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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. After the Casanova post I quickly remembered this no skip release....surprised I couldn't find more songs from this release on youtube.....
  2. Dead Planet


    Are the number of deaths over reported or under reported...you can find 'news' articles supporting either position online...I suspect it will be years before the doctors, scientists and statisticians come to an accurate number....one of the issues I have with the internet is that if you look hard enough you can find an article or opinion somewhere from someone that supports whatever position or opinion that you already hold, does that automatically make you right?....hardly....
  3. I'm not sure if I care who wins but at the same time I'm not sure I want to see KC win 2 in a row and I have nothing but respect for Brady and all he has accomplished over the years....
  4. Meh...I haven't really been impressed by their newer music...it is okay but I'll take their older stuff any day....
  5. Damn it seems I need to dig this one out again as it did not impact me like it has the rest of you....
  6. Dead Planet


    Covid Cases in Canada.....798000 with 20609 dead...(pop 37.5 million) Covid cases in the UK.......3.9 million with over 111000 dead...(pop 66.6 million) Covid cases in the US.......26.9 million with over 459000 dead...(pop 328 million) Covid cases in Australia....28849 with 909 dead....(pop 25 million) Just looking at the numbers it would appear that Australia has limited deaths compared to the rest...lockdowns, face masks and loss of freedom are a PITA but they seem to work.....
  7. Here is a no skip release for me that I suspect many on the forum would not agree with....love this release by the band even more than their first 2 releases that were also excellent....
  8. One of my favorite 'Foreigner' releases....
  9. Love Swedish Erotica but I couldn't get into the Sha boom or Return stuff....
  10. Religion is evil and a crutch for the weak minded....
  11. Yeah this is a decent release, probably her/his best....
  12. This sadly makes sense....the negative aspect to this is that if employers had to pay full and proper wages to all their employees then the cost of everything would rise considerably since employers most always make out like bandits...
  13. Here is an article on climate change... https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
  14. There is just as much chance of a tourist or business person bringing in a virus or being a terrorist as an illegal....blocking either is just about impossible....
  15. I'm not saying we should let everyone in who wants to come and I certainly don't want to see a huge increase in illegal immigration in Canada, I'm saying we need to be a little more open-minded about how we decide who gets into the country rather than closing the borders to one and all....somewhere in between open borders and closed borders....it is a known fact that birth rates in western countries has been dropping for years and the number of people over 60 keeps increasing yearly as people live longer and retired....so where is the tax base and worker base going to come from in the future if there is no immigration?
  16. So lets say you stop all illegal immigration, who will you get to pick the fruit and vegetables? No Americans will do the job for what the immigrants get paid, the growers will have to increase wages to 15-20 dollars an hour and prices for produce will go through the roof...in Canada we have seasonal workers every year for work like that, they come from all over South America and when the season is done they go home happily.... There is plenty of evidence that mankind is making climate change worse but I'll save my breath as most climate deniers are not interested in the science behind the issue....
  17. Now that is something we can agree on.....
  18. Racial inequality is not just about whites being hired before blacks when both have the same qualifications, it's about providing the poor, many of whom are non white, with the educational opportunies so that they can be in a position to get better jobs.... Illegal immigration has increased dramatically because the rules changed, at one time Mexicans came to the US to do seasonal work and then went back to Mexico but once the rules changed they had to choose whether to make money for their families and then try to return or stay and send money home to Mexico.... Covid is not a farce it is real and yes you should wear eye protection to protect yourself like health care workers do but considering how many people are freaking out over masks, you can imagine how bad it would be if they were told to wear eye protection as well....the face masks protect more than eye protection because you breath in the particles as opposed to the eyes where you literally have to walk into the particles..... Climate change is a fact and whether you believe it is worsened by humans or not doesn't really matter, it is a problem that we should be addressing.... I agree that we should be conserving rain forests and protecting endangered species....stuff that was seriously undermined by the previous administration... and yes most people are selfish and only concerned with themselves and their immediate families and to hell with future generations...I'm glad I do not have children that I have to look in the eyes and explain why I helped fuck up the world they are going to inherit....
  19. What's wrong with racial equality? What is wrong with trying to fight climate change? What is wrong with wearing masks to combat covid? What is wrong with revising immigration policies, there are millions who have lived in the US for decades, working and paying taxes but they have no path to citizenship, you should be welcoming these people.....What is wrong with trying to ensure people have affordable health care? What is wrong with counting undocumented people, the census is about counting the peoiple living in the country, documented or not they live in the country.... I'll admit to being concerned about some of the stuff mentioned like the transgender issue,give them their own washroom is the obvious answer....like not having a decent border wall, you can put one on the Canadian border as well .....like paying those who could work for not working because of covid....and I have mixed feelings about the Keystone decision, on one hand it is a serious economic blow and on the other the Alberta Tar Sands is a national environmental disgrace....
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