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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. People have short biased memories as they seem to have forgotten that Trump abandoned the Kurds to their fate after they fought bravely and died alongside US troops fighting ISIS and the Syrians and I don't remember the right wing saying anything negative about it....but lets not let facts get in the way of hating Biden.... The bottom line is that after what happened to the Kurds and the Afghans , the US has lost the trust of most of the world and the next time they come calling asking for a favor or co-operation , it will be much harder to come by....
  2. That is the problem, how do you know who is dangerous and who isn't....people born in the US have become radicalized and turned into terrorists so it is impossible to tell who is going to be a problem but of course Biden will be at fault no matter what he does....it is a no win situation for whoever is in charge unless you know of a way to read minds....bring them in and if even 1 becomes a terrorist then you have screwed up, leave people behind and you have screwed up but all people do is criticize as they have no real answers....
  3. The Reps are criticizing the Dems (with good reason) for the foreign policy failure of the Afghanistan withdrawal but at the same time a significant percentage of them are freaking out at the thought of thousands of Afghans being allowed into the country...so on one hand Biden is a terrible president for not getting our wonderful Afghan allies out of Afghanistan while on the other hand we don't want those fucking Arabs in our country....lol
  4. So Trump encouraged the people at his Alabama rally to get vaccinated.....he got booed for it though so I doubt he will do it again at the next rally but if he does it will impress the heck out of me....
  5. One of my all time favorite metal vocalists has passed....RIP... https://www.blabbermouth.net/news/former-trouble-singer-eric-wagner-dies-after-battle-with-covid-pneumonia/
  6. Dead Planet


    Yeah I don't understand it....they won't take a vaccine but they will take a drug meant for animals....
  7. Dead Planet


    Quote: “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.” A tweet by the FDA that implored people to stop self-medicating against Covid-19 with a drug called ivermectin. Ivermectin is typically given to livestock for deworming purposes, but enough people have been taking it recently that the FDA and Mississippi’s state epidemiologist have issued warnings.
  8. One thing I disagree with , is the idea of keeping troops in Afghanistan permanently....the only time the West should send ground troops is when a clear majority of the citizens of a country are in favor of their presence...and that leaves out all the Islamist countries...it is time for the West to stop pushing democracy onto countries that are either not ready for it or who are not interested....every time the West invades a non-democratic country waving the democratic flag of freedom, the people in those countries associate democracy with invasion and death....
  9. The great wall of Trump is having issues.... https://gizmodo.com/trumps-border-wall-torn-apart-by-arizona-monsoon-rains-1847535174
  10. It proves that the whole nation building 'experiment' that the West has indulged in for decades needs to be put to bed permanently....any country that wants democracy needs to fight for it on their own and we in the West (all countries not just the US) need to stand back and let them do it on their own rather than invading to 'help' them....they will get there on their own timeline or not at all....from now on just bomb the shit out of any country that is a threat and leave the troops at home because most of these countries just see us as invaders not saviors....
  11. Actually Trump blamed Obama and Hilary for almost everything for 4 years........but you are correct that the guy at the top has to take responsibility when shit happens on his watch...shame most politicians try to spin shit instead...
  12. I was asking because people seemed to believe that anyone else could have and would have done a better job so I thought the question quite reasonable as I would like to know how the situation should have been handled... but the reality is that most of us have the questions and the criticisms but none of the answers....and hindsight is always 20/20....
  13. Wow, if there was a vote for biggest liar in history Trump would win hands down and yet in your mind Biden is the big liar...amazing... Pretty sure US troops are still there until the civilians are evacuated so not sure what you are on about there....as for Afghan women getting murdered, yes it is happening and will as long as the Taliban are in charge and the only way Biden stops that is to send a couple hundred thousand troops back in and restart the war...which is not apt to happen.... And as president he is still trying to save American lives by trying to convince people to get vaccinated...pretty sure that is part of his job although I can understand the confusion since Trump did the opposite while in power and only slightly modified his stance after catching Covid himself...
  14. There is no doubt that Biden fucked up the withdrawal but I would like to know what Trump would have done differently....we know that he wanted to withdraw the American military even quicker than Biden did so what would Afghanistan look like today if he had his way and withdrawn months ago? I suspect that he would have removed American personnel and left all the Afghans to fend for themselves...even those who worked for the military because he certainly would not have given a fuck about a 'bunch of Arabs'.....Biden tried to save some of the Afghans and ended up staying too long because he hoped the Afghan military would fight but they saw that they were being abandoned and said fuck it and surrendered... if the US leaves quickly they get criticized for leaving behind Afghans who helped them for 20 years, if they stay too long to save people they get criticized for not getting out quickly enough....it seems to me to be a no win situation....
  15. Ronny Munroe , Chris Caffery, Johnny Lee Middleton
  16. I feel bad for the Afghan women and those who worked with the international forces as they are now truly fucked..... Biden can't spin his way out of this mess....of course the way the media works this story will be old and forgotten in a week or so.... another sad point is that after 4 years of disappointment and distrust of Trump and his admin, the international community thought things would improve under Biden and now this fuckup will make them think twice about trusting the US to keep their commitments and of course it will give China and Russia increased influence across the world...
  17. Dead Planet


    As long as the majority of Australians support this sort of thing , it will continue.....the politicians are running scared of the possible negative outcome (for their careers) if they do not prevent deaths....
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