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Everything posted by cdjunky41

  1. Well! I was going to post a pic or two, but after seeing Geoff's pic's. I don't dare to try Well done Mate!
  2. Sorry to hear that! I hope everything will work itself out!
  3. Me too! I love when I find a lost gem for a few bucks. Then you check out the average price somebody is selling that same c.d on e-bay. It's called THE THRILL OF THE HUNT!
  4. Will I ever learn? I picked up a couple more today BALISTIK KICK-WARHEAD THOR-KEEP THE DOGS AWAY
  5. That is an awesome score!! Thanks for sharing I like hearing stories like that. It makes me believe that not everyone sells their shit on E-Bay.
  6. I think it sucks! Sorry!! James sounds like he's singing in a tin cup
  7. Now is the time to go to local stores going out of business or thumb through the used section of your local record store. Bad economy & holiday season will be the best time to go c.d. hunting. Just a thought!
  8. As it kinda bothered me not picking anything up, I decided to pick these up at CIRCUT CITY. The store was closing so I picked these up for about $16.00. AVENGED SEVENFOLD-CITY OF EVIL SOCIAL DISTORTION-SOCIAL DISTORTION They be slim pickins in that place!!
  9. I picked this c.d. up last week and I can't stop playing it. TOY SHOP-PARTY UP PUNK/POP from Brazil on ROADRUNNER records
  10. I'm glad to say I have never heard that Methods of Mayhem disc. I saw poor little Tommy trying to defend it in his 'Tommyland' book. Poor guy. I think i picked it up from a $2 bargain bin at one stage. From memory there were 1, maybe 2 songs I thought were ok... and the rest crap. Maybe I should pull it out again and see if that's still the case AHH! GLAM JUNKIE! It's a f*ckin' shitty c.d., not a bottle of wine. Do you actually believe sitting on your shelf for a few years would make it sound any better? I say make it into a beer coaster and forget you ever heard the band M.O.M. Don't listen to him GJ, he's trying to get you to give it up cheap so he can add it to his all silver pressed MOM collection. AHH! You know me too well Pete!
  11. I'm glad to say I have never heard that Methods of Mayhem disc. I saw poor little Tommy trying to defend it in his 'Tommyland' book. Poor guy. I think i picked it up from a $2 bargain bin at one stage. From memory there were 1, maybe 2 songs I thought were ok... and the rest crap. Maybe I should pull it out again and see if that's still the case AHH! GLAM JUNKIE! It's a f*ckin' shitty c.d., not a bottle of wine. Do you actually believe sitting on your shelf for a few years would make it sound any better? I say make it into a beer coaster and forget you ever heard the band M.O.M.
  12. Which Hanson are we talking about? To me they look like a bunch of human coloured baby smurfs. You know! When they were 12! I sold it to you last week!! And it hasn't been out of my CD player since.
  13. LV KIX! I hope time heals you and your family over this loss. My wife and I put our pet to sleep 4 years ago. This is no joke, he was like a child to me. We adopted my nephew's GUINEA PIG after his fasination with the little hair ball was over. I would have never in a million years thought that we would fall in love with this small animal. I spoiled the shit out of him. We actually made a pen in the living room for him to run around (At night we put him back in the pen due to the lack of pottie training). My wife used to tell me he knew when I came home because he would come running out of his cage to meet me. He also knew I had a never ending supply of cherry tomatos. At night I would watch t.v. with him on my lap. The average GUINEA PIG lasts about 4-5 years. We got a good 5 years out of him, before we had to put him to sleep. He stopped eating due to teeth problems and quickly became skin & bones. My wife tried feeding him with a bottle, but then stopped. She also made a shoe box and wrote on it with colored pens that said WE LOVE YOU-WE WILL MISS YOU with hearts on the box. I still can't believe a little animal like that made such an impact on my wife and I. We think about getting another one, but we both know it will never be the same. Thanks for allowing me to share such a special part of my life.
  14. Which Hanson are we talking about? To me they look like a bunch of human coloured baby smurfs. You know! When they were 12! I sold it to you last week!!
  15. O.K.! I picked B because I do look to see If they look like rockers. Just beware, HANSEN looked like rockers and look at the crap they put out!!
  16. When you buy used cd's you don't look inside and read the insert? If inside the insert it states a name I know or what the band members play, it often states the instruments and who provides lead and background vocals, all these things make it a safer purchase. Sometimes you can't open a used c.d. due to the fact that It's resealed or have this plastic device on it. I sometimes look at what the band looks like to try and guess if they play hard rock or metal. Most of the time it's just a shot in the dark when it comes to taking a chance!
  17. My wife doesn't want to change me all the way, she just wants me to cut down on the spending. We also have two seperate checking accounts . I do believe she gets jealous because I have a hobby and her only hobby is being the C.D. NAZI. P.S.! I just changed my name to C.D. ANN FRANK. I live in my attic
  18. I picked B! I should pick B! I don't want to pick B! My wife tells me I should pick B! B's a BITCH!!
  19. I picked I! If it's in the H.H. data base and cheap, I'll pick it up!!! F & D really don't make any scense. If it's unknown, how can you tell what it sounds like?
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