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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. Leykis101


    lol, yeah, they are the reasons, he he he, so I guess Cuomo and AOC are 2 of the reasons New York is now a shit hole, at least NYC,
  2. Leykis101


    really, your a Fauci guy, hard to believe there's any of you left, that's a shady motherfucker right there, the fact you trust him is a little concerning, bureaucrats like him have one agenda, and it aint public health.
  3. Leykis101


    Well bro, I got tested because a girl I had over here called and told me she had it, so I went and got a test today, and sure as shit, Ive got it, I honestly haven't had a single symptom, so I cant answer if its worse or better the first go around It started with a fever that came and went, then I couldn't taste my food, I kind of had a cough, but mostly I just felt hella lethargic, like heroin withdrawal lethargic, I had a hard time sleeping, then I got the montezumas revenge, I think outside of not tasting my food, the worst part of it was just tripping out if my kidneys were getting more fucked up then they already were, and stressing out about all the shit I talked about the vax, and ya know, all the shit I talked, to everybody, thinking fuck, this is sure gonna be fucking humiliating if It kills me and I talked all that shit to everyone, that was the worst part, far as the symptoms not being able to sleep through it really sucked, you just cant get fucking comfortable at all, sleep then wake up, sleep then wake up, but fever, cough, headache, and my lower back fucking ached like a motherfucker, but none of that was any worse then when I had the flu in 2017, heroin withdrawals were WAYYYY more hardcore, those almost killed me.
  4. Leykis101


    Everybody watch this clip, tell me what you derive from it, listen closely, I wont taint the waters by what I heard, I just want to see if anyone else catches what I did.
  5. Leykis101


    Oh Dan, cant believe you went there, your now a conspiracy theorist, with me, watching Fauci shake when Rand Paul tore into him today pretty much tells you all you need to know, BTW folks, I'm now an official member of the Omicron club, guess I deserve it since I didn't bite and give in.
  6. By far BI's smoothest song, flaunting with Hi-Tech on this song, this was the song that made me like him, and I wish he wouldve done more songs like this. Then he fucked it up and made it way different for the Vital Idol album.
  7. their not gone, what are you talking about, the whole album is up, but im gonna take it down, do you need a link? Im not posting all of them on here.
  8. Yep it's gonna soon be the Washington Ass Pounders vs San Fagcisco Salad Tossers
  9. I have a new goal for Dusty, I assume you played Rugby, b4 I die I want to get Dusty into pads and a helmet to show him there's a huge difference between the 2, and your just gonna have to believe me, my time playing Rugby, which was only 5 months, was much more enjoyable because I didn't have to wear all that gear, it was extremely frustrating learning Rugby after playing football my entire youth, I liken it to fighting, I'm sure you've boxed and fist fought b4, so you know those boxing gloves don't make a windmill feel much different, but your jaw isn't shattered after you take the hit.
  10. You ever been hit it pads and a helmet? there's a reason they could be so brutal, trust me those pads and helmet only make sure your chances of being killed or paralyzed are less likely, they are a huge incentive to be more reckless and unhinged then they would if they weren't wearing them, don't ever kid yourself. BTW those weren't cheap shots, it was perfectly legal when he played.
  11. In my lifetime the NFL has gone from something I lived for 2nd only to MLB to a complete fag getto celebration of the low class low brow geto crew, or modern day hip hop, last time I went to a Bucs game which was in 2017, I was blown away by the fact it was still a mostly white affair, I wouldve never guessed that by the way they represent themselves, on top of the fact they show 40 fucking minute commercial blocks, have eliminated all the hard hitting, im sorry but these are big boys, they know what their getting into, if they want to Chuck Cecil somebody they should be able to, I know it would regain my interest, football is one step away from bra and panties with flags, fucking pathetic.
  12. The Washington Simps, the Washington pussys, Washington sell outs, PC Washington bitches, Washington ass pounders, Washington irrelevants, washington liberals, that's 2 names Washington has changed for it's sports teams, maybe they should just get rid of their teams, plenty of other places would die for a team, and not make an embarrassment out of them, Seattle could use the Supersonics back, and who will miss the Bullets?
  13. Leykis101


    this isnt fair, i cant post pics anymore, and it's frustrating, maybe i'll make a video montage of some and upload it to YT so I can put it on here, LOL
  14. Bulletboys are a perfect example of the kind of band that gives the entire classic genre a bad look, I mean they completely tarnished all respect and credibility in my book all the way back to Acid Monkeys, Freakshow is one of my favorite ever, I stop short of using the word garbage but Im having trouble coming up with other adjectives
  15. Leykis101


    IDK, not bad, but something about her just doesnt do it for me, her face is kind funny, but while huge, the titties are way to big for my hands, but your prior pics, muchas bueno
  16. Leykis101


    You guys Whiplash is fucking showing you all up, WTF? he just comes in here and unloads,
  17. Sorry bro, guess i shouldve just DM'd you that, lol my bad
  18. If you could grab those then let me know when you got them I'd truly appreciate it bro, I do not feel comfortable putting entire albums up on my channel, the faggots from Jet Red got me a copyright strike and a general strike, and a couple other bands asked me not to do it, so I just dont do it unless I have permission to do it, and I do not have permission to put that album up, LOL hey thats a good way to get someone to respond to us isnt it, anyone we want to bug or talk to we just put their entire discography up on youtube, lol, I have permission to put Loud House up, and that is the only one, I'm even taking Original Sin down cause I forgot I put it up there for Dusty, but please let me know.
  19. Leykis101


    LOL, yeah AOC, that a girl!
  20. Leykis101


    I love any titties, as long as their of age and not disgusting, I think giant titties are kind of gross, and bad tit jobs, like I knew a chick who got the worst tit job in history, she had like cellulite and stretch marks on the bottom cause they were just way to big, as a doctor you gotta wonder where to draw the line. BTW chicks with bad tit jobs dont ever know they are bad, anyone ever noticed that, like they are the first chicks to show you their tits, it's like ugh! yeah sure those are tits
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