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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Iron Man... In a word.. AWESOME!!!! Now for The Hulk next month...... But before that, in the next couple weeks am gonna see Prince Caspian, and the new Indiana Jones!!!
  2. Sabaton "The Art of War" In a word.. Awesome!!!!!
  3. Bummer, I was hoping for Cronos to get the nod... "LAY DOWN YOUR SOUL TO THE FIDDLE AND BANJOOOOOOO!" Now THAT woulda been some FUNNY shit!!! Cronos singing Country??? And Sebastian Bach on Gone Country?? Anyone else remember His antics on Supergroup?? should be interesting......
  4. Believe it or not, I have no interest in that Japanese anime stuff whatsoever. That's Dark Star's department, not mine. For the record I can't STAND Sailor Moon!! Oh and according to a buddy of Mine, that's a pretty big comic book geek?? the Hulk WAS in The Defenders, yes.. AND the Avengers.... I gonna be seeing Him this coming Monday, so I can verify it then.....
  5. I haven't seen th is yet.. BUT I heard you HAVE to sit through the credits to see a lil something more... Same goes for The Hulk.... And for next year.. Captain America and Thor...... Now then, what do these 4 Super Heroes have in common?? Anyone?? Keith?? yeh i walked straight out cos i thought the ending was pretty sucky, but a mate sat behind to watch it and something happened after the credits .. but he wouldnt tell those of who walked out what it was.... you wanna pm me and tell me what happened? ok i couldnt wait, so i googled it... maybe you could perhaps tell me the significance of this... cos it means nothing to me,. Ever hear of.. The Avengers?? A group of Superheros consisting of Iron Man... Incredible Hulk, Captain America and Thor... What I think they are doing is, at the end of those 4 movies they will have a lil something that leads up to a movie with all four of em... Now Keith might correct Me on this as I am not as huge a Comic book geek as He is, or was, but......
  6. I haven't seen th is yet.. BUT I heard you HAVE to sit through the credits to see a lil something more... Same goes for The Hulk.... And for next year.. Captain America and Thor...... Now then, what do these 4 Super Heroes have in common?? Anyone?? Keith??
  7. Wow, can't believe I haven't posted to this yet.... Non-alcoholic.. Mt Dew!!! Just NOT Diet....... Alcoholic?? BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And um Beer..... Wow someone mentioned bloody marys?? Last time I drank that at a bar I puked red in the bathroom..... too much Tobasco I think..... You heard about that, right Keith???
  8. I JUST saw this and was gonna post it!! Bastard!!! Yea, definitely an interesting pairing to be sure, but I will be checking it out....... Hopefully He can still front Warrior Soul.......
  9. Wow.. Like My Man Keith I got nothin.... I don't think on My CD rack Y is even represented at all...... I DO like one album by Yes, but I don't own anything by Any band starting with Y, so, I am sorry but I don't feel I can vote on this poll....
  10. Judas Priest - Metalogy Disc 2..... Then Disc 3, and so forth.....
  11. X-Sinner for Me..... I don't think I heard anything from the other bands listed...... I could be wrong though.....
  12. I gotta go with WASP too, just because they have had more albums out, more consistently GOOD albums.. I almost went with Wednesday 13 though, but with only 2 albums out and yes a third on the way, I Had to go with WASP for Longevity.....
  13. All I can say to that?? Get OUT of My Head!!!! Yea I haven't seen ONE I can really root for yet either.... Hopefully things will turn around soon, or Gordon gonna have a HELL of a time finding a competent chef for HIS restaurant..... I mean FUCK the Guys can't learn the menu, and the girls are just a bunch of catty lil bitches......
  14. AVP Requiem.... DAMN is it GOOD!! the Predalien is SO fucking COOL!!!! And LOTS more blood and guts then the first one.....
  15. P2... Pretty decent modern horror flick, worth checking out... I bought AVP Requiem today, but haven't watched it yet, but I WILL tonight!!
  16. I gotta go with Van Halen.... Wasn't easy though I almost went with Venom or Vicious Rumors......
  17. You ain't fuckin kidding bro. I've had fuckin bear encounters a few other times since I've been living here but this was a fuckin first. I've never been that up-close and fuckin personal. I kept thinking of that scene in the fuckin movie "The Great Outdoors" when the fuckin bear smashes down the fuckin door to the cabin and totally fuckin flattens John Candy. Dude!! I was thinking that SAME fuckin thing!!!! God I love that fuckin movie...... Fucking cool story too Man... Did Ya check Yer fuckin shorts after seeing that BIG ass fuckin bear???? Now what are the fucking odds you two think alike???? Considering I known Keith for about 20 fuckin years?? the odds are pretty fuckin good We think alike......
  18. You ain't fuckin kidding bro. I've had fuckin bear encounters a few other times since I've been living here but this was a fuckin first. I've never been that up-close and fuckin personal. I kept thinking of that scene in the fuckin movie "The Great Outdoors" when the fuckin bear smashes down the fuckin door to the cabin and totally fuckin flattens John Candy. Dude!! I was thinking that SAME fuckin thing!!!! God I love that fuckin movie...... Fucking cool story too Man... Did Ya check Yer fuckin shorts after seeing that BIG ass fuckin bear????
  19. Ok got to listening to some good German thrash and of course I chose Kreator, cause to Me they are one of the Best!! So I got to thinkin... What's everyone's favorite by these guys?? For Me?? Extreme Aggression!!!!
  20. Santa's Slay... SO Bad and cheesy it was GOOD!!!
  21. I went with Ugly Kid Joe.. But yea, crappy letter.......
  22. Well I known Keith aka Fat Freddy for going on 20 years now......
  23. Just went to see The Ruins... Pretty good horror flick.... Proof positive.. Pot KILLS!!! Watch the movie and You will understand that......
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