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Dark Star

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Everything posted by Dark Star

  1. Good Evening Eric B.... Found a lil tidbit about You, and was curious, for the Ladies sake if it is true or not??? Eric Brittingham / Cinderella Has a VERY nice package and can go all night! Perfect in size and length. He's a gentleman, and he's very affectionate. He's not too pushy, and when you're with him, you are the most important person in the world. He'll also still hang out with you afterwards. I've always heard good things about Eric, plus he hates Slaughter, so he sounds like a really cool guy. On a scale of 1-10, he's a 9! I am certain the Ladies all wanna know....... Thanks for Your time.....
  2. The Ruins?? Oh yea with the killer pot plants?? sorry, but that's what I thought those plants looked like when I saw that movie.. I loved it btw.... Last movie I saw was The Dark Knight on IMAX.. WOW,. fucking AWESOME!!!!
  3. Dude!! I caught the last hour or so of the Simpsons Movie last night too, and it was on HBO If memory serves.. Spooky..... Last full movie I watched?? Strange Brew.. Classic stuff!!
  4. So far today... Saxon "Crusader" Testament "Formation of Damnation" On deck to listen to later.. Rage "Soundchaser" Helstar "A Distant Thunder" Helstar "Nosferatu" Pegazus "Headless Horseman" 3 Inches of Blood "Fire Up the Blades" Avantasia "The Scarecrow" Yes My order with Amazon came today!!!
  5. Haha, I have that DVD too, but I've only watched that "Turbo" live gig once... you'd think I would dig it cuz it brings back memories of that tour (my first concert) but OY, the wardrobe choices were just soooooo screamingly '80s/MTV that I can barely look at it now... I mean, when I saw'em on that tour, Halford came out on stage wearing a top hat (!) and a long leather cape for Chrissake.... Again, it was a relief when I saw them on the RAM IT DOWN tour and they were back to wearing the basic black leather outfits. They opened the set with "Electric Eye" too, which was totally bad-ass. OH I Know.. GOD theose outfits were just So CHEEEEZY!!! I was SO glad when Ram it Down came out and They completely dropped those stupid hair metal outfits and shit, and went back to the leather and studs that We all know and love..... Hell Priest should ALWAYS open their concerts with Hellion/Electric Eye in My opinion.....
  6. Yea I agree, Out in the COld SHOULD still be in their set today, probably the BEST tune on Turbo IMO...... Something funny.. I remember watching the VHS copy of "Priest...Live" Now I have it on DVD as part of the Electric Eye DVD, anyways..... I can't help but chuckle at K K Downing's Hair!!! I mean Geeze, use enough hairspray there Man?? Looks like He wanted to audition for Poison or something.. Not that I HATE that concert, cause it's pretty damn good, but MAN I just had to mention KK's hair......
  7. You know.. I actually really like Ram it Down... You may have a point though, it WAS released between Turbo and Painkiller, respectively Priest's Worst, and Best releases, according to many people.... I never had a bad word to say about Ram it Down honestly.. Sure the cover of Johnny B Goode is a lil bit odd, but it's STILL pretty good..... Hell I even liked Turbo, Mostly cause of Out in the Cold..... But I don't consider that to be their worst album either... I reserve that distinction for Demolition.....
  8. Order from Amazon this week... Strange Brew [CLASSIC comedy] Road Trip Unrated The Other Boleyn Girl [Got it for My wife really...] Dio Sacred Heart the DVD..[seen the VHS version like 100 times, wore the damn thing out, so I upgraded... ] Kiss eXposed [same with the DIO VHS I wore this out too, so I upgraded it...] Overkill Live from Wacken 2007 [Only an hour long but DAMN it's GOOD.... ]
  9. Yes there is.. Ever heard their debut self titled album?? Very punk......
  10. Ok I may get ostracized for this post.. BUT I kinda like these guys.... Anyone else like The Offspring?? "Self Esteem" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kIZeVoRBuU "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" Ok if You can get past them "Borrowing" the intro to Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages" It's a pretty funny song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7-E1qTVJgE "Original Prankster" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5NAQBn7N_k "The Kids Aren't Alright" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4-aUiddpUo "Hit That" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J5TPXUrj-0 "Why Don't You Get a Job?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqHkuHy39eA "Come Out and Play(Keep em Separated)" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJQFf0qj9Nk "Gone Away" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Psc7eimMtv0 "She's Got Issues" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDixmqgIDOM "(Can't Get My) Head Around You" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dXvnl9I7v0 "Gotta Get Away" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGjkViiDbko Hope Someone else enjoys these.....
  11. Ooh yea, that one's pretty lame. By the time you get through that 28 minute long, eight part (!!) epic about the life and death of Achilles, you feel like you've had a root canal. Yea, and that's one of the only albums I don't have on CD yet.. Well that and Gods of War.... Sure the 28 minute epic opening track IS a bit tedious, sure.. But Metal Warriors is fucking GOOD!!!! YOu can't go wrong with their debut album Battle Hymns.. Definitely something Every Metal fan should own.....
  12. Just put in an order with Amazon.... Helstar "Distant Thunder" Helstar "Nosferatu" Rage "Soundchaser" Testament "Formation of Damnation" 3 Inches of Blood "Fire Up the Blades" Pegazus "Headless Horseman" Saxon "Crusader" Avantasia "The Scarecrow" Will be getting em Monday.....
  13. I wish that were the case but at this point it seems to me that Tommy Thayer is there to stay. Oh I know He is Bro.. My point was He has had nothing to do with recording any new material with Kiss.. And since I doubt They are gonna be putting out a new album anytime soon, He never will either..... He'll just put on Ace's make up and play Ace's tunes.......
  14. I'll be surprised if anyone buys the ones with Eric and Tommy on the covers. I wouldn't be that surprised if people buy the Eric cover, cause He DID have a hand in a couple of Kiss's albums being made.. Tommy?? Nope, just a fill in guitarist, nothing more.....
  15. Ok I didn't see a poll for Manowar, so I thought I would make My own.... I left out the Live albums and stuff and just stuck with the studio albums.. SO what's everyones favorite?? For Me?? gimme their debut Battle Hymns!!! Just an Awesome metal album!!!
  16. Gee No one wrote in a vote for Van Halen III?? Shocking.....
  17. Ok I went with the debut VH Album for the DLR Era..... And.. F.U.C.K for the Hagar era, though I am NOT a huge fan of VH without DLR......
  18. Backed...Let's see what Brutha Keef has to say bout it... Yep yep I am waiting for His impression Myself actually..... Here's the review from blabbermouth.. While I do NOT agree with the original review?? Alot of the comments are dead on.... http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermo...x?reviewID=1431
  19. Judas Priest "Nostradamus" Ok Just listened to both CDs.. And I must agree with what's been said.. It IS good?? But if You are expecting "Painkiller" or "Screaming For Vengeance" You will be SORELY disappointed.. There is ALOT more orchestration and Prog metal influences on this than Anything they have ever done.. Now that's not a BAD thing really, as I DID enjoy listening to this, though I think I will have to give it a couple more spins and let it grow on Me..... Overall I give it a... 7/10.. Not great, but it doesn't suck either......
  20. Judas Priest "Nostradamus" Disc 2 now.... Not bad at all, a lil bit more progressive then anything they have done before, but, still good stuff.....
  21. Just finished reading "The Dirt" For the second time.. Damn it's GOOD.. What That band went through and lived through is amazing.....
  22. Meet the Spartans... Good stupid FUNNY Movie!!!!
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