of their upcoming events, or a simple Bible verse or inspirational phrase, on it. For the last couple of days as I've driven by, the sign has simply said "PRAISE GOD!" On my way here this morning, I noticed that overnight some pranksters had re-arranged the letters so that right now the sign says "RAPE DOGS!"

    OK, that was mildly interesting, and as such, I'm pretty sure it doesn't belong in this thread. I suggest it be moved to somewhere more appropriate or just outright baneed.

  4. BON JOVI: "Lost Highway"


    Nowhere near as "countrified" as I expected, this actually reminds me of "These Days" a little bit, though it's not as good as that album. No real killer hard rock tracks, but several catchy, uptempo tunes ("Summertime" and "We Got it Goin' On") to keep the foot tappin' and the head bobbin'. Definitely not their best, but not the abomination many thought it would be.


    L.A. GUNS: "Tales From the Strip"


    Haven't really cared much for anything these guys have released since "Cocked & Loaded," so I really wasn't expecting much when I popped it in the player. When I finished listening to it, you could have knocked me over with a feather as easily as a bullet 'tween the peepers. :bigboom: I'm sure most of you already know this, but I'm gonna tell ya anyway, this is a kickass sleazy hard rock album. From beginning to end, this sucker grabbed me by the ears and made me its bitch and I thanked them for the abuse. Aggressive, hard-hitting, drenched with attitude...great stuff!


    Yeah that LA Guns is a good album. Did you not like "Waking the Dead"?

    Honestly, I don't really remember "Waking the Dead," but I can tell you I bought it the day it came out, listened to it once, and sold it the next day, so that kind of tells me I wasn't impressed. Maybe I need to pick it up again, give it another try...

  5. OK, so I made the switch from MusicMatch Jukebox to Yahoo Music Jukebox last night. Very smooth transition, all my songs, playlists, etc. migrated over without a single glitch, and the new Yahoo Jukebox seems pretty user-friendly.


    However, unless I am missing something, Yahoo Music Jukebox only gives you the option of printing out a disc label and front cover when you burn a CDR; no rear tray insert. This sucks, because with MusicMatch you could do all that; it even generated spine labels. Basically, from what I can tell, all this new Yahoo Jukebox gives you is a front cover with a pretty background, title, and track listing. Frankly, that pisses me off, forcing me to migrate to a new program and then giving me less services than I had with the old one.


    Anyone else experiencing this? I'm not the most computer-savvy person lurking 'round these parts, so if somebody knows something I don't (about this issue, natch), feel free to expand my knowledge. Also, does anyone know of a good program (free or otherwise, not fussy) that I can get that will generate complete CD inserts (front/back/spine)?

  6. BON JOVI: "Lost Highway"


    Nowhere near as "countrified" as I expected, this actually reminds me of "These Days" a little bit, though it's not as good as that album. No real killer hard rock tracks, but several catchy, uptempo tunes ("Summertime" and "We Got it Goin' On") to keep the foot tappin' and the head bobbin'. Definitely not their best, but not the abomination many thought it would be.


    L.A. GUNS: "Tales From the Strip"


    Haven't really cared much for anything these guys have released since "Cocked & Loaded," so I really wasn't expecting much when I popped it in the player. When I finished listening to it, you could have knocked me over with a feather as easily as a bullet 'tween the peepers. :bigboom: I'm sure most of you already know this, but I'm gonna tell ya anyway, this is a kickass sleazy hard rock album. From beginning to end, this sucker grabbed me by the ears and made me its bitch and I thanked them for the abuse. Aggressive, hard-hitting, drenched with attitude...great stuff!

  7. You fucking retard, of course I will give you negative feedback! You leave it for me, I leave it for you...simple fucking arithmetic, genius. Why would I let you get away unscathed for leaving me a neg? That's like hawking a loogie in the face of God Himself. If you don't like me, my behavior, or what some would call "questionable" product, then you can stick a cactus up your ass for all I care. I am a steamrollin' motherfucker, motherfucker, and I will steamroll over you, this website, and anyone who dares belittle my massive hair-metal empire! Fuck you, I don't want your support and I will block you from bidding on my eBay stuff that you don't want anyway, and then I will contact Thor the Thunder God and have him wipe you from the face of this planet which I will soon have under my boot (no pun intended). You are nothing to me, an insignificant speck. I don't want your money...in fact, I so much don't want it, I used it to purchase more ink cartridges for my copier (you got any idea how many CD covers I can do with $60?). You are a fucking worthless piece of shit and I am done with you. Consider yourself crushed, asswipe.


    (Since Sam can no longer speak for himself on these boards, I thought I would do it for him. :) )

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