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Posts posted by manicego

  1. Here are some of the better videos (I think, anyway). And just to point out, most of her "band members" are either her age or just a few years older. The keyboard player's dad is Elton John's keyboard player, don't know if any of the others have "famous" parents. Sacha doesn't, according to Angela (guitar instructor)





    (11 years old in this one)






  2. >> I wonder how long it will be before she starts getting offers. <<


    Well, she's now managed by Doc McGhee who will most likely put her on ice for 2 or 3 years while they "develop her" and she gets disgusted with the industry. She needs to be out there now but I doubt it will happen. She would absolutely destroy a show like America's Got Talent.


    A friend of mine is her guitar instructor at School Of Rock / Rock Nation.

  3. Brixton has been mentioned as a "possible stop." We'll see where it all goes when the dust settles.


    As for meeting them, it's usually not difficult. They're incredibly nice guys, just depends on what the schedule looks like

  4. I worked a bit with Smith & Jackson (country band referenced on his MySpace page) and, while I haven't heard the album that was released on RFG Records , the one that was recorded here in Phoenix (and shelved) was PHENOMENAL. Def Leppard with fiddles, basically ...

  5. >> He doesn't give them his "best stuff"...he writes WITH them/for them specifically and individually on a project-to-project basis...it's not like he gives them existing songs that he leaves off of his albums. You can heat Butch's signature in the songs, but Butch could not do those songs as they are...they're usually more "watered down" than Butch's own stuff, musically and lyrically, to appeal to a wider, more general audience which is why Pink/Avril have pretty big songs when he helps them. <<


    Wasn't saying he goes back through demos and finds things. Everything else here though is what I meant. However, for most of the people that post here, the poppy stuff (albeit watered down for Top 40 audiences) IS "his best stuff" as opposed to the singer / songwriter stuff he's been doing on his last few albums.

  6. >> Best clip/closeup I've seen so far. He was clueless. He didn't duck or anything. I'm surprised he wasn't hurt worse, to be honest. <<


    You're right, he actually WAS clueless. He wasn't at the show rehearsal the day before so he didn't know that he only had 2 seconds to get off the stage. Those events are timed and worked and re-worked down to the millisecond and if ya don't know what's coming, you're well ... fucked

  7. >> You know whats pretty fucking sad! when an American cant even purchase the new release of an American band, IN AMERICA!!! what a fucking crock of shit! fucking bullshit. and they wonder why they are going bankrupt, it aint people downloading music, I'll tell you that right now! <<


    The album has been pushed back to ...... (you're never going to believe this)




















    Nov. 3rd in the States. Don't ask why, I don't know.

  8. >> And correct me Dave if I am wrong, but I believe you were going with the who do you think co-writes and produces all the young angry popsters and if you were thinking Butch Walker then you are correct sir. On Pinks last cd Butch co-wrote a fistful and did some producing and I think played a bit. <<


    Absolutely. Pink, Avril Lavigne, Katy Perry and a few others. He's not stupid, he knows his albums won't sell and theirs will so he gives them his "best stuff" (debatable, of course). Ironically, though, his last couple of albums HAVE charted. None got higher than 160 or so on Billboard's Top 200 but they did actually chart so the guy is selling.


    As for SouthGang, he was a 19 year old kid when he wrote the 'Tainted Angel' album so, yeah, it's a bit paint-by-numbers. Still some pretty good stuff, though. Their best song, "Letter Home" never made it to tape, though, which was disappointing.

  9. >> about Jon & Kate, and their moronic foibles? First off - who the fuck ARE these idiots anyway? I hadn't even heard of these numbskulls until seeing them plastered all over the covers of the dopey tabloids while standing in the supermarket check-out line about two weeks ago. Now, I can't even open my home page without seeing their jerky faces gawking back at me underneath a headline announcing one or the other's latest bowel movement. WTF possesses the media to follow their every move as if it's front page news? I'm so sick of these manufactured celebrities and others of their ilk, who have no fucking talent whatsoever, yet receive shitloads of publicity for doing absolutely nothing of newsworthy relevance. Overall, I'd say the public is far too easily amused and entertained these days to the point the intelligence level is at an all-time low since the heyday of Peking Man. <<


    I could have written this ... except that I (unfortunately) knew who they were.

  10. Haven't heard this yet but it's simple. Butch figured out a few years ago that he's NEVER going to sell albums. However, Pink, Avril, etc DO sell albums. Guess where all his upbeat, poppy, "Butch Walker-ish" songs go? That's right, to the pop stars who make him rich. Gives him the freedom to be creative and do what he wants to on his own albums.

  11. >> As a lyricist, he's laughable, at best. Simplistic drivel aimed at teenyboppers <<


    Which explains the mini mansion he lives in up the street from here ...


    >> his mastery of the English language is underwhelming <<




    as his lyrics are neither clever, nor innovative <<


    What, you expect a pop band to write epic, Fates Warning-ish lyrics?? Don't see that working ...



    >> His mastery of eye shadow and make-up was second to none though. <<


    Yeah, well ...


    By the way, he's fine, all things considered.

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