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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Tenet (2020) - this was highly overrated...confusing mess of a movie.....might have been okay with a better cut.... Monster Hunter (2020) - decent mindless fun flick with a lot of cgi .... setup for a sequel.... Willy's Wonderland (2021) - best Cage flick in quite sometime although it is nothing great...fun and funny horror flick...
  2. Thanks for the reminder about 2 Big 2 Fail as I haven't played it in years.....and I love it....you made me order BFI as I really need to have both releases....
  3. Yep a really good release although the rest of their catalogue is very underwhelming IMO....
  4. The only 7 with the courage to vote against Trump ... got to admit to having respect for them as they will take a lot of heat and most likely death threats for their vote...
  5. Accept without Udo isn't Accept to me...not that this is a bad release because it isn't bad but it isn't above average either IMO...also everything they did before Balls To The Wall is very average as well....
  6. This is more serious than the tea party.....there are even some republicans err former republicans err never trumpers err whatevers who are considering running their own conservative candidates in some areas in the next round of elections....
  7. The Dems had no choice but to go after Trump again after Jan 6 because their base demanded it and they did not want to alienate their base just as the Reps will not vote to impeach because they are afraid of their base....the funny part of all this is that if it was a secret ballot the Reps would vote to convict so they could move on from Trump and the Dems would probably reconsider voting to convict in a secret ballot because they see that Trump has split the Rep party and he is a detriment to the party in any future elections....is it a waste of time and money...yes...but that is the state of federal politics in the US today...things should get back to normal after this silliness is over....
  8. Dead Planet


    I agree but the problem is that most countries are scared shitless of China, not so much their military power as their economic power so the odds of them paying a price is slim.....
  9. Love this one and I'm starting to dig out my old favs from the late 80s early 90s too....
  10. This is another really good release that few people have heard of....
  11. Can't say I'm a big WASP fan but if you're going to listen to one of their releases then this is the one to play as it is their best IMO....
  12. I'd watch if that happened but it will never occur since they always go with the pop(crap) mainstream acts.....
  13. Dead Planet


    I'm not sure why people are crapping on Glen...his comments are no more silly or irritating than anyone elses comments(including mine)...although the whole "it's music for me from now on" comments are getting a bit tiresome as that ship sailed a long time ago....
  14. I have never bothered to watch a halftime show...
  15. KC killed themselves with penalties and just didn't seem to be properly prepared....
  16. ....and Brady does it again, not that he needed to prove anything but he has cemented his name in NFL history....
  17. This is another one that I need to revisit as for some reason it did not make a great impression on me originally....
  18. Dead Planet


    It is also in the political interest of some state governments to keep the official numbers as low as possible.....
  19. Great release and the best thing he has done IMO....
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