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Posts posted by Grey



    Does anyone have the ability to do this? I have a couple hand fulls of VHS music and a couple movies never released on DVD. I don't own a VCR anymore so I can't really mess with it. Maybe I could work something out to pay for this?


    If these are retail VHS tapes, they might be copy protected - especially the movies.


    I've had good luck with some tapes but others were impossible.


    The more rare items are the concerts I have that are recorded. I didn't think copy-write was hard to get around now, especially since they are VHS? I bought a program to rip DVD's and does all kinds including copywrite. If these fucks would release this shit on something other than LD or VHS :(


    The movies I have are Hot Resort and Summer Job and they are from the mid-late 80's. Then I have some of the band releases vidz that were never released on dvd.



    I had good luck with band release videos like Great White's '88 VHS. But others weren't possible since the copy protection degraded the copy enough to make it unwatchable. There's ways to defeat it, but you might have to spend money on equipment.

  2. Does anyone have the ability to do this? I have a couple hand fulls of VHS music and a couple movies never released on DVD. I don't own a VCR anymore so I can't really mess with it. Maybe I could work something out to pay for this?


    If these are retail VHS tapes, they might be copy protected - especially the movies.


    I've had good luck with some tapes but others were impossible.

  3. I'm annoyed by cashiers who lick their fingers before counting back your change or opening a bag. Don't spit on your fingers then handle every item I'm taking home! Think about your own health too. That cash has been in people's sweaty shoes and pockets, in strippers butt cracks and handled by other finger-lickers. How can you put that in your mouth!?

  4. You didn't like 'Bet U Wish U Had Me Back' from the s/t disc? Still their crowning achievement, imo. I honestly actually forget most of 'Strange case of,' but I think 'Private Parts' was my pick from that one... I think.


    Agreed on "Private Parts", but I think their best tune from any album is "Familiar Taste of Poison".

  5. As someone who prefers Hard Rock but not AOR or Melodic. I'd vote to group them like this:


    AOR / Melodic Rock


    Modern / Hard Rock


    Bands like Hinder and Halestorm are very different from bands like H.E.A.T. and Harem Scarem, yet they're all in the same section.

  6. That was my main worry about 2014 - that there were good modern rock releases being released, but I was just missing them. I didn't know about any of those 3, lol. Did the first two release new albums? I'm amazed I missed the Thousand Foot Krutch one as I've kept up to date with their discography until obviously last year. :( I really like the Shallow Side song.


    New Medicine released a new album last summer, but I only liked that one track. They're not really my style, but I still gave it a listen since I liked another of their songs (Baby's Gone). Shallow Side is only a 5-song EP.


    Two more good tracks:






    But like the others, I didn't find anything else I liked on the albums.

  7. @ Justin - 2014 was easily the weakest year in modern rock in as long as I can remember...


    I'd have to agree. Aside from the Seconds Away EP, there wasn't a single album that grabbed my attention. Though I did find a few tracks among the rest that I'd put in my top 10 for the year.







  8. This is actually 15 years old, but just posted online last month.


    From Rolling Stone:


    Stanley actually talked about the nixed Folgers ad in an interview. "Life is strange. I got a call asking if I was interested in singing a Folgers commercial. And like many other things, I thought "Why not?" Stanley said (via KISSanity). "I wasn't at all concerned with who thinks it is okay or not okay, cool, not cool, rock & roll or not. I had a blast doing it and like I said, isn't that what this is all about?"
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