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Posts posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Eden's Curse - s/t


    Great sounding release that's for sure. I tend to like Dennis Ward productions for their cohesiveness and tightness, this is no exception upon the first listen. Big solid choruses, heavy guitar with lots of solos...what's not to like?


    On a side note and completely unimportant to the sound of the band, these guys look like a bunch of bruisers, wouldn't want to meet them in a dark alley... :unsure:

    This is unfortunately one of those CDs where I love it the first couple times I listen to it due to a good production and some cool riffs. After repeated listens I realise I don't find the songs to be all that strong and the hooks/melody lines/lyrics a bit awkward. Still not bad at all, a nice slab of good hard rock, but not living up to the expectations set for myself during the first listen.

    Have to agree with ya there, Pete. It is wearing off on me quite quickly - still 3 or 4 really good tunes, but the rest is becoming a little forgetable. I think the same goes for TIM 2 as well.

    You can add my name to that list. This wore out its welcome faster than a pushy vacuum cleaner salesman. Reminds me of a quarter horse...comes out of the gate strong & fast, but falters in the long run. Just something about it that prevents it from really sticking with you.

  2. THROWDOWN: "Venom & Tears"


    Modern heavy/thrash metal that ranks right up there with the best of the year, completely catching me off-guard with just how good it is. While it doesn't quite put the beatdown on the likes of Shadows Fall or Five Finger Death Punch, it's easily as good (maybe even better than) Sanctity or Soilwork. The production is simply stellar and the songs just flat-out slam. And hey, they use some gang vocals! I love gang vocals!!

  3. Good Fuckin morning..... <_<

    Good fuckin' Afternoon to you TWR...


    And Chris..Donkey Schlongs ??? :whistle:

    Well Ian, that's the way my fuckin' Friday went. Donkey schlongs=donkey penises.

    Well Chris,I have the same fuckin' trouble.... :unsure:

    You have a fuckin' donkey penis?? :unsure:

  4. I like this. I will buy this. I will rock and beautiful women will swoon at my feet like they did for Geoff when he saucily sauntered down the seediest streets in Melbourne wearing nothing but Speedos while sipping on the biggest pink beverage money his expense account could buy.

  5. Latest acquisition...


    Throwdown: "Venom & Tears" (a big thanx to Tim2 for the recommendation!)


    No worries mate, hope you like it. I know you felt it was a bit 50/50 from the soundbytes but tell me that "Day of the Dog" & "Americana" aren't two of the best Metal tunes of 2007?... :banger:

    Not just liking it--lovin' it. One of those cases where the sound samples simply didn't do it justice. Production is killer and yeah, I love the use of the gang-vocal chants here & there. Love the way they use them on "Hellbent" ("Blood for blood for blood..."). I think this one actually edges out Sanctity for me.

  6. THE HILLS HAVE EYES 2 (Unrated)


    The hills may have eyes, but I was really wishing I didn't when that disgustingly-graphic opening birth scene was playing on the TV screen. That said, this movie was a passable time-waster, never boring, but never anything special either, and never even comes close to matching the masterful intensity of the first one (the Aja-directed remake). But being the gore-hound I am, I was amused by the graphically-violent set-pieces, especially the ending when they kill the main mutant (sorry if you consider that a spoiler); man, they really messed that guy up!! Bastard had it coming, after that nasty (and totally gratuitious) rape scene...

  7. Aw, fuck me sideways. Our new shift assignments for the upcoming quarter (beginning Sept. 24) just came the fuck out and looks like I'll actually have to fucking work for the next 3 months rather than sitting around with nothin better to do than surf Heavy fucking Harmonies. Might be able to check in once a fucking week or so, but that'll be about fucking it.


    Ya'll better fucking enjoy me while I'm still here...and fucking miss me when I'm gone. I swear you fucking better or else I will NOT be fucking responsible for the fucking shitstorm Eric Brittingham will call down on your fucking asses.


    Don't say you weren't fucking warned, compadres.


    I enjoy fuckin' you, Mark. ;)


  8. Aw, fuck me sideways. Our new shift assignments for the upcoming quarter (beginning Sept. 24) just came the fuck out and looks like I'll actually have to fucking work for the next 3 months rather than sitting around with nothin better to do than surf Heavy fucking Harmonies. Might be able to check in once a fucking week or so, but that'll be about fucking it.


    Ya'll better fucking enjoy me while I'm still here...and fucking miss me when I'm gone. I swear you fucking better or else I will NOT be fucking responsible for the fucking shitstorm Eric Brittingham will call down on your fucking asses.


    Don't say you weren't fucking warned, compadres.

  9. Anybody heard this band? Apparently these guys realized that in the 80s, all the choruses had gang vocals, and the chorus was the only part anybody actually remembered (they point out that everyone knows the chorus to "Pour Some Sugar On Me," but hardly anyone can sing the verses). So they wrote a whole bunch of 80s hard rock/metal tunes, didn't bother with verses, and have anywhere from 12-20 singers belting out big, catchy, over-the-top choruses. Yes, you read that right: no verses, just choruses, all done with constant gang vocals.


    It's interesting, and they certainly capture the spirit of those 80s metal choruses, but I can't honestly say it's something I would listen to much, but it's definitely worth checking out. I think some folks 'round here might just like what these guys have to offer.


    Myspace Page


    Bang Camaro Home Page

  10. FUEL: "Angels & Devils"


    New CD with a new singer pretty much sounds like a new band. This is light-years ahead of the group's previous output, none of which ever made it into my collection. But this...this is great modern hard rock, loaded with hooks, memorable choruses, layered vocals, and that love-it-or-hate-it bass-dominated modern production sound that it so popular these days. It probably won't be for everyone, but those who dabble in the modern hard rock pool, those who enjoyed recent Saliva, Papa Roach, Nickelback, Daughtry, etc., will find this right up their alley.

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