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Everything posted by KarpetRydOFunk

  1. Earth, Wind, & Fire - Now, Then, & Forever Finally arrived.
  2. I am so apprehensive about this as the book was so good and unique. Don't expect the book. From what I hear -- I haven't read the book -- it's completely different. But it's still one of the most intense zombie flicks I've seen.
  3. Yeah, you perverted old bastards scared off the others.
  4. You can look up to me. I'm probably the tallest person here. I'll take that bet. I'm 6-foot-6 and a half. How tall are you? Look up.
  5. Again.......How is this, Ian? I'd love to get my hands on it. Any resemblance to Wall of Silence? Typical Canadian keyboard-laden AOR,though slightly harder........Good stuff. I should track this down.
  6. Dude, you ain't far ahead of me, just turned 33 recently, and Geoff is around 34 I guess, don't know who else around 30-35 here ? Yeah I noticed most of the members on here are older, it's probably because of the music, ya know, most fans of our music are right in that age demo, the younger you find on here the more rare it is, obviously because when this kind of music was at it's peak, we were still playing with our pp's and going to daycare, think about it bro, we are basically the cut off, as this music was killed off when we were babys, so anyone younger then us, is merely a fan of music that was from a time they werent even born yet, they really have some catching up to do, but yeah I think that is the reason for such the varying age discrepancy on here. Sounds like we've got a few around fifty, a few in early forties, a few in mid-thirties and Karpet, who's about seven. Oi! Seven and a half, thank you very much!!
  7. A controversial song from a phenomenal album -- possibly this year's best. I'm curious to know what you guys think of this.
  8. Again....... How is this, Ian? I'd love to get my hands on it. Any resemblance to Wall of Silence?
  9. You know what bro, and I don't care what anyone thinks about this, or about me for doing this, but I absolutely take advantage of file sharing and torrents, the way I see it, I spent years blowing money on overpriced Japanese imports, of bands I had never heard of, playing roulette basically hoping for every 5 bad discs, I could at least land one killer disc, when used CD shops started opening up, I think this is when things really started to progress forward, cause before the internet, you could pop into pawn shops, and used cd joints, and basically find all sorts of rare and unknown shit, you would get like the pawn shop having 20 for $20 cd sales, you could just blaze through them, something you never heard of, pull it out, check out the cover, the songs, and take a chance on it, I got to where I could spot out a rock or aor album, by the label, and the way the side name tray was formatted and printed out(ie Atlantic Records, ATCO, & CBS) if you know what I mean then you know exactly what I mean, if you dont know, I really cant explain it to you, but yeah, most everything that is released now, I head over to my 2 rock solid websites, download everything I want to check out, and when I catch one, that really grabs me, I instantly go to a website to purchase the disc, or I check Itunes for a download, generally I would much rather have the physical copy, but sometimes that's really hard, especially now a days where sometimes a physical cd isnt even produced for a certain album, fuck that, I am not going to buy anything blindly any longer, I did it all the way up until this last June, and now I illegally download and check out each album before I buy it, and so what, so all those $1000s or $10,000s of dollars ive spent over the last 20 or so years, on shit that only had one good song, but I couldnt know cause there was nothing made available to pre-listen to it, what I dont get a say about that, or those bands? but they cry and bitch over people "illegally downloading" there new albums, hey you know what, how many bands ive discovered by "illegal download"? some of my favorite bands ever I would have never even known of if I hadnt downloaded the band to hear them, I mean when it boils down to it, before I started doing it this way, I was basically a fucking sucker! they had my money the second I liked one song on it, and there was NO! refunds once I found out how bad the rest of the cd blew, I believe it's completely fair to be able to hear every last second of anything im going to pay for, no more ripping off the sucker cd buyers out there, thats what their truly pissed off about, that and it takes like .25 cents to make a cd, then selling them for $17.99, I know for a fact the band was only given .50 cents out of every cd sold, anyways, im done ranting, yeah, this is how the internet has truly opened up music. I only read a bit of what you said, 'cause DAMN YOU TALK A LOT, CODY! But I agree with you, brother.
  10. You can look up to me. I'm probably the tallest person here. I'm 6'8", what are you? Feck! Seriously? Alright Crouch, you take it. I'm merely 6'5". Nah, just twatting about, I'm way shorter than you, ya big lanky freak. He he. Fortunately, I'm not lanky, though no offense to anyone that may be.
  11. You can look up to me. I'm probably the tallest person here. I'm 6'8", what are you? Feck! Seriously? Alright Crouch, you take it. I'm merely 6'5".
  12. You can look up to me. I'm probably the tallest person here.
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