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Once again, it's almost a dance track that I shouldnt like, much like you I cannot help it, this one even better then that video of Blackout! and not bad for some white boys, I wish they were all this genre, I fucking hate that genre where the singer sings, then some dude comes in the background and screams annoyingly I dont even know what youd classify it as but I classify it as shit, and it always sounds like it's the exact same guy screaming, like he's everyones screamover guy, anyways check this out.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Haha. Man that's creepy. I don't absolutely hate it either. Amazingly there are actually a few okay bands in this genre. Capital Lights and Cash Cash have some pretty cool songs, but my fave band in this style would be Call The Cops. Their debut from last year or the year before is pretty great... as much as this style can be. lol. I hope no one else sees this thread. ;)

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