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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Never heard of them..... not bad music, may have to check around for their cds....
  2. Yeah 2 very good releases although the 2nd is my fav and a definite no skipper.....
  3. Hmmmm the word enthusiastic comes to mind....
  4. https://www.rt.com/usa/517424-nyt-cancels-pepe-le-pew/
  5. New album coming out sometime in 2021......really liked their previous output so I'm looking forward to a new cd and that single is excellent.....
  6. Sounds good....will have to check it out.....
  7. Damn that is pretty good stuff...shame they didn't get a contract as I would have picked up their cds.....
  8. Great release and yes could maybe use a remaster.....
  9. Love both releases and they still get regular airplay from me.....and yes the rest of their stuff isn't worth bothering with....
  10. The first one is a no skip release for me and the second has some very good songs on it but is not as good as the first ....imo
  11. Dead Planet


    There are few guarantees in life these days...when it comes to the vaccines you almost need to make a leap of faith and hope that the vaccines will bring us back to some kind of normalcy..... quarantines, distancing and masking should hopefully become a thing of the past if the vaccines work and the variants don't become an issue.....and yes I know being positive about the future is difficult but what is the alternative.....
  12. Dead Planet


    I expect you will have to prove vaccination before crossing the border at least until the majority of Canadians have been vaccinated....after that who knows, if variants become commonplace and the vaccines don't protect people then all bets are off...
  13. There's a sucker born every second and these sellers know it....also there are plenty of people around with more money than sense....
  14. Dead Planet


    True enough...I was just making a point about the 2 groups and their irritating ,usually ludicrous and sometimes violent protests....also I would be willing to bet that both groups contain many of the same people....
  15. Dead Planet


    You make a good point as it is not straightforward and simple.....but you do have a choice as the government is not going to kick in your door , hold you down and inject you.....if your job requires it then maybe you look for a new job, if needed for travel then don't travel....of course they are not the options you may want.....here in Canada I expect some employers will expect you to take the vaccine and also some countries will expect you to prove vaccination in order to enter through customs....and as I've mentioned before I expect this virus to be endemic and we will be getting vaccinations every year from now on and I base that on all the variants that are popping up so yes getting the vaccine may become a necessity in order to get back to any kind of normal and the normal we see will not look like the normal we had before this pandemic started....
  16. Dead Planet


    Another excuse for the anti-vaxxers... I figure 75-80% of people will take the vaccine and those that don't are welcome to take their chances....I'm just tired of all the press the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are getting on a daily basis....it's a personal decision, make it and move on...
  17. My favorite release that he is on would be Hugo - S/T which is an excellent release....
  18. I absolutely love his 'Immortal' release as it is a no skipper for me but the rest of his solo stuff is hit or miss.....
  19. Another couple of releases that I spin occasionally and like a lot......
  20. The Wild One is certainly their best music as the 2 that followed were forgettable....as for TWO I'd say it is above average in quality although not in the range of 'great' , certainly worth owning and spinning occasionally....
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