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Posts posted by manicego

  1. "e - Harmony profile"


    The story on Reuters



    LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Lindsay Lohan is looking for a lover who does not mind her alleged alcoholism or electronic monitoring bracelet, or so the famously troubled Hollywood actress said in a mock Internet dating profile.


    Lohan, whose recent breakup with Samantha Ronson has been covered by the media, stars in a dating profile posted online on Monday at FunnyOrDie.com that parodies similar videos created for matchmaking company eHarmony.


    "I would define my personality as creative, a bit of a night owl," Lohan says in the video.


    "I'm a workaholic, a shopaholic and according to the state of California, an alcoholic as well as a threat to all security guards if they work at hotels," she says, with a perky smile.


    Lohan, who is on probation, was briefly jailed in 2007 for a drunken driving and cocaine possession conviction. She had been arrested the previous May after wrecking her car in Beverly Hills and again in July following a car chase in the Los Angeles beach community of Santa Monica.


    She was made to wear an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet, a fact that the actress jokingly mentions in her video, which features the jumpy camera work characteristic of eHarmony dating profiles.


    "We'll crash a few parties, a car or two, but at the end of the day I promise you, I never loose my Google hits, just my underwear," the actress says in the video.


    Lohan starred in the 2004 movie "Mean Girls," which made more than $129 million worldwide at box offices, but in recent years her career faced ups and downs as she battled drug and legal problems.


    Her latest film, the comedy "Labor Pains," will not have a wide release in U.S. theaters and will instead play on cable channel ABC Family.


    Lohan's humorous video is the latest comedy piece from FunnyOrDie.com using a Hollywood star to make light of a topic in the news, in this case Lohan's breakup from Ronson. FunnyOrDie.com was created by comedian Will Ferrell and actor/director Adam McKay.


    Last year, the Web site had celebrity heiress Paris Hilton star in a video mocking presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, a Republican from Arizona, after he used Hilton's image in a campaign ad.


    Lohan's relationship with Ronson, 31, a celebrity DJ, has been the focus of months of media attention, after they were photographed kissing at the Cannes International Film Festival in May 2008.


    But they recently broke up, with Lohan appearing on the cover of the latest issue of US Weekly next to her quote that she is "so alone." In her comedy video, Lohan sits on a sofa and reads from the magazine.





  2. >> Absolute shit song.


    The video on the other hand .... A+++++++++++++++++++++

    Backed on all counts, DAMN that's a fine video... :tits:



    ...and DAMN is that a shit song. :puke: <<


    It was the first track off the new album that I heard - and I STILL haven't picked up the damn thing. Even though there are some other pretty good songs on it

  3. We've now also made Guitar World, AOL Music and The Insider (yes, the TV show) with this. Unbelievable.


    Come on TMZ ....


    Steppin' Out magazine in New Jersey had a SCATHING story about it.

  4. This thing has exploded ... the girls have been doing interviews all morning - and the radio stations are coming to the band, not vice versa. We've had reports of dj's all across the country talking about it on air ... NUTS!



  5. I have some friends in an all girl Bon Jovi tribute band in LA called BLONDE JOVI. They do it for fun, they're guitar teachers, session musicians, etc and they're not looking to be the Iron Maidens or anything (although Linda was their original drummer). They've been doing this a few years and have a pretty decent following, got featured in Hustler (fully clothed) and have done some pretty cool stuff.


    Well, last September one of the girls called me and said that a tribute band from Connecticut (I think) had gotten ahold of them and said that Bon Jovi were suing them because of their name (can't remember what it was right now). She wondered if they were just fucking with the girls or if it was real. A few days later she noticed they had changed their name so it was real. Kinda funny and pathetic at the same time.


    Well, lo and behold, just the other day, a cease and desist letter arrived at the singer's house with some of the most outlandish crap you can imagine. A second letter showed up yesterday, which I don't have yet, demanding the band let the band's lawyers audit them. When I heard this I couldn't stop laughing. I've told them to fight it until it gets too hot but apparently the singer went and altered everything to Blonde Jersey already.




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  6. >> Okay, a tough decision, but one I felt I had to make. It looks like the interest is there, but the economy and other issues are not cooperating for many of you. So with a heavy heart, I'm going to cancel this <<


    You BASTAGE! Well, assuming I'm still going to be in NYC that week maybe I'll let you buy me a few beers somewhere :) LOL

  7. >> OH yea gotta LOVE the classic Match Game!!! the new one kinda sucks, but Damn that one from the 70s was funny as hell!!!! <<


    There's a new version??? What's the point? The celebutards today have 1/1,000th of the charisma that Richard dawson, Brett somers, etc. had.


    As for the 70's version, I'm addicted to it. I TiVo it everyday and wait until 15 - 20 episodes are recorded (which is every 3 or 4 days) and then have myself a lil marathon.

  8. My guess is that the lyrics will be even MORE lowest common denominator for the new album (which comes out June 9th). The band is trying to appeal to a broader audience now because they HAVE to sell CD's / downloads / 8-tracks / whateverthefuck. Kids may not jump on the music much at first but they WILL be attracted to the lyrics and the band IS getting played on modern rock / alternative rock stations.


    Another thing to remember is that they didn't go looking for a deal, the deal came to them.

  9. Okay, so you guys know I'm a Match Game junkie, right? Well, while watching it constantly I've wondered from time to time if anyone I knew when I lived in LA would ever pop up on the show (actually, their parents but I knew a few "older people" in LA also ..).


    Well, I'm watching it the other night, as I always do, when lo and freakin behold someone with the same name as an old girlfriend of mine's mother was a contestant. Luckily, I'm actually still friends with that girl so I shot her an eMail asking if her mom had ever been on that show.


    Would you fucking believe it was her?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


    Her mom














































































  10. >> Don't take it personally. Matt hates everybody.


    Do not.






    twatwaffle :lol: <<


    If you fucking jerks keep using twatwaffle I'm fuckin comng after your asses for fucking money!


    I hate all of you!


    (Should this have been in the "F!@# thread?!?!?!?!)


    Fuckin fuckers :crying:

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