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Posts posted by manicego

  1. Been listening to a lot of Gotthard the past few days ... I remember seeing them play at the Foundations Forum conference back in 1992, I think it was. They blew the roof off that place and I was pretty convinced that they were gonna do pretty big business in the States but, nope, RCA didn't see it that way, choosing not to sign the band over here.


    Steve was a complete rockstar, the total package ... and when he got off stage, the nicest guy you could ever hope to meet. I only got to speak to him for a few minutes but he left a great impression.

  2. I dunno what is going on with PBF these days.

    Last time I saw them was probably two years ago, and they said they had a covers album coming out that was already recorded (they had a 3 track sampler from it available at the gig) and that a new studio album was due last year, but neither surfaced.

    Now there is a Kiss tribute as well?



    Well, I guess when ya can't get Ariel to write any more songs for you, you have to do SOMETHING. I mean ... uhhh ...

  3. After living through the most fucked up year of my life (working for a pathological liar who nearly financially ruined me, suffering a brain hemorrhage that nearly killed me, having a landlord steal almost $10,000 from us and dealing with the worst batch of clients in my life) I can actually say the past seven days have been incredible. I've been hired by current pop / urban superstar Timbaland to work publicity campaigns for his production company roster and by metal powerhouse Texas Hippie Coalition's new label, Carved Records to do the same for them.


    So yeah, not much to toot my own horn but FUCK it feels good to be productive again ...


    Back to what you were doing

  4. While I'm thinking ABBA throw in Valentine's S.O.S. as well - not for everyone but pure genius IMO.


    AT VANCE do the best S.O.S.......It kicks ass big time !!!!!!!!!!


    I had always thought the Black Sweden version was about as good as it was gonna get. Checked the At Vance version out though, and daaaaaaaaamn, this might be better. Can't. Play. It. Loud. Enough. Headphones. Start. To. Buzz.


    More goth than hard rock rock but Bauhaus's version of Bowie's is fantastic

  5. Dudes,


    here's a cool find and nice addition for your collection especially if you are into melodic rock:


    SCENE X DREAM - Same (1992 / Germany)


    Review and two songs for listening here: http://www.metal-treasures.com


    Thanks for looking :beerbang:



    Wow, just seeing this for the first time. Old friends from mine from Frankfurt again. Some of the guys were in a pop band called New Day Rising prior to forming Scene X Dream and the guitarist in both bands, Andreas Lorz was in the thrash band Wallop in the mid 80's.

  6. And Party Every Day: The Inside Story Of Casablanca Records


    Finished it and want to read it again. Great book. Has anyone else read it??


    It's on my list, I just havn't got around to getting it yet..


    Took me forever and a day to find it but I have to say it was completely worth the wait. One of the most well written and in depth music biz biographical books I've read. One of the writers was a co-founder of Casablanca as well as Neil Bogart's cousin.


    Widda - cheesy cop dramas are to be watched, not read LOL


    This is a reply from Ultra Entertainment on how they operate so it probably comes down to how many the band ordered.

    You would think it would be in excess of 1000 !!!!


    We process both CD-R (Duplication) and Pressed CD (Replication) at Ultra Entertainment. The determining factor will be how many CDs you order. If you do a run of 100-500 we will do a Duplicated CD-R. If you do an order of 1000 or more, we will do a Pressed Replication process


    Standard procedure from a manufacturer. And, I thought Black Sweden did "this" much much better.

  8. Hey guys - Got a little favour to ask here. I just started doing a publicity campaign for my second country artist and I was wondering if anyone knows of a site similar to melodicrock or Alternative Addiction (or even Blabbermouth) that caters to indie country acts? The first country artist I worked wasn't an indie / DIY type so I didn't have to search out those outlets.


    Also, any "import / mailorder type shops" (ie Wishing Well, Impulse, etc) to direct him to so he can drive sales a bit more??


    Any assistance is appreciated

  9. Aw! Me all wrong...I was angling for the State Cows CD but I don't think it's been mentioned here.


    Has Cliff Richard a new "AOR gem" of an album out Jez?


    This would certainly be Jez's favourite new album. Unless, of course, Poison had a new album out ....

  10. I wish people would stop giving their 2 bit opinions on what they think they know is going on. They don't. I've read bullshit stories about Bret "laughing and joking that he can't sit up straight" and "he's doing well, he's in great spirits and he can't wait to get out there and work again." It's pathetic how people want so badly to be on the inside that they make shit up to look important. I have no idea how far along his prognosis is and it's none of my business at this point. I've asked about the girls and Kristi and they're doing as well as can be expected. When they think the world needs to know about their father / partner either Janna Elias or Pete Evick will send a press release or note out to the world at large.


    NOW ... for anyone attacking him PERSONALLY based on a role the man plays you're fucked in the head. You don't know the man and I'm guessing you've never actually been within 100 feet of him. Slam his voice, his looks, his bandanna / hair, Poison, whatever - that's fair game and some of it is even funny. However, to attack his person, to say that he's "blissfully unaware" or to knock his parental skills, you are way off base. You've never seen him with his family, I have. You've never seen him play with his daughters, I have. Both girls are very, very bright and worldly (10 year old Raine is frighteningly smart). What you saw on "Rock Of Love" is Bret playing a role. A role that much of America and the world loves to see him play - a self absorbed "star" who gets what he wants when he wants it and feels no need to give anything in return. It's a role. When the hotel door closes with Bret and one of the girls inside the next words uttered by the director are often "CUT!" and they move on. Maybe not everytime but that's not what the public wants to know about. He doesn't treat girls like shit. In fact, he has VERY STRICT rules regarding females being backstage and visiting his home.


    Bret is a very smart businessman. He has taken a very limited vocal range and sold millions and millions of albums worldwide with that business sense. 4 or 5 years ago (can't remember exactly) he was bitching about not being in the media enough and working out a way to change that. Shortly after he was the star of the highest rated show ever on VH1 - only to be beaten out by the second season of his own show. Shortly after THAT he was everywhere and getting more popular as the months went by (although a bit overexposed in many people's opinion). He's driven, not an asshole. If you watch The Apprentice, THAT'S him. A little bit off center in his way of thinking, always trying to be creative instead of using the obvious tools to make something happen. He's goofy and a dork, self depricating and a complete professional. He pisses me off sometimes when he fucks up my schedule but that's my problem, I guess. And that doesn't really happen much anymore anyway so I'm over it.


    Anyway, the point of this is simple - STOP TALKING SHIT ABOUT THE GUY ALREADY.

    Back to your fun .... :)

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