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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. Pitt needs a QB although a decent RB is welcome....and no Pitt doesn't need AR they already have an aging QB with mobility issues...
  2. Not normally my thing but I like it....
  3. A couple more that may be of interest.....love both bands....
  4. I'm a fan of all 5 bands...I'd probably put Slayer at the top but that is just me.....all of the bands have had hit and miss releases, I'd probably only pick 2 or 3 release by each band as being 'must own' music... IMO....
  5. Never got into SYL but LOA is decent...never heard of StompBox but it is good....
  6. Here is two of my favs you may not have come across....
  7. I have their Mirage release which I think is better....
  8. Lets not forget about the short term and long term issues of actually catching covid....the bottom line is that each person needs to decide what is more important or safe....getting a vaccine that may cause issues down the road or taking the chance on catching the virus which has definite short and long term issues.... personally i will be getting the vaccine but like CureTheSane I am waiting for either Pfizer or Moderna as they seem to be the best options at the moment....the problem is that only the AstraZeneca is available right now where I live so I have been putting it off....of course if there is a major outbreak here I would go with the AstraZeneca....
  9. Yeah another concern is waiting 4 months or more for the second jab, the science says 8-10 weeks at the most but the politicians are panicking in many places (including Canada) and trying to get the first jab into as many people as possible and making them wait too long for the second jab due to a shortage of vaccine....someone save us from idiot politicians who quote the science one minute and then toss it aside when it doesn't suit them....do it right or not at all.... Of course now I'm hearing from the pharmaceutical companies that we will need a third shot.....this makes sense since they have not made enough profit from this pandemic yet....someone save us from greedy assholes...
  10. Thank you, compliments are always appreciated and so hard to come by....
  11. Twisted Sister star Dee Snider has ripped into guitarist Jon Schaffer for his role in the riot at the U.S. Capitol in January, calling the Iced Earth star an “embarrassment to the metal community.” Schaffer pleaded guilty to charges of obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress and trespassing on restricted grounds of the Capitol while armed with a deadly or dangerous weapon during a hearing on Friday, as part of a plea deal to minimise his jail time. He has also entered into a co-operation agreement with government agents. On Sunday, We’re Not Gonna Take This singer Snider took aim at his fellow rocker, calling him a “PIECE OF S—” on Twitter. “First he shames us with his terrorist actions in DC, and THEN he becomes a rat to his own people for a lighter sentence!” Dee raged. “MAN THE F— UP! Own your s—! If you do the crime, do the time!” And when one of Dee’s Twitter followers defended the guitarist, writing, “At least he had the balls to stand up for what he believes in!!!!!” Snider fired back: “How do you feel about him being the first to plead guilty and co-operating with the Feds to lessen his sentence? Not what I call stand up. Schaffer was initially charged with six crimes, including engaging in an act of physical violence and targeting police with bear spray. In his plea agreement, Schaffer acknowledged he is a founding lifetime member of the Oath Keepers, a group of U.S. patriots associated with militias.
  12. Yeah I'll need to hear more than that snippet......although the snippet sounds decent....
  13. Jon Ryan Schaffer pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding and entering a building with a dangerous weapon. He admitted to carrying bear spray into the Capitol complex during the formal certification of the Electoral College votes. One hundred days after the January 6 attack, Schaffer is now the first pro-Trump rioter to plead guilty and admit his crimes. His plea was in the works for at least a few weeks, and recent court filings revealed that he met with federal investigators for several "debrief interviews" last month. Prosecutors and Schaffer's attorneys agreed to recommend that he get between 3.5 and 4.5 years in prison, based on how fruitful his cooperation is with the government. The sentencing decision will ultimately be made by federal Judge Amit Mehta, who is overseeing the case. Investigators likely asked for information about the Oath Keepers, the far-right paramilitary group with a dozen members facing conspiracy charges. Schaffer wore an "Oath Keepers Lifetime Member" hat inside the Capitol, but his defense attorneys have distanced him from the group, saying he bought the hat from a fan and doesn't know anything about the organization. Many of the Capitol riot defendants have expressed interest in pleading guilty and attempting to move on with their lives. But those plea deals - and potential cooperation deals - have been slowed down while prosecutors waited for sign-off from senior Justice Department officials. Schaffer's plea was made official during a hastily arranged hearing Friday in DC District Court. As part of the plea deal, Schaffer agreed to cooperate with investigators and potentially testify in related criminal cases, according to the court proceedings. In return for Schaffer's assistance, the Justice Department might later urge the judge to show leniency during his sentencing.
  14. Yeah certainly doesn't fall into the great category but it is the best Dolly Parton has ever sounded...lol
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