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Posts posted by manicego

  1. >> objectum sexuality, a condition that makes sufferers attracted to inanimate objects, plans to marry a magic carpet fairground ride. <<


    Hmmmmm, is THIS why I keep bumping into that wall in the hallway?????


    And, if you look at that picture of her in the story she is clearly having ummmm .. wait, wouldn't that be objectum PORNOGRAPHY?!?!?!?!

  2. Dunno bout everything else in their business, but it wouldnt surprise me if the phone problem isnt due to staff cutbacks in this current climate.

    I doubt they are a company that feels the answering the phone is where they make their money, so cutting back staff in that dept would probably be a no brainer.

    Sadly, that just means the few phone calls they had, that were handled by more people has now gone the other way, with lots more people phoning to ask questions about the changes, but now there are fewer people to answer the phones.


    Alternatively, it could just be because they didnt receive that many calls in the past, that they were always able to answer, but now lots more people are phoning to complain, and they just cant cope. <<


    Ohhhh, I'm with ya on the cutbacks theory. I'm thinking they have one person answering a phone - but not today! I've called plenty of times in the past and have never had a problem. Now, when I NEED to speak with them, since they're causing me to have a problem with an artist, noone answers. I wouldn't "NEED" to speak with them if they'd respond to my eMails regarding the matter. But, that's not happening either ...


    The sale to Discmakers was a huge mistake and I called it from the start.


    COME BACK DEREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. >> They also seem to have forgotten how to reply to eMails in a timely fashion, remove requested product by the date you tell them to and even pick up a phone. As of right now I have been waiting, listening to their "hold music" for close to 40 minutes ... Speaker phones are useful, might as well see how long it takes. <<


    I finally gave up after an hour and 15 minutes ... what the hell .................................

  4. >> It's my understanding that a W-9 is for employment and a 10-99 is for contractors or pay per piece. I may be wrong but anytime I was employed by someone I filled out a W-9 not a 10-99. <<


    A W-9 is you giving your SSN and other info for a company to hire you out an an independent contractor. A 1099 is what they send you in January in order for you to take care of your own taxes

  5. >> Sounds like they only take on contractors.....no full time employment....you only get paid per story written but that's just a guess on my part...here's more info on the W-9.... <<



    This sums it up right here. If they pay you over $600 they will issue you a 1099 in January, also.

  6. >> Several times, the one that sticks in my mind was Brighton Rock at the Marquee. It was the last aftershow party allowed in the Green Room due to people urinating off the roof. <<


    Fuckin Gerry ... has to ruin it for everyone! :D

  7. Would it not be nicer to end it like this:





    I want to be the creepy guy that handles the clothing... :whistle:


    I want to be that black sheet she is squating on.... :whistle:


    I wanna be the guy FUCKING her










    Not really, us in the States know where it's been and I wouldn't go near it with a radiation suit on. I just wanted to top you guys :D


    She is a good looking chick, though ... her sisters - notsomuch. It's Kim's ass that's all the rage Stateside. And she prefers her guys to be of the rap music variety ...

  8. >> I think what you're feeling is normal....most of us are most comfortable in the place where we grew up and no matter where we go we always compare that place to our 'hometown'......food, climate, shopping etc are often going to be different from what you're used to but ask anyone who grew up in Texas to go to Tulsa to live and I bet they would have many of the same complaints that you have....the bottom line is we always return to our roots if possible.... <<


    Hell, try growing up an Air Force brat LOL Every three years you have to make new friends all over again, adjust to a new city / state / country and school.


    Before my dad retired I had lived in Delaware, North Carolina, California, Japan, Greenland, the UK and the place I consider "home" - Frankfurt, (West) Germany.


    It was a crazy and "unique" way to grow up but I wouldn't have changed it for nuttin ...

  9. >> Jez - Lavender Rose and Southside Jimmy <<


    LOL Dude, he just told you he was a bass player so you'd buy him a few drinks! It worked, didn't it?? :beerbang:


    >> Pete Fry - no idea what bands he's been in but he told me he was famous! <<


    This fruitcake is the worst. Tells people he's famous so he can sign their chests ... call the cops immediately if you see him lurking around :guitbannana:

  10. >> I see your point but I'm still suprised tha Stallworth didn't get at least a year or two.


    Little was drunk and killed a couple of people while driving kind of like Vince Neil and got off easy. <<


    Yeah, what both of those guys did is ridiculous and the "punishment" the Stallworth guy got is nowhere near what he should have gotten - and now he's free to go to training. I'm not disagreeing with you, trust me.


