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Everything posted by Glen

  1. Glen

    Hi there

    Mate if you cant even spell it, then butt out oh and hi M.
  2. On A Story Tellers Night - Magnum
  3. Fuckin' shocking......... Fuck !! Double fuck - I just noticed that too - he must be bored with Chrimbo.
  4. Hinder - Extreme Behaviour Jim Jamison - Crossroads Moment
  5. Me too!! Hope you all had a great Christmas!! No PC over most of Xmas (which was nice for a change) so I hope you all had a great one aswell Yep been off the PC for a couple of days too - merry xmas all and a great new year too
  6. Ha, it seems these threads pop up every month now! cheers mate - its all worth it.
  7. Good, but not quite up to the high standards of Paramour Sessions. Await the album with interest tho.
  8. Well he's fat and grey so he certainly looks the part
  9. Top dog..................almost
  10. Jimi Jamison - Crossroads Moment (i can feel a late inclusion in my best of list....a couple of fillers but at least 10+ great tracks!)
  11. Jimi Jamison - Make Me A Believer (ohmigod, how did it take 350 odd days to hear the best AOR song of 2008)
  12. Baby Baby Baby - Endeverafter
  13. Is it Sky+ HD? that is the only option
  14. Impressive Glen, how good is the Sky HD? How much? TV was about £850......Sky HD is £10 extra on my monthly subscription.
  15. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Chelski have lost the plot mate. Its between you and Liverpool. I`m still not convinced by Utd`s performances this season but they`re still in the mix! Chelsea have too much quality to drop off but all teams are dropping points and dominating like they should Villa for the title then
  16. Yep, just got Sky HD is all I can say. Picture looks almost 3D. Unreal.
  17. Just got the new Sony 40 inch LCD - KDL40W4500. Stunning TV, esp with my newly installed HD Cant wait for the Chrimbo viewing now!
  18. Glen

    Proper Footie 2008/9

    Chelski have lost the plot mate. Its between you and Liverpool.
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