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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. No cds yet that I know of.... https://www.facebook.com/pg/trapperrocks/about/?ref=page_internal
  2. Yeah we here in the western democracies tend to take 'freedom' for granted since we grew up with it. I don't think anyone should be forced to take any vaccine... however showing proof of vaccination in order to take public transportation is reasonable...
  3. The vaccines are supposed to be 90%-95% effective but I suspect that once there are millions of people vaccinated, that percentage will drop and you could still get it and pass it on and we still don't know how long the vaccines will remain effective so wearing masks and social distancing should continue until there are no more incidents of the virus...at least that is what I expect the health authorities to say...I still expect the virus to become endemic which means masks and social distancing will be around for the foreseeable future...
  4. Dead Planet


    Glad to hear you are getting past the worst of it....take care....
  5. I have seen the 'polls' about Republicans being less apt to take the vaccine than Democrats but polls are pretty much useless these days....is it possible? maybe....since the Trump administration has been pro doctors and science one minute and then shits on them the next, it is possible that some Trump supporters are suspicious of the vaccine...but once they are actually offered the vaccine I think reality will sink in and many will take it making any statistical difference between Dems and Reps meaningless... Personally I'm in the undecided category.....
  6. If this Bells palsy issue is the only one 6 months from now , it will not prevent me from getting the vaccine....but I think we all need to pay attention to what is going on because burying our heads in the sand and trusting big pharma and politicians is not wise...
  7. The more information people have the better...if that is scaremongering then so be it...as more people get the vaccine more info will come out about any issues and I will be paying attention...you are welcome to ignore that info...
  8. It appears some people don't want to hear about possible side effects of the vaccines as it may undermine their confidence in big pharma and the vaccines....everyone will have to decide for themselves whether they will take the vaccine and the more info they have the better IMO....as for Bells Palsy, I'd never even heard of it before but it seems that those who blindly support the vaccines think that 1 in 5000 people getting it is normal....this particular side effect is concerning....
  9. The Midnight Sky (2020) - this was an okay movie...rather slow and longer than necessary though...
  10. Monsters Of Man (2020) - decent little flick with no name stars about the CIA testing military robots in the jungle....
  11. Well here is one possible side effect that I would not want... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/covid-vaccine-bells-palsy/
  12. Fatman (2020) - Mel Gibson's latest flick... wasn't expecting much but was pleasantly surprised...he plays Santa and a hitman has been hired to kill him....
  13. That is an understatement...if they don't turn it around whoever plays them in the playoffs will have a cakewalk....
  14. I was looking over some of the metal threads and I see threads with few or no replies but with over a thousand views. Is this accurate as it seems a bit off....
  15. Dead Planet


    Lets face it we are at the mercy of big pharma and politicians, take it and most likely be safe or not take it and maybe die....we will probably have to have a vaccination every year just like influenza...if I were into conspiracy theories, I'd have to consider that this virus was one big setup to control the masses...
  16. Dead Planet


    Yeah they have almost blockaded the UK but it is too little too late...the new strain has already spread far beyond the UK....fortunately the vaccines are supposed to work on this new strain....
  17. Yeah this discussion has been going in circles for quite sometime....time to stop beating this dead horse and move on....
  18. This sounds like blaming Biden to me... "do you really believe Biden will be able to Unite anyone? after letting citys be destroyed and letting Antifa have free reign?" Did Trump kill Floyd? No...did he do anything to de escalate the situation? No...every tweet and every word out of his mouth made things worse not better... and I believe that was done deliberately.... because he felt division was good for him and the more protests and riots the better....it is ironic because if he could have been presidential instead of narcissistic in this matter he would most likely have gotten a second term as president...
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