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Carries a Tune in a Bucket

Carries a Tune in a Bucket (2/11)



  1. This post seems to need a response from me.. So here's things seen from my perspective. Let me start by saying that I stand by my description mentioned above. The CD and poster was in fine condition, same goes for the booklet which was NOT torn i 2 pieces. Oliver did send two CD's to me one in good shape no doubt,the other one that was supposed to be Sealed/unplayed .. well it was sealed allright but not factory sealed, besides it has several minor scratches so its absolutly not unplayed. I did not respond to any of his messages (Which is only 2 PM's and NO mails) In the first message he complains over the booklet and offers to send me a picture of it, this did surprise me because if I had send a dammaged booklet why would I need a picture of it I should already know how it looked. In the second message he's asking for a reply. I could/should have responed before but now this post can be considdered as my reply and at the same time as a warning to others if you consider doing trades with: Oliver Gichert Stuttgart Germany
  2. As far as I know these guys only released a self titled album in the beginnig of the 90ies..
  3. Ware nicht angekommen -> Goods not arrived
  4. Great news. Looking forward to the release.
  5. Well he has been busy leaving positive feedbacks today... (25)
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