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Posts posted by manicego

  1. LOL Yeah, these guys weren't that great and yes, Patrick, (the singer and third guy from the left) and one of the other guys in the band were the guys in the "18 & Life" video. Thing is Patrick really WAS "Ricky" - the dude had a chip on his shoulder so big you could see it from space. He lived next door to me for a while. One day we heard that he had taken on 2 or 3 gangbangers and just made a bloody fucking mess of them. Turns out it was true. The guy could just about punch a hole through a brick wall.



  2. >> All I have of them is this picture:




    And this tiny bit of news from a December 1990 issue of Rockbeat magazine:


    Okay, we happen to think that Sister Shotgun is one of the hottest-looking bands in Hollywood. Oh, and they sound pretty tough too! The recently revamped lineup includes vocalist Sol Sims, guitarist Ted Andre, ex-Panther drummer Scott Taylor and ex-Aaronsrod bassman Adam Kury...


    And that is it. It is just on a 'Chit Chat - The Scene on the street' page and every other band mentioned in the two pages is one we all know. So who were these guys? Did they ever record any demos that anyone out there might have to share? <<


    ha! Yes, I do remember them now ... I actually knew 2 of the guys and yep, they were quite good. Pretty sure they had some stuff recorded but I don't have any of it.

  3. Deb watches it, I can't. People doing that shit to puppies and kittens, etc. makes my blood boil.


    "Hey, motherfucker, how would you like it if I decided to see what happened if I poured hot oil all over YOUR body??!?!!" If only ...

  4. >> Just an FYI. The band knows nothing of the Krescendo release and the band is now doing a silver pressing of their own album with 4 bonus tracks <<


    I had eMailed Jamie a while back about the Krescendo release but he never got back to me. Guess he's too busy with PWE stuff ...

  5. >> You gotta watch what C.D. BABY sells.

    You buy a c.d. and it's in a cardboard sleave (DIRTY PENNY & COMPULSIONS). I don't know why They would be selling a c.d.r. <<


    CD Baby sells whatever the artist gives them to sell. The artist also sets the price and CD Baby takes $4.00 off of the top. It's pretty cut and dry.

  6. >> So Dave... seems like you have some memories of this band... and it would appear that they're not GOOD memories either... so what can you add? Come on, SPILL! Inquiring minds wanna know! :lol: <<


    Saw them live and what a fucking mess. Vicki can sing, no doubt about that, but either I saw the worst off night a band has ever had or they just couldn't cut it live to save their, errr, lives. I don't recall hearing the demo but if Joe produced it I'm sure they sounded like a completely different band than the one I saw. I might be mis-remembering this bit but I believe they were the band on the bill that started, stopped and then re-started not one, but a few different songs that night.

  7. >> Hell. if i dont change my ways.


    I could never imagine anything but heaven for you :tumbsup: <<


    Ohhhhhhh, she's on the bullet train to Hell, trrrrrrrust me! :D


    As for me I have to go to Chicago and Iowa (Iowa????? What the fuck???) in a few weeks and NYC in June, which could possibly lead me to crashing Pete's party in NJ.


    Vegas is in the cards too but fuck knows when. Shoulda been last week but nope.

  8. >> No offense, but the tune made me wanna jamb pencils in my ears... (so I'm sure the mass populace will eat it up like Skittles)


    And whats with the ultra gay matching "&" sign tattoos???? <<


    LOL I'm not offended. Like I said, "So, shoot me ..." - it's a guilty pleasure, I guess. Can't wait for Jez and Tim to chime in because, from what I undersand, this has been ALLLLL over the place in the UK. I'm sure some very choice words will be coming.


    And yes, ultra gay is the only way to describe those tattoos, I agree!

  9. Roy (Rory) Cathey from Cold Sweat was from Raleigh <<


    Ahhhh, he was from Fayetteville, actually :) Found out one day when we found out we were on the same flight going to NC for Christmas (my parents live in that huge metropolis known as Whiteville - ha!). And hey, don't forget Sugarcreek / The Creek!

  10. >> It was tolerable until the wiggers started to rap... <<


    I dunno, I don't think it takes away from the song in this instance. It's not OVERBEARING and I think the dynamic it creates with the chorus (first pass) and then the repeat of the first verse (second pass) works pretty well.


    I'm thinking the label is banking a bit too much on the blonde dudes looks to move product, though. 10 to 1 he has a poster out by summer.

  11. >> Even guys like Phil Lewis and Vicki James Wright knew you had to relocate to make it! <<


    LOL My roommate for a while in LA was this girl Leslie who had a thing for Vic. She had an old "Vicki James Wright Band" flyer and setlist she showed me one day. When I looked at it I saw that it was pretty much the full 'Black Hearts And Jaded Spades' album along with "Lightning Strikes" from Tokyo Blade. I ran into him a few weeks after that and brought it up and he did forefinger to his lips thing ("shhhhh!") and laughed and said, "nobody knew!!!"


    Good stuff

  12. Truth be told MOST of those bands seemed to relocate to either LA or NYC / NJ. In LA we had a lot of bands from Tampa, Dallas (which also had a pretty good - and strong - "glam scene"), Chicago, Toronto, the Carolinas, you name the area they flocked to LA. Even bands from NY/NY/PA (that "tri-state area") were heading to LA.


    Outside of the US I recall London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Frankfurt and Stockholm being strong.

  13. >> Anyone know if the other St James is basd out of NY & California??? <<


    There were 2 bands in the LA area named St. James at different times during that 88 - 93 era I mentioned earlier. The other one I'm thinking of is probably the one being talked about in this thread since I was sure they were from the New York / New Jersey area and Pennsylvania is right there next door.


    Hell, there were probably 10 or more bands with that name. It was one of the fallback names like "LA" "Gypsy" "Guns"(all with second names) all were at that time.

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