    The point I was making was that even though those two made STUPID decisions to get a car and drive while drunk, they didn't hit their victims, back up, hit them again, etc., etc., etc - which would ALMOST be the equivalent of taking a dog to a fight, watch it get half it's face ripped off, lose said fight and then take that dog and throw it repeatedly on a concrete floor until it died. That's just intentional brutality towards an animal who, most likely, can no longer defend itself. If any child did that or drowned or electrocuted a dog their parents would be told they have a future mass murderer on their hands. What do those actions say about an adult?? (And no, not directed at you, just "thinking out loud")

  11. Yes, but while Stallworth accidentally killed someone (not saying it's okay, just wasn't done purposely), Vick INTENTIONALLY hanged dogs from trees, electrocuted them with jumper cables, held them underwater until they drowned and bodyslammed them to concrete repeatedly until they died from blunt force trauma. This is disgusting. It took effort on his part and wasn't accidentally done by any means.


    I don't know what this Little guy did ...

  12. >> That Razzle album is worth checking out isnt it.

    39 is very young.


    What was Lit's big song? <<


    The Razzle Ep is okay. They were still in high school. Kinda Skid Row-ish if I remember correctly. To be honest, I think they were a much better modern rock / alt band than "hair band." The night Gazzarri's closed down Razzle played on the roof of the club. Fantastic show that was.


    Lit's big single was "My Own Worst Enemy"

  13. Just saw this ... Pretty sad, he was a really nice guy



    Allen Shellenberger, drummer for Orange County rock band Lit, lost his battle with brain cancer Thursday, August 13, 2009 surrounded by his loving family, the band, and close friends. He was 39 years old. In May 2008, Allen was diagnosed with a malignant glioma brain tumor and immediately underwent clinical trials, chemotherapy and radiation treatments at the Cedars-Sinai Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute.


    Allen was a founding member of Lit over two decades ago and was able to perform with the band until last fall. In a statement from Kevin Baldes, Jeremy Popoff, and A.Jay Popoff, the band had this to say of their longtime friend Allen:


    "To know Al was to know laughter. He had a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. Words cannot begin to express how much he will be missed. This was our brother and not a day will go by that we won't think about him. Right now we're trying to find the balance of mourning his loss and celebrating his life. Allen has experienced more in his 39 years than most people dream of in ten lifetimes. This is a tremendous loss for us, our fans, and also for Allen's family who took such good care of him during his battle with cancer."


    Allen is survived by his daughter Giovanna Mackey, his mother Connie James, and his father Paul Shellenberger. Lit and Allen's family wish to thank everyone who supported the benefits for Allen.


    Funeral services will be private for family members only. Memorial event for Allen Shellenberger is pending.


    A tribute video to Allen can be seen at:

  14. Seeing as I like dogs more than most humans, I'm hoping he'll come up against someone on the field who happens to love dogs and "ooops, oh, wow, how did THAT happen?? Here's your leg back." or something similar is the result.

  15. >> But, I do think used CD shops shouldn't damage CDs by punching barcodes or spines or inserts if they want collector's pricing on them. There should be another category of 'Used' CDs called 'Used/Damaged" that is well below collector's prices. <<


    The labels send them out that way to writers, radio people, etc. They're called "punched" CD's or "cut outs." The ones with UPC's intact are called "cleans."

  16. If that's the way the clerk actually responded then I don't think you were out of line at all. By reading it it looks like he was responding to you while checking in used games and just didn't give a damn what you were trying to tell him.


    If he had actually been concerned (which I seriously doubt) he would of at least PRETENDED to pay attention and act interested.

  17. >> I'm partial to freeones. I know of a better site than that though. <<


    You're from Oklahoma, right? Don't people get drawn and quartered there for saying stuff like that and not revealing what they're talking about?!?!???! GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Now I'm off to see what the fuss about this Freeones site is all about ... Probably has something to do with Disney movi --, ohhhhhhh, nevermind

  18. >> I remember stumbling upon WILD BOYZ <<


    Very, very possibly the unfriendliest band in Hollywood during that era. It was childish but I was so happy to see that band "fail" and I know puhhhhlenty of others that felt the same way.


    >> I also got to play on the kit for BLACKSMITH (they were a killer local band in Upstate NY <<


    ha!! How's my girl Heidi doing these days??? David Smith seemed like the scariest motherf#$%^ I had ever met back in 1986 but he was actually a really nice guy.

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