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Four Members Of Primal Fear Quit The Band


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This leaves only Ralf Scheepers and Mat Sinner as the only official members in the band. The status of long-time session contributor, Magnus Karlsson, is unclear. Sinner has been dealing with severe health issues recently, so his future in the band is probably up in the air as well. Having just signed a record deal for a new Primal Fear album, Scheepers will pretty much have to fill out an entirely new lineup. There's a couple of recent Primal Fear concert videos on YouTube with Tom Naumann (one of the four departing members) as the lone guitarist. It's anybody's guess where Alex Beyrodt was for that show, but he does have a new Voodoo Circle album scheduled for release in November. As for the, "no argument, or bad blood" bit in the tagline, I call bullshit. Sounds to me like everyone just got fed up with Scheepers, and decided to get out. It wouldn't be the first time a member of the band has left over disagreements with Scheepers, as former drummer, Randy Black, departed over "irreconcilable differences" in 2014. This is the third time Tom Naumann has officially left the band over the years. It will be interesting to see just how Scheepers handles this mass exodus, and who he can hire on to replace them. Of the four, undoubtedly Alex Beyrodt will be the most difficult to replace.

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