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Dead Planet

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Everything posted by Dead Planet

  1. I don't listen to much new metal....although Memocrasher and Bad Wolves are decent.....
  2. If you are going to make statements like that then you have to support them with 'some' sort of evidence...instead it is just a completely whacky conspiracy theory that 'some' people believe because they want to believe it....although I would not be surprised if a few politicians are pedos....
  3. No one person can be more important than the democratic process since that leads to dictatorships/police states .... as for censorship I must admit I dislike it in all forms as' freedom of speech' is a basic part of democracy.... the problem with Trump is that many of his tweets actively support insurrection against the very democracy that we all want to preserve so it is a fine line between what is acceptable and what is not....
  4. You're mistaking loyalty to a man, a president for loyalty to democracy and to the country.....
  5. He has brought most of this on himself ..... although they are afraid to admit it publicly many top Republicans want him gone as much as the Democrats.... they want to wrest control of the party back from Trump since it has been the Trump party for 4 years not the Republican party.... the last thing the Reps want is for Trump to run in 2024 or for his family to control the future of the party....
  6. No real surprise, political shenanigans 101.....Dems tryting to get Reps on record as being for or against Trump after the Capitol Hill riot....the real surprise would be if Mitch takes this oportunity to make sure Trump can't run again in 2024 by supporting the impeachment in the Senate.....
  7. https://mymodernmet.com/kiko-dog-photo-trick/?utm_source=join1440&utm_medium=email
  8. The mainstream media is pushing the panic button over further violence coming between now and Jan 20, I hope it is all BS...
  9. Boneyard - Oathbreaker The Donnas - Spend The Night
  10. My Steelers deserved to lose considering how badly they played....scored 37 points and still lost the game..... Next week..... Green Bay Buffalo Kansas City New Orleans
  11. Personally I think that the rioters and looters from the violent BLM protests should have been shot, at least with rubber bullets....and as for the Trump rioters, pipe bomb toting lunatics that invaded the Capitol bldg they should have received the same treatment...and if they didn't have rubber bullets in both cases they should have used real bullets....I bet after seeing then first dozen through the windows/doors getting shot the rest would have fucked off home....
  12. Akimbo Alogo is decent....haven't heard anything else though....
  13. https://exclaim.ca/music/article/iced_earths_jon_schaffer_is_now_among_the_fbis_most_wanted
  14. Predictions.... Buffalo Seattle Tampa Baltimore New Orleans Pittsburg
  15. I'm pretty sure that on all the political threads that no one has actually changed anyone elses mind about anything...lol...everyone is set in their opinions and exchanging insults seems like a waste of time and energy...
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